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Oracle® Retail Bulk Data Integration Installation Guide
Release 19.0.1
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4 Deploying BDI Batch Job Administration Applications

Before starting the installation procedure, identify the retail applications that are in-scope for this installation. BDI requires at least 2 applications in-scope, a sender app and a receiver app. Each bdi-app must be deployed on its own WebLogic managed server. Depending on the site specific deployment topology, create separate WebLogic domains OR managed servers to host the BDI apps in-scope.


Repeat the procedures in this chapter for installing other applications that are in-scope.

Deploying BDI Batch Job Admin Applications for a Sender Application

This section describes the installation process for a sender app with the BDI-RMS app as an example.

Preparing the Database for BDI Batch Job Admin for RMS Installation

Before you begin installing BDI RMS Batch Job Admin, make sure you have the database schema created for BDI RMS Batch Job Admin.

If you are migrating from previous version of BDI RMS Batch Job Admin to a newer version, Follow upgrade instructions for bdi.

Before following upgrade instructions for bdi, you need to provide permissions for database schema. Run the below commands on admin schema where database schema is created, to provide permissions.


        CREATE TABLE TO 'user schema';
        CREATE SEQUENCE TO 'user schema';
        CREATE INDEX TO 'user schema';

Ex: User schema name is bdi_rms_app. Run below commands on admin schema.

CREATE TABLE TO 'bdi_rms_app';
CREATE SEQUENCE TO 'bdi_rms_app';
CREATE INDEX TO 'bdi_rms_app';


Auto migration is not available for on prem versions.

Preparing the WebLogic Domain for BDI Batch Job Admin for RMS

  1. Use the instructions provided in Chapter 3, "BDI Batch Job Admin" to install WebLogic and create a domain.

  2. Start the Admin and managed servers.

Deploying BDI RMS Batch Job Admin on the WebLogic

To deploy the BDI RMS Batch Job Admin war, take the following steps.

  1. Download BdiEdgeJobAdminPak19.0.1ForRms19.0.1_eng_ga.zip to $BDI_HOME.

  2. Unzip the downloaded archive.The Bdi Job home directory will be created under the current directory.

    unzip BdiEdgeJobAdminPak19.0.1ForRms19.0.1_eng_ga.zip

    This command extracts the archive. The relevant directories for the installation are shown (There are more directories than what is shown).

