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Oracle® Retail Integration Bus Cloud Service Installation Guide
Release 19.1.000
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11 Retail Integration Console Installation Tasks

Retail Integration Console (RIC) is a visualization tool for Retail Integration. It provides full visibility to the Oracle Retail Integration System in a unified view within the business context of the Oracle Retail applications.


  • RIB must be deployed.

  • JMS-Console must be deployed from rib-home/tools-home/.

  • rib-home must be accessible to ric-home, in other words both must share the file system.

Deployment Steps

Perform the following procedure to deploy RIC:

  1. Download RicKernel19.1.000ForAll19.x.xApps_eng_ga.zip to a location (for example - RIC-APP-BUILDER) on your computer which has your rib-home.

  2. Edit the configuration file ric-deployment-env-info.json inside ric-home/conf/ folder.

  3. Modify the MiddlewareServerDef and IntegrationProduct with information that is specific to your environment.

    • Set the value of ribEnable property in the configuration file to true.

    • Set the value of ribHome property in the configuration file to point to your rib-home.

    • Set the value of RicAppServer fields to point to the environment where you want to deploy RIC.

    • Set the value of rsbEnable property in the configuration file to false for RIC in RIB only mode.

    • Set the value of bdiEnable property in the configuration file to true.

  4. Go to the ric-home/bin/ folder, run the compiler to update the RIC ear as follows:

    $ sh ric-app-compiler.sh -setup-credentials

    When prompted by the compiler, enter the user name and password for the Weblogic server and RIC admin user, the RIC admin user will be used to log in RIC.

  5. Run the deployer script to deploy RIC and create the user and group on your weblogic server from the same folder as follows:

    $ sh ric-app-deployer.sh -deploy-ric-app


See the section, "Configuration and Deployment," in the Oracle Retail Integration Console Guide before attempting installation.