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Oracle® Content Database Administrator's Guide for Oracle WebCenter Suite
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Part Number B32191-01
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E Server Configuration Properties

Each Oracle Content DB node can support multiple servers. These servers can be either protocol servers or agents:

Each server is based on a particular server configuration that holds the default values used when the server is started for an Oracle Content DB node.

The properties listed in this appendix are all required for a protocol server or agent to run properly. When you install and configure an Oracle Content DB instance, the properties are configured using the default values shown in this appendix.

This appendix provides information about the following topics:

Shared Properties

Table E-1 defines server configuration properties that are shared among more than one server or agent.

Table E-1 Shared Properties

Property Description and Usage Notes Default


The class used to instantiate the server.

Default varies from server to server.


Default country to be used in session localizer.



Default language to be used in session localizer.



User name for server session. Must be a user with Oracle Content DB administrator privileges.



Time interval for when the agent runs again. Specified as a number followed by a time unit, such as 4h to indicate a 4-hour interval. Time units are:

h=hours, m=minutes, s=seconds

Default varies from server to server.


The delay before the first time interval, relative to when the server is started. This property is ignored if a value is specified for IFS.SERVER.TIMER. InitialTimeOfDay.

Default varies from server to server.


The first timer event. Set time based on a 24-hour clock.


Background Request Agent

The Background Request Agent is an event-based agent that reacts to requests placed by users for operations that take a long time to perform, such as modifying the Sharing properties for the Oracle Content DB Site. The agent asynchronously performs the requested operations to avoid performance problems.

The default name for this server configuration is:


Table E-2 lists the properties for the Background Request Agent.

Table E-2 Background Request Agent Configuration Properties

Property Description and Usage Notes Default


The maximum number of events processed in a single iteration of this agent.


Cleanup Agent

The Cleanup Agent performs a variety of cleaning tasks on a periodic basis, such as deleting content in the Archive that has passed the expiration period set by the Content Administrator. Each of these tasks has a corresponding property called an Activation Multiplier that controls how often the task is performed.

The Activation Multiplier works in conjunction with the IFS.SERVER.TIMER.ActivationPeriod property. For example, if IFS.SERVER.TIMER.ActivationPeriod is set to 1h, and ECM.AGENT.CLEANUPAGENT.EMPTYARCHIVE.ActivationMultiplier is set to 8, then the Cleanup Agent will delete expired content in the Archive every 8 hours.

The descriptions and notes provided in Table E-3 assume an ActivationPeriod of 1 hour, which is the default for this agent.

The default name for this server configuration is:


Table E-3 Cleanup Agent Configuration Properties

Property Description and Usage Notes Default


Controls how often content in the Archive is moved to a BFILE. This action is only performed when BFILE archiving has been enabled. See "Setting Up Data Archiving" for more information.



The time of day from which all intervals for this agent are based. This property determines the time at which tasks will be run that perform only once every 24 hours, and the relative time for tasks performed only a few times in a 24-hour period. For example, if a task has an ActivationMultiplier of 8 and the BaseTimeOfDay is set to 20:15:00, that task will run at 20:15, 4:15, and 12:15.



Controls how often the quota used by files in the Archive for the Site is recalculated.



Controls how often the total quota used by all files located in Libraries for the Site is recalculated.



Controls how often links that reference inaccessible items have their internal representation optimized.



Controls how often the administration mode representation for users is removed from the system, for users whose application administration access has been disabled for a sufficient period of time. This time period is controlled by the ECM.AGENT. CLEANUPAGENT.DELETEDOMAINADMINUSER.InactivityPeriod property.



The amount of time the administration representation for a user remains after the user loses all application administration rights, before that user is removed from the system.



Controls how often security configurations are optimized to reflect users or groups that have been removed from the system.



Controls how often unused security configurations for items in Trash folders are removed from the system.



Controls how often workflow components are optimized with respect to users that have been removed from the system.



Controls how often verification is performed for administrative users to ensure that the users still have administration mode access. For users that have lost all administration mode access, the administration representation of the user is disabled, and remains disabled until the user is again granted application administration access, or is removed from the system.



Controls how often content that has passed the expiration period set by the Content Administrator is deleted from the Archive.



Controls how often Trash folders are emptied if they were configured to be automatically emptied.



Controls how often e-mail notification warnings are sent when the quota used by the Site is at or near the allocated quota limit for that Site. E-mail notifications are sent to any users of the Site with the Quota Administrator role, as well as to the administrator e-mail address specified in the IFS.DOMAIN.EMAIL.AdministratorAddress domain property.



