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Oracle® Retail Integration Cloud Service Oracle® Universal Service Mapper User Guide
Release 19.0.000
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5 USM User Interface

The USM web application allows you to manage and create project and project artifacts for service mapping to enable communication between two different applications.

There are 3 different type of users in USM who will have access to certain tabs based on their role. The Admin Role user is the administrator of the application and has access to all the tabs; the Operator Role user has restricted access to certain functions; and the Monitor Role user can only view the information. The following list shows the tabs with decreasing order of access from top to bottom.


The Admin tab allows Administrators to manage projects and project access. In the projects sub-tab, administrators can create, update, rename, and delete projects.

Admin Tab

In the Access sub-tab, Administrators can create and manage access. Using the Create option, you can add users to projects by providing usernames and username aliases.

Access Sub-tab

Using the Manage option, you can remove user access.

Manage Option

Configuration Tab

Configuration tab allows you to edit configuration files and manage DVM for the selected project. In the Edit USM Configuration tab, you can edit the configuration file.

Edit USM Configuration Tab

In the Manage DVM tab, you can edit DVM data. It also allows you to create, delete and rename DVM.

Manage DVM Tab

Mapping Designer

This tab allows you to manage and view Service Mappers for the selected project. In the Edit Service Mappers sub-tab you can browse existing service mappers, edit service mapper files, rename mappers, and delete mappers.

Edit Service Mappers Sub-tab

In the Add Service Mapper sub-tab, you can create new service mappers.

Add Service Mapper Sub-tab

Test Data Drivers

Test Data Drivers is a testing tool that enables you to test the service call by reading data from the file system and calling the service.

Test Drivers Tab allows you to manage and view data drivers. In the Execute Drivers sub-tab you can start or stop data drivers. It also allows you to edit the data driver files.

Execute Drivers Sub-tab

In the Manage Drivers sub-tab, you can create new data drivers. It also allows you to rename or delete an existing data driver.

Manage Drivers Sub-tab

Import/Export Tab

The Import/Export tab allows you to import and export project files in .zip format.

Import/Export Tab


The Home tab displays the summary of the service mapper application. The System summary panel displays the available mappings, service activity count, and system health, successful and failed activity.

Home Tab

USM metrics for the Today panel show the mappings since midnight. You can select a mapping from the table to view the request and response mapping before and after the mapping.

Surrounding text describes today_panel.png.


Monitoring tab displays USM metrics in a tabular format. The data on the monitoring tab has filters service mapper name and Date. User can view all the service mappings with the selected filters using the provided pagination buttons. User can also view the request and response data before and after the mapping by clicking the service mapping activity in the table. By default the monitoring tab displays the service mappings for all the mappers from last 24 hours.

Monitoring tab

System Logs Tab

In the System Logs Tab user can browse through universal service mapper logs.

System Logs Tab

Create Project

  1. Go to the Admin tab.

  2. Click on the Manage Projects sub-tab.

  3. Select the Create radio button to create a new project.

  4. Enter a new project name and a new module name.

  5. Click on the Create button when done.

    Now the Project is created.

Project created

Update Project Modules

  1. Go to the Admin Tab.

  2. In the Admin Tab, click on the Manage Projects sub-tab.

  3. Click the Manage radio button to update the project's modules.

  4. Select Project Name from the drop down.

    Project Name Menu
  5. Now in the text fields, update the project module names, add or remove project modules as necessary.

    Update Project Names and Modules
  6. Click the Update button once done.

    Now the Project has been updated with new Modules.

Delete Project

  1. In the Admin Tab, go to the Project sub-tab.

  2. Click on the Manage radio button.

  3. Select the Project Name from drop down.

    Project Name Menu
  4. Click the Delete button.

  5. A confirmation dialog appears, click on the Okay button.

    Confirmation Dialog

    Now the selected project is deleted.

Rename Project

  1. In the Admin tab, go to the Project sub-tab.

  2. Click on the Rename radio button.

  3. Select Project Name from the drop down list box.

    Project Name Menu
  4. Enter the new project name in the New Project Name textbox.

    New Project Name
  5. Click on Rename button to rename the project.

Provide User Access to a Project

  1. In the Admin tab, go to Access sub-tab.

  2. Select the Project Name from the drop down list box for which access has to be given.

    Project Name Menu
  3. Enter the Username Alias and Username to which access has to be granted.

    User Name and Alias
  4. Click the Save button.

    The user now has access to the project.

Create New Service Mapper

  1. Go the Mapping Designer tab.

  2. Open the Add Service Mappers sub-tab.

  3. Select the module name from the drop down list box and click on next.

    Module Names
  4. Enter the Service Mapper name of your choice and click Next.

  5. Enter the Message Types that are to be supported by the service mapper, in a comma separated format.

  6. Click on the Add button.

    Now the new Service Mapper is created with all the necessary files.

