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Oracle® Identity Manager Connector Guide for SAP CUA,
Release 9.0.1

Part Number B31134-01
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1 About the Connector

Oracle Identity Manager automates access rights management, security, and provisioning of IT resources. Oracle Identity Manager connectors are used to integrate Oracle Identity Manager with third-party applications. The connector for SAP CUA is used to integrate Oracle Identity Manager with SAP CUA.


Oracle Identity Manager connectors were referred to as resource adapters prior to the acquisition of Thor Technologies by Oracle.

This chapter contains the following sections:

Supported Functionality

The following table lists the functions that are available with this connector.

Function Type Used For
Create User Provisioning Creating a user in the SAP CUA system
Delete User Provisioning Deleting a user in the SAP CUA system
Lock User Provisioning Locking a user in the SAP CUA system
Unlock User Provisioning Unlocking a user in the SAP CUA system
Reset User Password Provisioning Resetting a user password in the SAP CUA system
Edit User Provisioning Modifying user details in the SAP CUA system
Add User To Activity Group(Role) Provisioning Adding a user to Activity Group in the SAP CUA system
Remove User From Activity Group(Role) Provisioning Removing a user from Activity Group in the SAP CUA system
Assign Profile to User Provisioning Adding a profile to user in the SAP CUA system
Remove Profile from User Provisioning Removing a profile from user in the SAP CUA system
Create User Reconciliation Creating a user in Oracle Identity Manager
Delete User Reconciliation Deleting a user in Oracle Identity Manager
Lock User Reconciliation Locking a user in Oracle Identity Manager
Unlock User Reconciliation UnLocking a user in Oracle Identity Manager
Edit User Reconciliation Modifying user details in Oracle Identity Manager
Add User To Activity Group(Role) Reconciliation Assigning Activity Group to user in Oracle Identity Manager
Remove User From Activity Group(Role) Reconciliation Removing Activity Group from user in Oracle Identity Manager
Add profile to User Reconciliation Assigning profile to user in Oracle Identity Manager
Remove profile From User Reconciliation Removing profile to user in Oracle Identity Manager

Reconciliation Module

This section describes the elements that the reconciliation class extracts from the target system for constructing a reconciliation event record.

The following types of reconciliation are discussed in this section:

Lookup Data Reconciliation

For the reconciliation scheduled task to work, the following attributes are reconciled. These attributes must be available in the lookup definition:

  • Roles

  • TimeZone

  • LangComm

  • UserTitle

  • DecimalNotation

  • DateFormat

  • UserGroups

  • CommType

  • Profiles

The following lookup fields are not reconciled:

  • Lookup.SAP.CUA.UserType

  • Lookup.SAP.CUA.LockUser

  • Lookup.SAP.CUA.RoleProfileOption

User Reconciliation

This section discusses elements that are specific to user reconciliation between the SAP CUA and the Oracle Identity Manager systems.

Reconciled SAP CUA Resource Object Fields

The following fields are reconciled for the SAP system:

  • Extension

  • Telephone

  • Time Zone

  • Lang Logon

  • User Group

  • Department

  • Lang Comm

  • Last Name

  • First Name

  • User Title

  • Password

  • User ID (Required Field)

  • Start Menu

  • User Type

  • Alias

  • Lock User

  • Communication Type

  • Code

  • Building

  • Floor

  • Room No

  • Function

  • Decimal Notation

  • Date Format

  • Email Address

  • Fax Number

  • IT Resource Type

  • User Profile

    • User Profile

    • System Name

  • User Role

    • User Role

    • System Name

Reconciled Xellerate User Fields

The following attributes are reconciled between the SAP CUA system and Oracle Identity Manager for the Xellerate User:

  • UserID

  • Password

  • Organization

  • FirstName

  • LastName

  • Xellerate

  • Role

Provisioning Module

The following fields are mandatory for provisioning to work for resource objects:

The following fields are mandatory for the Create User provisioning task to work:

Files and Directories That Comprise the Connector

The files and directories that comprise this connector are compressed in the SAP CUA Rev file, which is in the following directory on the installation media:

Enterprise Applications\SAP Enterprise Applications\

These files and directories are listed in the following table.

Files in the Installation Media Directory Description
This XML file contains all the components of the connector. These components include the following:
  • Resource asset type

  • Custom process form

  • Process task and adapters (along with their mappings)

  • Resource object

  • Provisioning process

  • Pre-populate rules

  • Reconciliation process

  • Lookup definitions

xml\SAPCUAXLResourceObject.xml The SAPCUAXLResourceObject.xml file contains only the Oracle Identity Manager resource objects and dependent values. This file is used only if the connected is configured as a trusted source.
This JAR file contains the class files that are required for provisioning and reconciliation.
BAPI\xlsapcuacar.sar SAP adapter file that is deployed on the SAP CUA system.
These are configuration files that contain logging, connection, and troubleshooting parameters for various connector tasks.
Troubleshoot\troubleShootingUtility.class Troubleshooting utility used to test connector functionality.
Oracle Identity Manager Connector Guide for SAP CUA.

Instructions to copy these files into the appropriate directories are given in Chapter 2, "Deploying the Connector".