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Oracle® Retail Integration Bus Installation Guide
Release 19.0.1
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7 RIB-RWMS Hybrid Cloud Installation Instructions

This chapter describes the steps that must be completed for rib-rwms hybrid cloud environment setup.

Setup rib-rwms Hybrid Cloud Environment


  • Hybrid Cloud set-up involves 2 parts installation, one each for master (cloud) and slave components (on-prem).

  • This document provides specific instructions for rib-rwms installation for hybrid-cloud, for detailed instructions on RIB installation refer to the Chapter 6, "Run the RIB Application Installer".

  • Main difference between the regular RIB-RWMS installation and the hybrid cloud RIB-RWMS is the data sources created during the installation needs to point to a set of available database schema for AQ, Error Hospital and the Application DB, as listed below.

Database Schemas

Identify the DB users you will need for the data-sources. You willneed to input these during the compilation step.

  • Master rib-rwms app needs a valid AQ schema, a valid Error Hospital schema. Since the master-app does not have access to the on-premises RWMS application schema, we will point the app-db datasource to the Error hospital schema. AQ schema is the usual schema which all rib-apps are connected to including master rib-rwms as well.

  • Slave rib-rwms app will be deployed in the on-premise close to RWMS. Slave rib-rwms app needs a valid on-prem RWMS application schema. For the Error Hospital and the AQ data-sources can be pointed to the same RWMS app schema since the slave-app does not know about the on-cloud DB.

Table 7-1 Master and Slave rib-rwms Data-Sources Details

App Type AQ Schema rib-rwms-jms1-ojmsmanaged-datasource EH Schema rib-rwms-hosp-managed-datasource App DB Schema rib-rwms-managed-datasource

Master rib-rwms


A valid AQ . example:


A valid EH schema. example:


same as EH


Slave rib-rwms




( RWMS app schema




( RWMS app schema




(RWMS app schema on-prem.)

Part 1: RIB_RWMS Master Side Configuration (On Cloud)

Rib-rwms Master can be installed using rib application installer, follow Chapter 6, "Run the RIB Application Installer" for instructions. For command line tool follow the below instructions.

Install Using the RIB App Builder Command Line Tools

  1. Download and extract the RibKernel<RIB_MAJOR_VERSION>ForAll<RETAIL_APP_VERSION>Apps_eng_ga.tar.

    e.g tar xvf RibKernel19.0.1ForAll19.x.xApps_eng_ga.jar

  2. RibFuncArtifact<RIB_MAJOR_VERSION>ForAll<RETAIL_APP_VERSION>Apps_eng_ga.tar and put it in rib-home/download-home/rib-func-artifacts directory.

    Do not extract the tar file. This will be done by the check-version-and-unpack tool.

  3. Download all the RibPak<RIB_{MAJOR|MINOR}_ VERSION>For<RETAIL_APP_NAME><RETAIL_APP_VERSION>_eng_ ga.tar and put it in the rib-home/download-home/all-rib-apps directory.

    Do not extract the tar file. This will be done by the check-version-and-unpack tool.

  4. For Linux and Solaris OS only. Set the JAVA_HOME environment variable. The JAVA_HOME must be set to a JDK1.8.0+64bit with latest security updates, within the1.8codeline.64bit.

  5. Run the rib-home/download-home/bin/check-version-and-un pack.sh script from rib-home/download-home/bin directory.

  6. Edit rib-home/deployment-home/conf/rib-deployment-env-info.xml file to specify the deployment environment information.

    Under <app-in-scope-for-integration> change RWMS from plsql-app to master-plsql-app:

    <app id="rwms" type="master-plsql-app" />

  7. Replace the existing rib-app with copy of commented hybrid cloud installation section for rib-rwms.

    Example (this is also available on deployment XML as commented snippet):

    Figure 7-1 Commented Hybrid Cloud Installation XML Snippet

    Commented Hybrid Cloud Installation XML Snippet


    RWMS retail app type is "soap-app". RIB app (rib-rwms) type is "master-plsql-app".

  8. Compile: Run the rib-home/application-assembly-home/bin/rib-app-compiler.sh script with setup-security-credential from rib-home/application-assembly-home/bin directory.

    example: ./rib-app-compiler.sh -setup-security-credential

    For rib-rwms give the same schema details for Error Hospital (EH) and app-DB as follows:

    Figure 7-2 AQ Details

    AQ Details

    Figure 7-3 Error Hospital Details

    FH Details

    Figure 7-4 App-DB Details

    App-DB Details
  9. There are two new webservices added in RIB that allow the master to communicate with slaves.