    |- - - - - - - bin
    |                    ` - - - - - - bdi-job-admin-deployer.sh
    |- - - - - - - conf
    |                    ` - - - - - - security
    |                   |              `- - - - - - - - jazn-data.xml
    |                   |              `- - - - - - - - jps-config.xml
    |                    ` - - - - - - bdi-job-admin-deployment-env-info.json
    |                    ` - - - - - - bdi-job-admin-deployment-env-info.json.template
    |                    ` - - - - - - bdi-job-admin-internal-trust-store.jks
    |                    ` - - - - - - log4j2.xml
    |- - - - - - - dist
    |                    ` - - - - - - bdi-batch-job-admin.war
    |                    ` - - - - - - rms-jars
    |                    ` - - - - - - README.txt
    |- - - - - - - scripts
    |                    ` - - - - - - DBSchemaMigration.groovy
    |                    ` - - - - - - JobAdminDeployer.groovy
    |                    ` - - - - - - README.txt
    |                    ` - - - - - - WebLogicManager.groovy
    |- - - - - - - setup-data
    |                    ` - - - - - - dml
    |                   |              `- - - - - - - - url_seed_data_1.sql
    |                   |              `- - - - - - - - bdi_rms_seed_data.sql
    |                   |              `- - - - - - - - BDI_SET_BATCHSTATUS_TO_ABANDON.sql
    |                   |              `- - - - - - - - README.txt
    |                   |              `- - - - - - - - rms_group_seed_data.sql
    |                    ` - - - - - - available-jobs-for-external-app-integration
    |                    ` - - - - - - batch-scripts
    |                   |              `- - - - - - - - bdi_sftp_push.sh
    |                    ` - - - - - - ddl
    |                   |              `- - - - - - - - migration
    |                   |                                        `- - - - - - - - BDI_CLEANUP_JOB_SQL.sql
    |                   |                                        `- - - - - - - - BDI_Database_Util_Spec_Permission.sql
    |                   |                                        `- - - - - - - - BDI_Database_Util_Spec.sql
    |                   |                                        `- - - - - - - - create_wl_llr_table.sql
    |                   |                                        `- - - - - - - - migrate-edge-batch-schema-from-16.0.025-to-16.0.027.sql
    |                   |                                        `- - - - - - - - migrate-edge-batch-schema-from-16.0.028-to-16.0.030.sql
    |                   |                                        `- - - - - - - - migrate-edge-bdi-infra-schema-from-16.0.025-to-16.0.027.sql
    |                   |                                        `- - - - - - - - migrate-edge-bdi-infra-schema-from-16.0.028-to-16.0.030.sql
    |                   |                                        `- - - - - - - - migrate-schema-from-16.0.021-to-16.0.023.sql
    |                   |                                        `- - - - - - - - migrate-schema-from-16.0.023-to-16.0.025.sql
    |                   |                                        `- - - - - - - - migrate-schema-from-16.0.025-to-16.0.027.sql
    |                   |                                        `- - - - - - - - migrate-schema-from-16.0.027-to-16.0.028.sql
    |                   |                                        `- - - - - - - - migrate-schema-from-16.0.028-to-16.0.030.sql
    |                   |                                        `- - - - - - - - migrate-schema-from-16.0.030-to-16.0.031.sql
    |                   |                                        `- - - - - - - - migrate-schema-from-16.0.031-to-19.0.000.sql
    |                   |              `- - - - - - - - purge
    |                   |                                        `- - - - - - - - purge_batch_db_repo.sql
    |                   |                                        `- - - - - - - - purge_job_int_repo.sql
    |                   |                                        `- - - - - - - - purge_job_rcvr_repo.sql
    |                   |              `- - - - - - - - README.txt
    |                    ` - - - - - - META-INF
    |                    ` - - - - - - batch-jobs
    |- - - - - - - target
    |                    ` - - - - - - rms-batch-job-admin.war
    |                    ` - - - - - - README.txt
    |- - - - - - - lib


    To Integrate BDI-RMS with an external application, additional steps are required. Refer to Appendix A, "Appendix: Integrating BDI-RMS with External Applications" for additional information.

  3. Edit the rms job configuration file to point to deployment environment (conf/bdi-job-admin-deployment-env-info.json) as follows:

    To deploy without OAuth, we need to rename or remove the OAuth2 aliases for example:- jobAdminUiOAuth2ApplicationClientAliasRef from bdi-job-admin-deployment-env-info.json, and then deploy. No other extra steps needed for deployment. See How to Install BDI without IDCS.

    cd bdi-edge-rms-job-home/conf
    vi  bdi-job-admin-deployment-env-info.json
  4. Provide the following values in the JSON file.

    Configuration Property Description

    RmsJobAdminDataSource -> jdbcUrl

    The JDBC URL for the Oracle database where the RMS integration schema resides.

    RmsReceiverServiceDataSource -> jdbcUrl

    The JDBC URL for the Oracle database where the RMS Receiver integration schema resides. BdiRmsJobAdminDataSource and BdiRmsReceiverServiceDataSource can use the same jdbcUrl.

    BatchInfraDataSource -> jdbcUrl

    The JDBC URL for the schema created using RCU. The schema user is <prefix>_wls (e.g. INT_WLS). The value of prefix that you provided in schema creation using RCU.

    JobXmlDataSource -> jdbcUrl

    The JDBC URL for the Oracle database where the all job xmls gets created in rms schema.

    JobAdminAppServer -> weblogicDomainName

    The domain name where BDI RMS Admin app is deployed.


    The domain path where BDIRMS Admin app is deployed

    JobAdminAppServer -> weblogicDomainAdminServerUrl

    Admin Server URL of the BDI RMS Admin App - http://<Admin host>:<Admin port>


    Admin Server protocol, which is by default t3, For SSL deployment update to t3s.