Update Service Mapper Files

  1. Go the Edit Service Mapper sub-tab in the Mapping Designer tab.

  2. Select the service mapper prefix from the drop down list box on the left side of the screen.

    Service Mapper Prefix
  3. Select the mapper file name from the list that appears below it.

    Mapper File Name
  4. Once the file loads, click on the Edit icon on the right side of the screen.

    The text field should be enabled for editing.

  5. Edit the content as desired.

    Edit Content
  6. Once the editing is done, click the Save icon (it replaced the Edit button).

    The updates to the service mapper are saved.

Rename Service Mapper File

  1. Go to the Edit Service Mapper sub-tab in the Mapping Designer tab.

  2. Select the service mapper prefix from the drop down list box.

    Select Service Mapper Prefix
  3. Select the mapper file whose name has to be changed.

    Mapper File
  4. Once the file is loaded, click the pencil icon next to the name of the service mapper on the right pane.

    An Edit box opens.

  5. Change the name of the mapper file as required.

    Change Name of Mapper File
  6. Click the Save button (it replaced the Edit button).

    The mapper file has been renamed.

Delete Service Mapper File

  1. Go to the Edit Service mapper sub-tab in the Mapping Designer tab.

  2. Select the mapper prefix from the drop down on the left side of the screen.

    Select Mapper Prefix
  3. Select the mapper file to be deleted once the list below loads.

    Select Mapper File
  4. Once the selected mapper file loads, click the Delete icon on the far right end of the screen on the right pane.

    A confirmation dialog appears.

  5. Click Okay to continue.

    The mapper file is deleted.

Create New Driver

  1. Go to the Test Driver tab.

  2. Click the Manage Driver sub-tab.

  3. Click the Create radio button.

  4. Select the module name from the drop down.

    Module Name Menu
  5. Enter the Driver Family name.

    Driver Family Name
  6. Click the Add button.

Update Driver Files

  1. Go to the Execute Driver sub-tab in the Test Driver tab.

  2. Select the driver name from the drop down list box.

    Driver Name Menu
  3. Select a Data Driver File or Driver Request Data Mapping Template from the drop down list box.

    Select File Menu
  4. In the editing panel below, click on the Edit icon on the right side of the screen.

  5. Edit the contents of the file as desired.

  6. Once done, click the Save icon to save the changes to the file.

    Save Changes

    The file has been updated.

Rename Data Driver

  1. Go to the Manage Driver sub-tab in the Test Driver tab.

  2. Click the Update radio button.

  3. Select the Driver Name from the drop down list box.

    Driver Name Menu
  4. Enter a new name for the driver as required.

    Enter Driver Name
  5. Click the Rename button.

    The driver is renamed.

Delete Data Driver

  1. Go to the Manage Driver sub-tab in the Test Driver tab.

  2. Click the Update radio button.

  3. Select the driver name from the drop down list box.

    Driver Name Menu
  4. Click the Delete button.

    Delete Button

    A confirmation dialog box opens.

  5. Click Okay.

    The driver file is deleted.

Edit Configuration File

  1. Go to the Edit USM Configuration sub-tab in the Configurations tab.

  2. Click the Edit button icon on the right side of the screen.

  3. Edit the contents of the file as desired.

    Edit File Contents
  4. Once done, click the Save button.

    The Configuration file is now updated.

Create DVM

  1. Go to the Manage DVMs sub-tab in the Configurations tab.

  2. Click on the Create radio button.

  3. Enter the DVM Name and key in the text boxes.

  4. Click on the Add icon to add more keys or remove unneeded keys from the list by click on the Remove icon next to a key.

    Add Icon
  5. Once done, click on Save to create the DVM.

    Now the new DVM is created.

Update DVM

  1. Go to the Manage DVM sub-tab in the Configurations tab.

  2. Click the Edit radio button.

  3. Select the DVM Name to be edited from the drop down list box.

    DVM Name Menu
  4. Changes are made to the DVM as rows are added, edited, or deleted:

    • Click the Edit icon to edit the DVM row.

    • Click the Delete icon to delete the row.

    • Click the Insert icon on the top right corner of the table view to add more DVM rows.


Delete DVM

  1. Go to Manage DVM sub-tab in the Configurations tab.

  2. Click the Edit radio button.

  3. Select the DVM Name from the drop down list box.

    DVM Name Menu
  4. Click the Delete button on the top right corner of the table view.

  5. A delete confirmation dialog appears, click OK to confirm the operation.

    Delete Confirmation

    The DVM table is deleted.

Rename DVM

  1. Go to the Manage DVM sub-tab in the Configurations tab.

  2. Click the Rename radio button.

  3. Select the DVM from the drop down list box.

    DVM Menu
  4. Enter the new name for the DVM in the DVM Name text box.

  5. Once done, click the Rename button to rename the DVM.

    Rename Button

    Now the DVM table has been renamed.