Specifies how close the used quota for the Site needs to be to the allocation limit for a Site quota warning to be issued. The value is specified as a percentage of the Site quota allocation.



Specifies whether documents in the Archive for the Site are considered to count against the quota used for the Site.



Controls how often Libraries that have been deleted and that are unreferenced in the Archive are permanently removed from the system.


Content Agent

The Content Agent controls the management of document content when BFILE aging has been set up. When BFILE aging has been enabled, the Content Agent moves content to a BFILE if it has not been accessed after the retention period.

The Content Agent is one of the few agents that does not run by default. If you want to use BFILE aging in Oracle Content DB, you must first enable BFILE aging, then activate this agent by modifying the node configuration for the node where you want the agent to run. See "Managing Storage Options" for information about setting up BFILE aging and activating the Content Agent.

The default name for this server configuration is:


Table E-4 lists the properties for the Content Agent.

Table E-4 Content Agent Configuration Properties

Property Description and Usage Notes Default


The fully qualified classname of the ContentToBfileManager interface. ContentToBfileManager


For every relative path created, the maximum number of files that can be moved to a folder.



The maximum number of folders created when the Content Agent runs.



How long a file may be kept in the database as a LOB if it is not accessed.


Content Garbage Collection Agent

File attributes and content are stored separately. For performance reasons, the content of a document is not deleted when the document is deleted. The Content Garbage Collection Agent deletes the unreferenced content. Like many agents, this agent runs at a specific time that is specified in the IFS.SERVER.TIMER.InitialTimeOfDay and IFS.SERVER.TIMER.ActivationPeriod properties.

The default name for this server configuration is:


Table E-5 lists the properties for the Content Garbage Collection Agent.

Table E-5 Content Garbage Collection Agent Configuration Properties

Property Description and Usage Notes Default


Amount of time filtered content is kept in the system before it is deleted. HTML-generated rendition of content is an example of filtered content. Unit of measure is seconds.



The maximum number of unreferenced ContentObjects that are freed in a single iteration of this agent.


Dangling Object AV Cleanup Agent

Similar to the Garbage Collection Agent, the Dangling Object AV Cleanup Agent removes orphaned object type references and identifies all invalid object references, such as references to objects that no longer exist, and sets these references to null for array type attributes and zero for scalar attributes. For example, this agent cleans up the owner attribute of a document pointing to a directory object that was deleted and is no longer valid.

The default name for this server configuration is:


Table E-6 lists the properties for the Dangling Object AV Cleanup Agent.

Table E-6 Dangling Object AV Cleanup Agent Configuration Properties

Property Description and Usage Notes Default


A list of attributes for which invalid references to LibraryObjects are not cleaned up.

Do not delete the default values, so the Garbage Collection Agent can handle deleted users correctly. Add additional attributes as needed.







Event Exchanger Agent

The Event Exchanger Agent periodically purges expired events from the event queue.

The default name for this server configuration is:


Table E-7 lists the properties for the Event Exchanger Agent.

Table E-7 Event Exchanger Agent Configuration Properties

Property Description and Usage Note Default


The time, in seconds, after which an event is assumed to have been delivered and become eligible for purging.


Expiration Agent

All public objects have an attribute called ExpirationDate. When this date passes, the public objects are automatically deleted. This is handled by the Expiration Agent, which periodically deletes expired objects. If the expiration date of a public object passes, the agent deletes the public object. Like many agents, this agent runs at a specific time that is specified in the IFS.SERVER.TIMER.InitialTimeOfDay and IFS.SERVER.TIMER.ActivationPeriod properties.

The default name for this server configuration is:


Folder Index Agent

The Folder Index Agent handles additional folder index functions not covered by the Folder Index Analyzer Agent. See the following section for more information about the Folder Index Analyzer Agent.

The default name for this server configuration is:


Table E-8 lists the properties for the Folder Index Agent.

Table E-8 Folder Index Agent Configuration Properties

Property Description and Usage Notes Default


The maximum number of deferred updates processed in a single iteration of this agent.


Folder Index Analyzer Agent

Oracle Content DB uses an internal mechanism called the folder index to speed up folder-restricted queries. This index is modified every time the folder hierarchy gets changed, to reflect the up-to-date folder hierarchy. However, certain forms of file links may leave the folder index in a less than optimal state. The Folder Index Analyzer Agent runs periodically to detect and correct these states, and returns the folder index to an optimal state.

