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Oracle® Identity Manager Connector Guide for Siebel
Release 9.0.1

Part Number B31138-01
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2 Deploying the Connector

Deploying the connector involves the following steps:

This chapter also discusses the following topic:

Step 1: Verifying Deployment Requirements

The following table lists the deployment requirements for the connector.

Item Requirement
Oracle Identity Manager Oracle Identity Manager release 8.5.3 or later
Target systems Siebel 7.5 or Siebel 7.8
Target system host platforms Microsoft Windows 2000 or Microsoft Windows 2003
External code For Siebel 7.5:

SiebelJI.jar, SiebelJI_Common.jar, and SiebelJI_enu.jar

For Siebel 7.8:

Siebel.jar and SiebelJI_enu.jar

Step 2: Copying the Connector Files and External Code

The connector files and external code files to be copied and the directories to which you must copy them are given in the following table.


The directory paths given in the first column of this table correspond to the location of the connector files in the following ZIP file on the installation media:
Enterprise Applications\Siebel Enterprise Applications\Siebel User Management Rev

Refer to "Files and Directories That Comprise the Connector" for more information about these files.

File in the Installation Media Directory Destination Directory
The following files in the xml directory:
If you are using Siebel 7.5, then extract the following files from the lib\ file:

If you are using Siebel 7.8, then extract the following files from the lib\ file:


The following files in the Troubleshoot directory:

The following contents of the docs directory:

Step 3: Importing the Connector XML Files

To import the connector XML files into Oracle Identity Manager:

  1. Open the Oracle Identity Manager Administrative and User Console.

  2. Click the Deployment Management link on the left navigation bar.

  3. Click the Import link under Deployment Management. A dialog box for locating files is displayed.

  4. Locate and open the SiebelEmpResourceObject.xml file, which is in the xellerate_home\XELLERATE\SIEBEL1.0.0\xml directory. Details of this XML file are shown on the File Preview page.

  5. Click Add File. The Substitutions page is displayed.

  6. Click Next. The Confirmation page is displayed.

  7. Click Next. The Provide IT Resource Instance Data page for the SIEBEL IT Resource IT resource is displayed.

  8. Specify values for the parameters of the SIEBEL IT Resource IT resource. Refer to the table in the "Defining IT Resources" section for information about the values to be specified.

  9. Click Next. The Provide IT Resource Instance Data page for a new instance of the SIEBEL IT Resource Definition IT resource type is displayed.

  10. Click Skip to specify that you do not want to define another IT resource. The Confirmation page is displayed.

    See Also:

    If you want to define another IT resource, then refer to Oracle Identity Manager Tools Reference Guide for instructions.
  11. Click View Selections.

    The contents of the XML file are displayed on the Import page. You may see a cross-shaped icon along with some nodes. You must remove these nodes. To do this, right-click each such node and then select Remove.

  12. Click Import. The connector XML file is imported into Oracle Identity Manager.

  13. If you plan to use the connector in trusted source reconciliation mode, then perform the same procedure to import the SiebelEmpXLResourceObject.xml file. This file is in the xellerate_home\XELLERATE\SIEBEL1.0.0\xml directory.


    Only one connector can be configured as a trusted source. If you import the SiebelEmpXLResourceObject.xml file while you have another trusted source configured, then both connector reconciliations would stop working.

After you import the connector XML file, proceed to the "Step 4: Configuring Reconciliation" section.

Defining IT Resources

You must specify values for the SIEBEL IT Resource IT resource parameters listed in the following table.

Parameter Name Description Sample/Default Value
EnterpriseServer Name of the Enterprise server siebel
GatewayServer Name of the Gateway server STS_TESTING
GatewayServerPort Port of the Gateway server 2320
Language Language enu
ObjectManager Name of the object manager SCCObjMgr_enu
Password Password of the Siebel administrator sadmin
SiebelServer Name of the Siebel server STS_TESTING
UserName User name of the Siebel administrator sadmin
Encryption Type of encryption for secure communication

Note: The value of this parameter is case-sensitive.