    JobAdminAppServer -> weblogicDomainAdminServerHost

    Host Name of the BDI RMS Admin Server

    JobAdminAppServer -> weblogicDomainAdminServerPort

    BDI RMS Admin Server Port

    JobAdminAppServer -> weblogicDomainTargetManagedServerName

    Managed Server Name where BDI RMS Admin App is installed (e.g. bdi-rms-server)

    JobAdminAppServer -> jobAdminUiUrl

    Job Admin URL of BDI RMS

    http://<host>:<managed server port>/bdi-rms-batch-job-admin


    DataSource configurations contributes to the performance

    of the applications at the runtime.

    Ex: "connectionPool_MaxCapacity":"100"


    RpasJobAdminAppServer -> jobAdminUiUrl

    Job Admin URL of BDI RPAS

    http://<host>:<rpas managed server port>/rpas-batch-job-admin

    SimJobAdminAppServer -> jobAdminUiUrl

    Job Admin URL of BDI SIM

    http://<host>:<sim managed server port>/sim-batch-job-admin

    RfiJobAdminAppServer-> jobAdminUiUrl

    Job Admin URL of BDI RFI

    http://<host>:<sim managed server port>/bdi-rfi-batch-job-admin

    OcdsJobAdminAppServer ->


    Job Admin URL of BDI RFI

    http://<host>:<ocds managed server port>/ocds-batch-job-admin

    ExternalJobAdminAppServer ->


    Job Admin URL of BDI RFI

    http://<host>:<external managed server port>/external-batch-job-admin


    Provide the IDCS url

    For example - https://idcs-4ff493196128425c80ce4ecbfc8352e5.identity.c9dev1.oc9qadev.com/oauth2/v1/token


    ICDS Client secret ID and password

    "name":"simJobAdminBaseUrlOAuth2ApplicationClientAlias", "value": "*simOauth2ApplicationClientAlias"


    "name":"rfiJobAdminBaseUrlOAuth2ApplicationClientAlias", "value": "*ricsOauth2ApplicationClientAlias"


    "name":"rpasJobAdminBaseUrlOAuth2ApplicationClientAlias", "value": "*rpasOauth2ApplicationClientAlias"


    ICDS Client secret ID and password

    "name":"ocdsJobAdminBaseUrlOAuth2ApplicationClientAlias", "value": "*ricsOauth2ApplicationClientAlias"


    Optional. Allows to provide system options as name value pairs


    The alias names in the configuration files should not be changed.

    Below are the changes for bdi-job-admin-deployment-env-info.json.

    • Below json snippet is to support OAuth2 with IDCS for Job Admin.

      "oauth2ApplicationName" : "RICS",
      "oauth2ApplicationScopeOfAccess" : {"name":"oauth2.default.scopeOfAccess.*", "val-ue":"urn:opc:idm:__myscopes__"},
      "oauth2ApplicationClientAlias" : "ricsOauth2ApplicationClientAlias",
      "oauth2ApplicationClientId" : "GET_FROM_WALLET",
      "oauth2ApplicationClientSecret" : "GET_FROM_WALLET"
      "oauth2ApplicationName" : "MFCS",
      "oauth2ApplicationScopeOfAccess" : {"name":"oauth2.default.scopeOfAccess.*", "val-ue":"urn:opc:idm:__myscopes__"},
      "oauth2ApplicationClientAlias" : "mfcsOauth2ApplicationClientAlias",
      "oauth2ApplicationClientId" : "GET_FROM_WALLET",
      "oauth2ApplicationClientSecret" : "GET_FROM_WALLET"
      "oauth2ApplicationName" : "RPAS",
      "oauth2ApplicationScopeOfAccess" : {"name":"oauth2.default.scopeOfAccess.*", "val-ue":"urn:opc:idm:__myscopes__"},
      "oauth2ApplicationClientAlias" : "rpasOauth2ApplicationClientAlias",
      "oauth2ApplicationClientId" : "GET_FROM_WALLET",
      "oauth2ApplicationClientSecret" : "GET_FROM_WALLET"

    Optional – Users can configure system options in the deployment env info json file. Users have to add the system options as part of the configuration in the json file with name value pairs. After the application starts, the system option tables should have system options provided in the json filea=b and c=d values in the system options table. After deploying Jjob Admin, verify that values are getting added to the system option table properly.


