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Oracle® Retail Integration Cloud Service Hospital Administration Guide
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Term Definition
Attempt Count The number of times the system has tried to process the message.
adapter An adapter represents one or more threads of control within the adapter that publishes or subscribes to the applicable XML messages.
Custom Flag This value is used to signal that the message contains custom data. This is not currently used by the RIB; therefore its value is always set to F (false).
Delete Pending A Yes means that the message is marked for deletion and will be removed from the RIB Hospital when the retry adapter and/or process checks for messages to be deleted from the RIB Hospital. No means that the message is not pending for deletion.
Family The valid message family to which the message belongs. Each message family contains information specific to a related set of operations on a business entity or related business entities.
Hospital ID This is the identifier of a single message in the Hospital database. It is the primary key that associates the message in the RIB_MESSAGE table with its corresponding data in the RIB_MESSAGE_FAILURE, RIB_MESSAGE_ROUTING_INFO and RIB_MESSAGE_HOSPITAL_REF tables.
ID Optional ID string that identifies the message. Composite primary keys require multiple IDs. For example, a line item within a Purchase Order may contain the PO number and line item number as part of the ID. For example: <id>PONumber=12345</id> <id>ItemID=321</id>
In Queue If Yes, messages in the queue are waiting to be reprocessed. If No, messages are not being reprocessed.
JMS Queue ID This ID represents the JMS server that the message is published to during retries from the hospital. The ID also represents the JMS server from which the message was originally published (or from which the message was originally attempted to be published). The format of this field is <JMS host name>:<JMS host port>.
Last Error Description The text of the error message that describes why the message failed to process.
Location The adapter name and/or process name.
Max Attempts The maximum number of times a message in the RIB Hospital should be re-processed by an application.
Message Type Each message family contains a set of sub-formats specific to the business event triggering message publication. The term message type embodies this specific sub-format. For example: a Purchase Order message family can contain message types such as Create PO Header, Create PO Detail, Update PO Header, or Delete PO Detail.
Publish Time The date/timestamp indicating when the message was published.
Reason Code This value identifies whether an error occurred during publication of the message or during consumption (subscription). The indicators are JMS, SUB, and PUB. The PUB reason code is used by RMS to indicate that a reference to a message must be retained in the RIB Hospital. When retried, the adapter must call a special stored procedure (PUB_RETRY) that will publish the message once some specific conditions are met in the RMS application.
RIB Message ID ID of the Message within the RIB Hospital. This value is set only after the message is checked into the RIB Hospital.
Thread Value The thread value is used for parallel processing of messages within the same family. This value is added to the message during publication to the JMS so that it can be routed through a specific adapter and/or process.