RSA (if encryption is required)


None (if encryption is not required)

Version Version of Siebel supported by this connector 7.5 or 7.8
TimeStamp The value is empty for the first-time reconciliation. From then onward, this parameter stores the time at which the last reconciliation run was completed. Apr 16, 2006 at 11:35:00 GMT+05:30

After you specify values for these IT resource parameters, go to Step 9 of the procedure to import connector XML files.

Step 4: Configuring Reconciliation

Configuring reconciliation involves creating scheduled tasks for lookup fields and user reconciliations. To create these scheduled tasks:

  1. Open the Oracle Identity Manager Design Console.

  2. Expand the Xellerate Administration folder.

  3. Select Task Scheduler.

  4. Click Find. The details of the predefined scheduled tasks are displayed on two different tabs.

  5. Enter a number in the Max Retries field. This number represents the number of times Oracle Identity Manager should attempt to complete the task before assigning the ERROR status to the task.

  6. Ensure that the Disabled and Stop Execution check boxes are cleared.

  7. In the Start region, double-click the Start Time field. From the date-time editor that is displayed, select the date and time at which you want the task to run.

  8. In the Interval region, set the following schedule parameters:

    • To set the task to run on a recurring basis, select the Daily, Weekly, Recurring Intervals, Monthly, or Yearly option.

      If you select the Recurring Intervals option, then you must also specify the time interval at which you want the task to run on a recurring basis.

    • To set the task to run only once, select the Once option.

  9. Provide values for the attributes of the scheduled task. Refer to the appropriate table in the "Specifying Values for the Scheduled Task Attributes"section for information about the values to be specified.

    See Also:

    Oracle Identity Manager Design Console Guide for information about adding and removing task attributes
  10. Click Save. The scheduled task is created. The INACTIVE status is displayed in the Status field, because the task is not currently running. The task is run at the date and time that you set in Step 7.

  11. Repeat Steps 5 through 10 to create the second scheduled task.

After you create both scheduled tasks, proceed to the "Step 5: Compiling Adapters" section.

Specifying Values for the Scheduled Task Attributes

This section provides information about the attribute values to be specified for the following scheduled tasks:

Lookup Fields Reconciliation Scheduled Task

You must specify values for the following attributes of the lookup fields reconciliation scheduled task.


Attribute values are predefined in the connector XML file that you import. Specify values only for those attributes that you want to change.
Attribute Name Description Default/Sample Value
ITResource Name of the IT resource SIEBEL IT Resource

After you specify values for these scheduled task attributes, go to Step 10 of the procedure to create scheduled tasks.

User Reconciliation Scheduled Task

You must specify values for the following attributes of the user reconciliation scheduled task.


Attribute values are predefined in the connector XML file that you import. Specify values only for those attributes that you want to change.
Attribute Name Description Default/Sample Value
Organization Oracle Identity Manager users OIM Users
Xellerate Type Type of Oracle Identity Manager user End user Administrator
Role Default role Consultant
ITResource Name of the IT resource SIEBEL IT Resource
ResourceObject Resource object name SIEBEL Resource Object
isTrusted Specifies whether or not trusted source reconciliation must be performed

This parameter is set to true for trusted source reconciliation. It is set to false for target resource reconciliation.

False (Nontrusted reconciliation)

True (Trusted reconciliation)

Password Password of the Oracle Identity Manager user Dummy123
isDeleteRecon Specifies whether or not delete users reconciliation must be performed

If this parameter is set to true, then the users that are deleted from the target system are deleted from Oracle Identity Manager. If this parameter is set to false, then the users that are deleted from the target system are not deleted from Oracle Identity Manager.

Note: This parameter is provided only for optimization, because Siebel does not maintain the records of deleted users.

True or False

After you specify values for these scheduled task attributes, go to Step 10 of the procedure to create scheduled tasks.

Step 5: Compiling Adapters

The following adapters are imported into Oracle Identity Manager when you import the connector XML file. You must compile these adapters before you can use them to provision accounts on the target system.