    Job Admin JSON Snippet:

                    {"name":"MFP_outboundLocation", "value":"/replace/with/outbound/location/for/mfp"},
                    {"name":"RDF_outboundLocation", "value":"/replace/with/outbound/location/for/rdf"},
                    {"name":"AP_outboundLocation", "value":"/replace/with/outbound/location/for/ap"},
                    {"name":"IP_outboundLocation", "value":"/replace/with/outbound/location/for/ip"},
                    {"name":"shellCmdWorkingDir", "value":"/replace/with/path/to/working/dir/for/shellCmds"},
                    {"name":"shellCmdLocationDir", "value":"/replace/with/path/where/shell_programs/are/present"},
                    {"name":"downloadFileLocation", "value":"/replace/with/path/where/to/download_files/before/files/move/to/finalOutboundLocation"},
                    {"name":"overwriteOutboundFilesFlag", "value":"replace_with_TRUE_or_FALSE"},
                    {"name":"autoPurgeOutboundData.global", "value":"TRUE"},
                    {"name":"autoPurgeOutboundDataDelay.global", "value":"30"},
                    {"name":"MFP_sftpHost", "value":"replace_with_sftp_host_for_mfp"},
                    {"name":"RDF_sftpHost", "value":"replace_with_sftp_host_for_rdf"},
                    {"name":"AP_sftpHost", "value":"replace_with_sftp_host_for_ap"},
                    {"name":"IP_sftpHost", "value":"replace_with_sftp_host_for_ip"},
                    {"name":"MFP_sftpPort", "value":"replace_with_sftp_port_for_mfp"},
                    {"name":"RDF_sftpPort", "value":"replace_with_sftp_port_for_rdf"},
                    {"name":"AP_sftpPort", "value":"replace_with_sftp_port_for_ap"},
                    {"name":"IP_sftpPort", "value":"replace_with_sftp_port_for_ip"},
                    {"name":"MFP_sftpUser", "value":"replace_with_sftp_user_for_mfp"},
                    {"name":"RDF_sftpUser", "value":"replace_with_sftp_user_for_rdf"},
                    {"name":"AP_sftpUser", "value":"replace_with_sftp_user_for_ap"},
                    {"name":"IP_sftpUser", "value":"replace_with_sftp_user_for_ip"},
                    {"name":"MFP_destinationLocation", "value":"/replace/with/ftp/location/for/mfp"},
                    {"name":"RDF_destinationLocation", "value":"/replace/with/ftp/location/for/rdf"},
                    {"name":"AP_destinationLocation", "value":"/replace/with/ftp/location/for/ap"},
                    {"name":"IP_destinationLocation", "value":"/replace/with/ftp/location/for/ip"},
                    {"name":"ftpFilesFlag", "value":"replace_with_TRUE_or_FALSE"}
  5. Run the deployer script to create the data sources and deploy BDI RMS Batch Job Admin. While deploying, the user needs to provide the IDCS client secret ID & password for ricsOauth2ApplicationClientAlias, mfcsOauth2ApplicationClientAlias, rpasOauth2ApplicationClientAlias

    cd bdi-edge-rms-job-home/bin
    bdi-job-admin-deployer.sh -setup-credentials -deploy-job-admin-app
    BDI deploy
  6. Enter the values prompted by the script for following credentials aliases. JobAdmin user has more privileges (e.g change configuration and run jobs from JobAdmin UI) than JobOperator user. JobOperator can run batch jobs where as JobMonitor has just read privileges.