    Publication – RemotePlsqlPublisherComponentServiceBeanService

    Subscription – PlsqlApplicationMessageInjectorServiceBeanService

    RIB supports policyA and poilicyC service provider. By default webservices are secured with policyC (http-or-https-username-token).

    The compilation step prompts you to enter the user/password for the alias " rib-rwms_ws_security_user-name-alias" used for service calls. The credential should be the same as for "rib-rwms_rib-admin-gui_admin-user-name-alias" on the slave side.

    Figure 7-5 Compilation Example

    Compilation Example
  10. Deploy: Execute the rib-home/deployment-home/bin/rib-app-deployer.sh script with the appropriate command line parameter.

    rib-app-deployer.sh -prepare-jms
    rib-app-deployer.sh -deploy-rib-app-ear rib-<app>


    <app> must be rwms.

  11. Verify: Once the rib-rwms app is deployed, open the rib-admin-gui from a web browser:

    <http or https://>host:port/rib-rwms-admin-gui

Part 2: RIB_RWMS Slave Side Configuration (On Premise)


There is no RIB installer GUI available for rib-rwms slave installation.

Install Using the RIB App Builder Command Line Tools

  1. Download RIB kernel For RMWS-slave-app (hybrid-cloud) distribution.


  2. Extract contents of jar file.

  3. Open rib-deployment-env-info.xml found inside ./rib-rwms-slave-home/deployment-home/conf.

  4. Edit this file to specify your deployment environment information.

    • Make sure the following entries are present in the <app-in-scope-for-integration> section:

      <app id="rwms" type=" slave-plsql-app" />
    • Update rib-jms-servers section to provide the AQ JMS server details. Because the slave app deploys on premise, it will not have access to AQ JMS on cloud. Use RWMS app schema detail for AQ JMS setup. For example:

      RWMS app schema detail for AQ JMS setup
    • Update RIB domain details in weblogic-application-servers section. For example:

      RIB domain details in weblogic-application-servers section
    • Skip updating the rib-func-artifact-server details. Rib-func-artifact deployment is not required for slave.

    • Update RIB-RWMS slave server details. For example:

      Update RIB-RWMS slave server details
    • Make sure datasource url (host, port n service) entries are updated in the rib-app section of rib-rwms slave:

      datasource url (host, port n service) entries are updated in the rib-app section of rib-rwms slave


      As the slave app deploys on premise, it will not have access to AQ JMS and Error hospital. Therefore, all the datasources must connect to the RWMS app schema.

  5. Compile: Run the rib-home/application-assembly-home/bin/rib-app-co mpiler.sh script with setup-security-credential from rib-home/application-assembly-home/bin directory.

    Example: ./rib-app-compiler.sh -setup-security-credential


    When the slave app deploys on-premise, it will not have access to AQ JMS and Error hospital. Therefore, both datasources must connect to the RWMS app schema.

    Figure 7-6 AQ Details

    AQ Details

    Figure 7-7 EH Details

    FH Details

    Figure 7-8 App-DB Details

    App-DB Details
  6. Deploy: Execute the rib-home/deployment-home/bin/rib-app-deployer.sh script with the appropriate command line parameter.

    rib-app-deployer.sh -deploy-rib-app-ear rib-<app>
    rib-func-artifact deployment is not required.

    Verify: Once the rib-rwms slave app is deployed, open the rib-admin-gui from a web browser using the credentials provided during compilation:

    <http or https://>host:port/rib-rwms-admin-gui

  7. Make sure the Publication and Subscription WS are available to use.


    https:// ribhost.example.com:17010/PlsqlApplicationMessageInjectorServiceBea

    Sample script to create rib-rwms master AQ schema:

    CREATE USER <rib aq user> IDENTIFIED BY <rib aq password>
    GRANT "CONNECT" TO <rib aq user> ;
    GRANT "RESOURCE" TO <rib aq user> ;
    GRANT CREATE SESSION TO <rib aq user> ;
    GRANT EXECUTE ON "SYS"."DBMS_AQ" TO <rib aq user> ;
    GRANT EXECUTE ON "SYS"."DBMS_AQADM" TO <rib aq user> ;
    GRANT EXECUTE ON "SYS"."DBMS_AQIN" TO <rib aq user>;
    GRANT EXECUTE ON "SYS"."DBMS_AQJMS" TO <rib aq user>;
    ALTER USER <rib aq user>