To compile adapters by using the Adapter Manager form:

  1. Open the Adapter Manager form.

  2. To compile all the adapters that you import into the current database, select the Compile All option.

    To compile multiple (but not all) adapters, select the adapters you want to compile. Then, select the Compile Selected option.

  3. Click Start. Oracle Identity Manager compiles the adapters that you specify.

To view detailed information about an adapter:

  1. Highlight the adapter in the Adapter Manager form.

  2. Double-click the row header of the adapter, or right-click the adapter.

  3. Select Launch Adapter from the shortcut menu that is displayed. Details of the adapter are displayed.


To compile multiple adapters simultaneously, use the Adapter Manager form. To compile one adapter at a time, use the Adapter Factory form. Refer to Oracle Identity Manager Tools Reference Guide for information about how to use these forms.

Step 6: Configuring the Target System for Encryption


Perform this procedure only if you want to use RSA encryption on the target system. If you set the value of the Encryption IT resource parameter to None, then this step is not required.

You can configure encryption to secure communication between the Siebel server and Oracle Identity Manager.

Configuring Siebel for RSA Encryption

This section describes how to configure Siebel to use RSA encryption for Siebel Internet Session API (SISNAPI) communication between the Siebel server and Oracle Identity Manager.

To enable RSA encryption for Siebel:

  1. Start the Siebel Software Configuration Wizard.

    This wizard is started automatically when you install Siebel. You can also open it manually.

    See Also:

    The "Starting the Siebel Software Configuration Wizard" section for information about starting the wizard manually.
  2. On the Encryption Type page of the wizard, select one of the following encryption settings:

    • RSA: Select this option if you want to use the RSA Security Systems 128-bit strong encryption feature for Siebel components.

    • None: Select this option if you do not want to use encryption.

  3. Review the settings, and exit the wizard.

  4. Restart the server.

Configuring the Siebel Web Server Extension for RSA Encryption

After you configure Siebel for RSA encryption, perform the same procedure to configure the Siebel Web Server Extension for RSA encryption.

Enabling RSA Encryption for the Siebel Call Center Application

To enable RSA encryption for the Siebel Call Center Application:

  1. Start the Siebel Call Center Application.

  2. Navigate to Sitemap, Server Administration, Components, and Component Parameters.

  3. Query for Call Center Object Manager (ENU) in the Components List Applet.

  4. In the Component Parameter List applet, select the Encryption Type parameter and select RSA. If RSA encryption is not required, then select None instead of RSA.

Starting the Siebel Software Configuration Wizard

This section provides information about starting the Siebel Software Configuration Wizard.

The Siebel Software Configuration Wizard opens automatically after the installation of most server components. If required, you can use one of the following methods to manually start the wizard on a Microsoft Windows computer:

  • From the Microsoft Windows desktop:

    1. Click Start.

    2. Select Programs, Siebel Servers 7.0, and Configure Server_Type, where Server_Type is the server you want to configure. For example, Server_Type can be Siebel Gateway.

  • From a command window:

    1. Open a command window and navigate to the bin subdirectory component to configure components in the SIEBEL_ROOT directory. For example, D:\\sea700\siebsrvr\bin.

    2. Depending on the component that you want to configure, enter one of the following commands:

      • To configure the Siebel Database Server, enter the following command:

        ssincfgw -l LANGUAGE -v y
      • To configure any component except the Siebel Database Server, enter the following command:

        ssincfgw -l LANGUAGE

      In these commands, LANGUAGE is the language in which the Siebel Software Configuration Wizard must run. For example, ENU for U.S. English or DEU for German. When you run any one of these commands, a menu of configuration modules for each installed component is displayed.

Activating and Deactivating Employee Accounts


This is not part of the deployment procedure.

To activate an employee account in Siebel, assign any responsibility from Oracle Identity Manager.

To deactivate an employee account in Siebel, delete all the responsibilities of the employee from Oracle Identity Manager.