    Alias Description


    WebLogic admin server credentials


    Credentials for Admin Role user for Job Admin app


    Credentials for Operator Role user for Job Admin app


    Credentials for Monitor Role user for Job Admin app


    Credentials for the Data Source of the Job Admin Schema


    Credentials for the Data Source of the Job Receiver Schema


    Credentials for the Data Source of the Batch Infra Schema


    Credentials for the Data Source of the Job Xml Schema


    BDI RPAS job admin app credentials


    BDI SIM job admin app credentials


    BDI EXTERNAL job admin app credentials


    BDI RFI job admin app credentials


    BDI OCDS job admin app credentials


    ICDS Client secret ID and password

    "name":"simJobAdminBaseUrlOAuth2ApplicationClientAlias", "value": "*simOauth2ApplicationClientAlias"


    "name":"rfiJobAdminBaseUrlOAuth2ApplicationClientAlias", "value": "*ricsOauth2ApplicationClientAlias"


    "name":"rpasJobAdminBaseUrlOAuth2ApplicationClientAlias", "value": "*rpasOauth2ApplicationClientAlias"


    ICDS Client secret ID and password

    "name":"ocdsJobAdminBaseUrlOAuth2ApplicationClientAlias", "value": "*ricsOauth2ApplicationClientAlias"


    If you have already configured the credentials and can use the same credentials (typically when redeploying the app), you can run the deployer with the -use-existing-credentials option as follows, and you will not be prompted for the credentials again for the deployment.

    bdi-job-admin-deployer.sh -use-existing-credentials -deploy-job-admin-app

  7. Deployer script deploys BDI RMS Batch Job Admin to the managed server.

  8. Restrict access to the bdi-edge-rms-job-home folder:

    cd bdi-edge-rms-job-home
    chmod -R 700 . 
  9. Bounce the Edge managed server.

Testing the Deployment

After you deploy to the server successfully, BDI RMS Batch Job Admin can be accessed using the following URL:


Log in using credentials provided during the installation and verify that jobs are displayed in the Manage Batch Jobs tab and configuration is displayed in the Manage Configurations tab.

Manage Configurations tab

Creating Outbound Interface tables for BDI RMS

  1. Go to the $BDI_HOME/bdi-edge-rms-job-home/setup-data/ddl folder.

  2. Run the DDL script "bdi_rms_ddl.sql" provided in this folder in the BDI RMS database schema.

  3. DDL generates interface tables and PL/SQL packages.

Deploying BDI Batch Job Admin Application for a Receiver Application

This section describes the installation process for a receiver app with the BDI-SIM app as an example. The same procedure can be used for installing other receiver applications like BDI RPAS.

Preparing the Database for BDI SIM Batch Job Admin Installation

Before you begin installing BDI SIM Batch Job Admin, make sure you have the database schema created for BDI SIM Batch Job Admin.

If you are migrating from previous version of BDI RMS Batch Job Admin to a newer version, Follow upgrade instructions for bdi.

Before following upgrade instructions for bdi, you need to provide permissions for database schema.

Run the below commands on admin schema where database schema is created, to provide permissions.


        CREATE TABLE TO 'user schema';
        CREATE SEQUENCE TO 'user schema';
        CREATE INDEX TO 'user schema';

Example: User schema name is bdi_rmsim_app. Run below commands on admin schema.

CREATE TABLE TO 'bdi_sim_app ;
CREATE SEQUENCE TO 'bdi_sim_app ;
CREATE INDEX TO 'bdi_sim_app ';


Auto migration is not available for on prem versions.

Preparing the WebLogic Domain for BDI Batch Job Admin for SIM

  1. Use the instructions provided above to install WebLogic and create a domain.

  2. Start the Admin and managed servers.

Deploying BDI SIM Batch Job Admin on the WebLogic

To deploy the BDI SIM Batch Job Admin war, take the following steps.

  1. Download BdiEdgeJobAdminPak19.0.1ForSIM19.0.1_eng_ga.zip to $BDI_HOME.

  2. Unzip the downloaded archive. The BDI Job home directory will be created under the current directory.

    unzip BdiEdgeJobAdminPak19.0.1ForSIM19.0.1_eng_ga.zip

    This command extracts the archive. The relevant directories for the installation are shown (There are more directories than what is shown).

