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Oracle® Retail Integration Bus Service-Oriented Architecture Enabler Tool Guide
Release 19.0
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2 Installation and Basic Setup

Determining the Type of Installation

The Retail Service-Oriented Architecture Enabler Tool can be installed and used in any of the following configurations:

  • Standalone application

  • Web-application in Oracle WebLogic

Installing as a Standalone Application

To install the Retail Service-Oriented Architecture Enabler Tool, complete the following steps.

  1. Determine the user and the location to install the rse.

  2. Verify the JAVA_HOME environment variable is set for the user. The JAVA_HOME must be set to a Java 1.8 JDK with latest security updates. If the user is located on the same server as the Application Server, then setting the JAVA_HOME to $ORACLE_HOME/jdk is recommended.

    >echo $JAVA_HOME
  3. Create a directory for the RSE.

    >mkdir rse
  4. Download and extract the RSE to the RSE home directory.

    > cd RSEStandalone
    > cp /u00/stage/RIB19.0.0/RetailSOAEnabler19.0.0ForAll19.0.0Apps_eng_ga.tar.
    > tar -xvf RetailSOAEnabler19.0.0ForAll19.0.0Apps_eng_ga.tar

    This step creates the RSE root directory structure. For example: /user/aia1/RSE/retail-soa-enabler.

    This structure becomes RSE_HOME.


    RSE_HOME is assumed to be the rse-home directory in the following steps.

    > export RSE_HOME=/user/home/aia1/RSE/retail-soa-enabler

    Installation is complete. See "Command Line Interface".

Installation as a Web Application in Oracle WebLogic

This section explains how to deploy the Retail Service-Oriented Architecture Enabler tool to an Oracle WebLogic application server as a Web application.

The steps below describe how to deploy the Retail Service-Oriented Architecture Enabler tool to an Oracle WebLogic Application Server as a Web application.


The following are prerequisites for installation:

  • The retail-soa-enabler-gui-<version>.war file is located within the directory structure of the RetailSOAEnabler19.0.0ForAll19.0.0Apps_eng_ga.tar. Locate and extract the contents to a location that is accessible by the browser for deployment.

  • The installation and base configuration of the Oracle WebLogic Server is beyond the scope of this document. Work with the Application Server Administration team to determine the physical and logical placement of the retail-soa-enabler-gui-<version> component within the WebLogic Server deployment.


    See the Oracle WebLogic Server 12c ( Installation Guide.

Deploy the Retail Service-Oriented Architecture Enabler

Using the WebLogic Server Administration Console, complete the following steps:


For instructions with illustrations (screen captures), see "Appendix: Installer Screens."

  1. Navigate to the Deployments page.

  2. If necessary, click Lock and Edit on the left navigation bar to enable the Install button.

  3. Click Install.


    If the application has already been installed, see "Redeploy the Application".

    The Locate deployment to install and prepare for deployment page is displayed. Follow the instructions to locate the retail-soa-enabler-gui-<version>.war file.

  4. Select Upload your files.

  5. On the Upload a Deployment to the Administration Server page, use the Browse button to locate the retail-soa-enabler-gui-<version>.war file in the Deployment Archive.

  6. Select the retail-soa-enabler-gui-<version>.war.

  7. Click Next and move to Choose targeting style.

  8. Select Install this deployment as an application.

  9. Click Next and move to Optional Settings.

  10. Click Next and move to Select deployment targets. Select the Server name where you want to install the application.

  11. Click Next and move to Optional Settings page.

  12. In the Security section, select the option DD only: Use only roles and policies that are defined in the deployment descriptors.

  13. Select No, I will review the configuration later.

  14. Click Finish to deploy the application.

  15. Click Activate Changes to finish install. Go to Deployments page, select the retail-soa-enabler-gui<version> application and click on Start > Servicing all requests button. This should change the status of retail-soa-enabler-gui-<version> application to Active status.

  16. After the application is deployed, we need to create a group and users who can access the RSE GUI applications.

  17. Go to Security Realms page, click on the default realm and go to Users and Groups tab.

  18. Create a new group named rseAdminGroup in the Groups page.

  19. Go to Users page and create a new user.

  20. Click on the newly created user and go to the Groups tab of that user. From the Available groups, select rseAdminGroup and move it to the Chosen window.

  21. Click Save.

    This completes the deployment of RSE GUI application.

Verify the Retail Service-Oriented Architecture Enabler

Take the following steps to verify the retail service-oriented architecture enabler:

  1. Navigate to the Deployments page.

  2. Locate retail-soa-enabler-gui-<version> on the Summary of Deployments page.

  3. Click the name, retail-soa-enabler-gui-<version>, to move to the Settings for the retail-soa-enabler-gui-<version>.

  4. Select the Testing tab.

  5. Click the index.jsp URL in the Test Point.

  6. The URL opens the Retail Service-Oriented Architecture Enabler login page.

  7. Enter the credentials created in the 'Deploy the Retail Service-Oriented Architecture Enabler' section, and the RSE home page is displayed.

  8. The installation is complete. See Chapter 4, "User Interface Usage."

Redeploy the Application

If the retail-soa-enabler-gui-<version> application has already been deployed, follow these steps:

  1. If the retail-soa-enabler-gui-<version> application is running, select Stop and When Work Completes or Force Stop Now, depending on the environment. The recommended option always is When Work Completes.

  2. Select Delete.

  3. The retail-soa-enabler-gui-<version> should now not show on the Summary of Deployment page.

  4. Return to the appropriate step in "Deploy the Retail Service-Oriented Architecture Enabler."