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Oracle® Retail Integration Bus Cloud Service Operations Guide
Release 19.0.000
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5 RIB Administration GUI

RIB provides four types of adapters that Oracle Retail applications can exploit to integrate with one another. These adapter types are publisher, subscriber, TAFR, and hospital retry adapters. They have been built using different technologies based on their particular needs.

Subscriber and TAFR adapters use Message Driven Bean (MDB) technology to register with JMS topics and receive messages for further processing.

Publisher and hospital retry adapters make use of the Java SE (Standard Edition) timer facility to schedule repetitive events. These events trigger calls to Enterprise Java Beans (EJB) to query application tables for messages to publish to the JMS server.

A fifth type of adapter exists for publishing messages in a pushing fashion, which the Retail Java EE applications, such as SIM and RPM, invoke at will for publishing messages. These are not controlled via this framework, they are always on.

Due to the variety of technologies used by the adapters, the goal of the RIB Administration GUI is to isolate users from these differences and provide a common management interface that can be used to control the state of the adapters and logging.

RIB Administration URLs

RIB Administration tools are obtained through URLs within each of the deployed rib-<apps>.

RIB Administration GUI


Replace <server> with the name or IP address of the server in the environment in which the rib-<app> is deployed.

Replace <http-port> with the port number that the Oracle WebLogic Server is listening on (for example, 7777).

Replace <app> with one of the following:

  • rms

  • rfm

  • rpm

  • aip

  • tafr

  • rwms

  • sim

  • rob

  • ext

  • ocds

  • lgf

RIB Functional Artifacts


Replace <server> with the name or IP address of the server in the environment that has the rib-<app>'s deployed.

RIB Message Flows


RIB Payloads (xsds)



The following roles are defined to restrict access to operations in Admin GUI:

  • AdminRole

  • OperatorRole

  • MonitorRole

There are three categories of users in RIB Admin GUI: Administrators, Operators, and Monitors. Adapters can be started and stopped from the RIB Admin GUI. The following operations can be performed by the users based on their role:

Table 5-1 Authorization

Role Name AdminRole OperatorRole MonitorRole
GroupName ribAdminGroup ribOperatorGroup ribMonitorGroup

Start/Stop Adapters




Chaneg Log levels




View Logs




Manage Configuration


No (view only)


The WebLogic server has a default security realm. During the deployment of rib-<app>s, it creates three groups in the security realm - RibAdminGroup, RibOperatorGroup, and RibMonitorGroup. By default, it creates users for all three groups. The Rib Admin System Administrators can manage RIB Admin GUI application's users and access control through WebLogic server Administration Console.

RIB Administration GUI Home

On the Home screen, click Adapter Manager to view all adapters for the given application.

Surrounding text describes rib_admin_home.png.

Adapter Manager

All message functions in RIB are performed by adapters. The four categories of adapters are publishers, subscribers, TAFRs (transform, address, filtering and routing), and RIB hospital retry. The adapter manager console is used to start and stop adapters, configure settings, and view adapter log files.

Adapter Manager Screen

This screen shows the current status of all adapters for the specified application. The following signifies an adapter is up and running:

Surrounding text describes image007.jpg.

The following signifies that the adapter is offline or has shut itself down: Surrounding text describes image009.jpg.
From this screen any listed adapters can be started and stopped by selecting the check box related to the adapter and then using the following buttons: Surrounding text describes image010.png.
A user with MonitorRole can not start and stop the adapters. Click the following symbol in the "View Log" column to return to the log file viewer for the specified adapter. Surrounding text describes image012.png.

Surrounding text describes rib_adapt_manager.jpg.

Log Viewer

Depending on what level the logging is set to, the log for the adapter can contain very little to extreme amounts of data, errors, and message failures.

JMS Hospital Retry Log

Log Manager

The Log Manager screen allows the user to change the logging level of the adapters. It also allows the user to enable audit and timings logging.

The UI displays each logger and the current log level. If the log level is inherited, it displays a * along with the log level.

When Audit logging is turned on, each message that is processed by the adapter, the XML payload is persisted to an audit log. Audit logging only works when the audit log level is set to DEBUG for the specified adapter.

Changing log levels is not allowed for MonitorRole users.

The Timings logging captures adapter processing performance data to another separate log. As with the audit log, this only works with the logging level set to DEBUG. The RDMT command line tool can be used to process and view the results of the timings logging output.

RIB Log Manager

RIB Logs

The RIB Logs screen can be used to view the regular adapter log file as well as the Timings and Audit logs for each adapter, if they have been activated. (See instructions for the Log Manager screen.)

The screen also is accessed by clicking the symbol in the View Log column on the Adapter Manager screen:

RIB Logs

Manage Configurations

The Manage Configuration screen has three sub-screens. Each screen contains a set of user configurable properties to provision self-service enablement in RIB.

System Options

Application specific properties for the rib-<app> are configured in the rib-<app>. properties file. This screen provides provision for editing the rib-<app>.properties file.

System Options

Injector Service

In the hybrid cloud environment the injector service interface is exposed as web service by the retail application. This screen provides provision for configuring the injector service URL at runtime in RIB.

Injector Service

Adapter Selection

This screen appears when the dynamic adapter selection feature is enabled in RIB. This screen lists all the available adapters for the rib-<app>. This screen allows the user to pick a subset of adapters to be used at runtime.

Adapter Selection

RIB Service Monitor

RIB admin GUI is enhanced with new feature to test the accessibility of the webservices which RIB con-nects to. It is accomplished using the new tab "RIB ServiceMonitor" .

The feature was introduced with an intent to verify the post deployment configuration changes to Injec-torService through "ManageConfiguration" tab in RIB admin GUI. Though the "Manage Configurations " in rib admin GUI, user can modify the InjectorService security policy or credentials.

This feature service monitoring feature is available for all roles namely Admin,Operator and Monitor.

Surrounding text describes rib_service_mntr.png.