    |- - - - - - - bin
    |                    ` - - - - - - bdi-job-admin-deployer.sh
    |- - - - - - - conf
    |                    ` - - - - - - security
    |                    ` - - - - - - bdi-job-admin-deployment-env-info.json
    |                    ` - - - - - - bdi-job-admin-deployment-env-info.json.template
    |                    ` - - - - - - bdi-job-admin-internal-trust-store.jks
    |                    ` - - - - - - log4j2.xml
    |- - - - - - - dist
    |                    ` - - - - - - sim-jars
    |                   |              `- - - - - - - - README.txt
    |                    ` - - - - - - sim-batch-job-admin.war
    |- - - - - - - scripts
    |                    ` - - - - - - DBSchemaMigration.groovy
    |                    ` - - - - - - JobAdminDeployer.groovy
    |                    ` - - - - - - README.txt
    |                    ` - - - - - - WebLogicManager.groovy
    |- - - - - - - setup-data
    |                    ` - - - - - - ddl
    |                   |              `- - - - - - - - migration
    |                   |                                        `- - - - - - - - BDI_Database_Util_Spec_Permission.sql
    |                   |                                        `- - - - - - - - BDI_Database_Util_Spec.sql
    |                   |                                        `- - - - - - - -  create_wl_llr_table.sql
    |                   |                                        `- - - - - - - -  migrate-schema-from-16.0.021-to-16.0.023.sql
    |                   |                                        `- - - - - - - -  migrate-schema-from-16.0.023-to-16.0.025.sql
    |                   |                                        `- - - - - - - -  migrate-schema-from-16.0.025-to-16.0.027.sql
    |                   |                                        `- - - - - - - -  migrate-schema-from-16.0.027-to-16.0.028.sql
    |                   |                                        `- - - - - - - -  migrate-schema-from-16.0.028-to-16.0.030.sql
    |                   |                                        `- - - - - - - -  migrate-schema-from-16.0.030-to-16.0.031.sql
    |                   |                                        `- - - - - - - -  migrate-schema-from-16.0.031-to-19.0.000.sql
    |                    ` - - - - - - dml
    |                   |              `- - - - - - - - BDI_SET_BATCHSTATUS_TO_ABANDON.sql
    |                   |              `- - - - - - - - bdi_sim_seed_data.sql
    |                   |              `- - - - - - - - README.txt
    |                    ` - - - - - - META-INF
    |                    ` - - - - - - batch-jobs
    |- - - - - - - target
    |                    ` - - - - - - README.txt
  3. Edit bdi-job-admin-deployment-env-info.json as follows:

    cd bdi-edge-sim-job-home/confvi  bdi-job-admin-deployment-env-info.json
  4. Provide the following values in the JSON file.

    Configuration Property Description

    SimJobAdminDataSource ->jdbcUrl

    The JDBC URL for the Oracle database where the SIM integration schema resides.

    SimReceiverServiceDataSource -> jdbcUrl

    The JDBC URL for the Oracle database where the SIM integration schema resides. Can use the same jdbcUrl.

    BatchInfraDataSource -> jdbcUrl

    The JDBC URL for the schema created using RCU. The schema user is <prefix>_wls (e.g. INT_WLS). The value of prefix that you provided in schema creation using RCU.

    JobAdminAppServer -> weblogicDomainName

    The domain name where BDI SIM Admin app is deployed

    JobAdminAppServer -> weblogicDomainHome

    The domain home directory of WebLogic where BDI SIM Admin app is deployed

    JobAdminAppServer -> weblogicDomainAdminServerUrl

    Admin Server URL of the BDI SIM Admin App - http://<Admin host>:<Admin port>


    AdminServer protocol which is by default t3, For SSL deployment update to t3s.

    JobAdminAppServer -> weblogicDomainAdminServerHost

    Host Name of the BDI SIM Admin Server

    JobAdminAppServer -> weblogicDomainAdminServerPort

    BDI SIM Admin Server Port

    JobAdminAppServer -> weblogicDomainTargetManagedServerName

    Managed Server Name where BDI SIM Admin App is installed (e.g. bdi-sim-server)

    JobAdminAppServer -> jobAdminUiUrl

    Job Admin URL of BDI SIM

    http://<host>:<bdi SIM managed server port>/sim-batch-job-admin

    ExternalJobAdminAppServer -> jobAdminUiUrl

    Job Admin URL of BDI EXTERNAL

    http://<host>:<bdi rms managed server port>/rms-batch-job-admin


    Optional. Allows to provide system options as name value pairs

    RmsJobAdminAppServer -> jobAdminUiUrl

    Job Admin URL of BDI RMS

    http://<host>:<bdi rms managed server port>/rms-batch-job-admin

    Optional - Users can configure system options in the deployment env info json file. Users have to add the system options as part of the configuration in the json file with name value pairs. After the application starts, the system option tables should have system options provided in the json file a=b and c=d values in the system options table. After deploying job Admin, verify that values are getting added to the system option table properly.

