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Oracle® XML API Reference
10g Release 1 (10.1)

Part Number B10789-01
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XSLT Virtual Machine is the software implementation of a "CPU" designed to run compiled XSLT code. A concept of virtual machine assumes a compiler compiling XSLT stylesheets to a sequence of byte codes or machine instructions for the "XSLT CPU". The byte-code program is a platform-independent sequence of 2-byte units. It can be stored, cached and run on different XSLTVM. The XSLTVM uses the bytecode programs to transform instance XML documents. This approach clearly separates compile (design)-time from run-time computations and specifies a uniform way of exchanging data between instructions.

A typical scenario of using the package APIs has the following steps:

  1. Create/Use an XML meta context object.

    xctx = XmlCreate(,...);

  2. Create/Use an XSLT Compiler object.

    comp = XmlXvmCreateComp(xctx);

  3. Compile an XSLT stylesheets and cache the result bytecode.

    code = XmlXvmCompileFile(comp, xslFile, baseuri, flags, );

  4. Create/Use an XSLTVM object. The explicit stack size setting are needed when XSLTVM terminates with "... Stack Overflow" message or when smaller memory footprints are required (see XmlXvmCreate).

    vm = XmlXvmCreate(xctx, "StringStack", 32, "NodeStack", 24, NULL);

  5. Set a stylesheet bytecode to the XSLTVM object.

    len = XmlXvmGetBytecodeLength(code, ); err = XmlXvmSetBytecodeBuffer(vm, code, len);

  6. Transform an instance XML document.

    err = XmlXvmTransformFile(vm, xmlFile, baseuri);

  7. Clean.