                    {"name":"jobSelection.1.pattern", "value":"ToExternalJob"},
                    {"name":"jobSelection.1.initialState", "value":"false"},
                    {"name":"jobSelection.2.initialState", "value":"true"}
  5. Run the deployer script to create the data sources and deploy BDI SIM Batch Job Admin.

    cd bdi-edge-sim-job-home/bin
    bdi-job-admin-deployer.sh -setup-credentials -deploy-job-admin-app
  6. Enter the values prompted by the script for the following credential aliases. JobAdmin user has more privileges (e.g change configuration and run jobs from JobAdmin UI) than JobOperator user. JobOperator can run batch jobs where as JobMonitor has just read privileges.

    Alias Description


    WebLogic admin server credentials


    Credentials for Admin Role user for Job Admin app


    Credentials for Operator Role user for Job Admin app


    Credentials for Monitor Role user for Job Admin app


    Credentials for the Data Source of the Job Admin Schema


    Credentials for the Data Source of the Job Receiver Schema


    Credentials for the Data Source of the Batch Infra Schema


    BDI SIM job admin app credentials


    BDI RMS job admin app credentials


    If you have already configured the credentials and can use the same credentials (typically when redeploying the app), you can run the deployer with the -use-existing-credentials option as follows, and you will not be prompted for the credentials again for the deployment.

    bdi-job-admin-deployer.sh -use-existing-credentials -deploy-job-admin-app

  7. Deployer script deploys BDI SIM Batch Job Admin to the server.

  8. Restrict access to the bdi-edge-sim-job-home folder:

    cd bdi-edge-sim-job-home
    chmod -R 700 .

Testing the Deployment

After you deploy to the server successfully, the BDI SIM Batch Job Admin can be accessed using the following URL:


Log in using credentials provided during the installation and verify that jobs are displayed in the Manage Batch Jobs tab and configuration is displayed in the Manage Configurations tab.

Manage Configurations tab

Creating Inbound Interface tables for BDI SIM

  1. Go to $BDI_HOME/bdi-edge-SIM-job-home/setup-data/ddl folder.

  2. Run the DDL script "SIM.sql" provided in this folder in the BDI SIM database schema.

  3. DDL generates the inbound interface tables for SIM.


    BDI SIM inbound interface tables are created in the SIM database schema instead of the BDI SIM database schema. The BDI SIM database schema will have synonyms for BDI SIM inbound interface tables.

Upgrade Instructions for BDI

BDI Edge JobAdmin App (BdiEdgeJobAdminPak16.0.xFor<app>16.0.x_eng_ga.zip) Upgrade Steps

  1. Download BdiEdgeJobAdminPak19.0.1For<app>19.0.1_eng_ga.zip to $BDI_HOME

  2. Take the backup of existing bdi-<app>-home.

  3. Login to the BDI Edge Job App (Example: http://host:17011/rms-batch-job-admin)

  4. Go to Manage Configurations -> System Options and make following changes. LOADJOBDEF = TRUE and LOADSEEDDATA = TRUE.

  5. Login to the WLS Console and delete the existing Edge App.

  6. Delete existing BDI datasources from WLS console, for any datasources changes planned during deployment.

  7. Modify bdi job flow configuration file (conf/bdi-job-admin-deployment-env-info.json) to support OAuth2 feature. Below property needs to be updated in json file. Remaining property values should be same as backed up bdi-<app>-home. Click here to see new changes in bdi-job-admin-deployment-env-info.json. The deployment description json format has changed from previous release, to accommodate IDCS client credentials and URL.

    "oauth2AuthorizationServerUrl":"https://idcs-4ff493196128425c80ce4ecbfc8352e5.identity.c9dev1.oc9qadev.com/oauth2/v1/token" ? Replace with IDCS server url.

  8. To deploy without OAuth, we need to rename or remove the OAuth2 aliases for example:- jobAdminUiOAuth2ApplicationClientAliasRef from bdi-job-admin-deployment-env-info.json, and then deploy. No other extra steps needed for deployment. See How to Install BDI without IDCS.

  9. Deploy the BDI Edge job app using -setup-credential option (Follow BDI Installation Guide). -use-existing-credential option will not work the first time, since there is a new entry (IDCS client credentials) now. While deploying user needs to provide the IDCS client secret ID & password for ricsOauth2ApplicationClientAlias, mfcsOauth2ApplicationClientAlias, rpasOauth2ApplicationClientAlias. Cd to <appName>-job-home/bin and run the below command to upgrade and deploy the bdi job app.

    sh bdi-job-admin-deployer.sh -use-existing-credentials } 


    Auto migration is not available for on prem versions.

  10. After successful deployment, bounce the managed server.

  11. Login to BDI Edge Job App and make sure no error is displayed in any of the pages.


    BDI does not mandate the use of OAuth2 or IDCS as authorization server. This version of the BDI is backward compatible with basicAuth. New on-prem customers can use basicAuth by following the below steps. Existing customers can use upgrade instructions and proceed to use basicAuth as the authentication mechanism.

How to Install BDI without IDCS

  1. To deploy without OAuth, we need to rename or remove the OAuth2 aliases for example:- jobAdminUiOAuth2ApplicationClientAliasRef from bdi-job-admin-deployment-env-info.json, and then deploy. No other extra steps needed for deployment.

    json snippet
    "SimJobAdminAppServer": {               
                "RfiJobAdminAppServer": {           
                    "comment_1": "For 16.0.028 and older RFI", 
                    "comment_2": "For 19.0.100 and later RFI",         
                "RpasJobAdminAppServer": {
                "OcdsJobAdminAppServer": {
                    "jobAdminUiUrl":"http:// localhost:7001/ocds-batch-job-admin",
                "ExternalJobAdminAppServer": {
                             "oauth2ApplicationName" : "RICS",
                             "oauth2ApplicationScopeOfAccess" : {"name":"oauth2.default.scopeOfAccess.*", "value":"urn:opc:idm:__myscopes__"},
                             "oauth2ApplicationClientAlias" : "ricsOauth2ApplicationClientAlias",
                             "oauth2ApplicationClientId" : "GET_FROM_WALLET",
                             "oauth2ApplicationClientSecret" : "GET_FROM_WALLET"
                             "oauth2ApplicationName" : "MFCS",
                             "oauth2ApplicationScopeOfAccess" : {"name":"oauth2.default.scopeOfAccess.*", "value":"urn:opc:idm:__myscopes__"},
                             "oauth2ApplicationClientAlias" : "mfcsOauth2ApplicationClientAlias",
  2. Continue with regular installation


In case any similar errors like ORA-00942: table or view does not exist Verify if the corresponding tables present in the schema or not, as there are cases where Bdi<App>ReceiverServiceDataSource and Bdi<App>JobAdminDataSource might have configured to different schemas.RTG maintains only one migration script for upgrades. Please ignore those errors.

The following changes have been introduced to the BDI Edge RMS Job Admin Configuration file in 19.0.1 Release

  1. For BDI RFI the application has been renamed from BdiIntJobAdminPak<VERSION>ForRfi<VERSION>_eng_ga.zip to BdiEdgeAppJobAdminPak<VERSION>ForRfi<VERSION>_eng_ga.zip, due to this change the BDI RMS Configuration for BDI RFI has also changed:

     "RfiJobAdminAppServer": {           
                    "comment_1": "For 16.0.028 and older RFI",
                    "comment_2": "For 19.0.00019.0.1 and later RFI",         
  2. New System Options Added to Disable Jobs at the time of installation:

                    {"name":"jobSelection.1.pattern", "value":"ToExternalJob"},
                    {"name":"jobSelection.1.initialState", "value":"false"},