The default name for this server configuration is:


Table E-9 lists the properties for the Folder Index Analyzer Agent. Never modify these values.

Table E-9 Folder Index Analyzer Agent Configuration Properties

Property Description and Usage Notes Default


The threshold for the maximum number of parents after which the folder index is considered less than optimal.

This condition is ANDed with the MaxChildrenThreshold.



The threshold for the maximum number of children after which the folder index is considered less than optimal.

This condition is ANDed with the MaxParentsThreshold.


Garbage Collection Agent

The Garbage Collection Agent fixes invalid public object owners, creators, and modifiers. For example, a document is created and modified by jsmith. The creator, owner, and last modifier attribute of document are set to the object ID of jsmith. If jsmith is deleted, then the attribute value becomes invalid. The agent replaces these invalid attribute values with the ID of the replacement owner, creator, or modifier specified in the server configuration properties.

The default name for this server configuration is:


Table E-10 lists the properties for the Garbage Collection Agent.

Table E-10 Garbage Collection Agent Configuration Properties

Property Description and Usage Notes Default


User to be replaced as owner.

Modify as needed.



User to be replaced as creator.

Modify as needed.



User to be replaced as modifier.

Modify as needed.


HTTP Server

The Oracle Content DB HTTP server lets users access the Oracle Content DB Web client. It also contains properties for WebDAV access.

The default name of this server configuration is:


Table E-11 lists the properties for the Oracle Content DB HTTP server.

Table E-11 HTTP Server Configuration Properties

Property Description and Usage Notes Default


If set to true, WebDAV will return a directory listing when a user tries to GET a folder through the WebDAV servlet. If set to false, the user is redirected to the Web interface.



Nonce refers to the challenge used by WebDAV in digest authentication. After using a nonce to authenticate, the client can continue accessing the server until the timeout period is reached, at which point the server sends another challenge and the client must authenticate again. Unit of measure is minutes.



The minimum timeout value, in seconds, that a client can request when acquiring a lock. This value prevents clients from asking for short timeouts, then refreshing frequently, which increases server load.


IFS.SERVER.PROTOCOL.DAV. Propfind.Infinity.Enabled

Whether to allow depth-infinity PROPFIND requests on collections, which can be extremely resource-intensive.


IFS.SERVER.PROTOCOL.DAV. Propfind.Infinity.MaxResponses

The maximum number of results to collect for a depth-infinity PROPFIND on a collection before rejecting the request. This limit only applies to depth-infinity PROPFIND requests; depth-one requests are not affected. Set to -1 to collect unlimited results.

This property is ignored if IFS.SERVER. PROTOCOL.DAV.Propfind.Infinity. Enabled is set to false.



The array of welcome document names that are served up if a GET is done on a directory containing one of these documents. Typically used so that index.html will be served automatically when the directory is requested.

To disable this feature, set to an empty array.



Renaming the Oracle Content DB HTTP Server

Do not change the name of the EcmHttpServer. If you change the server name, you will not be able to access Oracle Content DB through the Web client.

If you must change the server name, you must also change the name in the web.xml configuration file. To change the server name:

  1. Rename the server using the Application Server Control.

  2. Edit web.xml, located in the following directory:


    Look for the following lines of code, and replace the value for <param-value>:

  3. Save the file.

  4. Restart the OC4J instance.

Inbound Queue Listener Agent

The Inbound Queue Listener Agent is a time-based agent that polls all of the inbound queues periodically so that Oracle Content DB can act upon the messages placed on inbound queues. The Inbound Queue Listener Agent can dequeue a message and delegate the work of processing to the message object itself.

The default name for this server configuration is:


Table E-12 lists the properties for the Inbound Queue Listener Agent.

Table E-12 Inbound Queue Listener Agent Configuration Properties

Property Description and Usage Notes Default


Holds a list of queues on which the agent will listen.



Lock Expiration Agent

The Lock Expiration Agent is a time-based agent that releases locks that are timed out. The agent needs to be running at all times for the automatic expiration function of the lock to work.

The default name for this server configuration is:


Most Recent Doc Agent

The Most Recent Doc Agent is an event-based agent that reacts to documents that have been uploaded or accessed by each user. The information provided by the agent is used whenever a user accesses My Recent Documents.

The default name for this server configuration is:


Table E-13 lists the properties for the Most Recent Doc Agent.

Table E-13 Most Recent Doc Agent Configuration Properties

Property Description and Usage Notes Default


The maximum number of events processed in a single iteration of this agent.


Quota Agent

The Quota Agent is triggered by an event to compute the quota used for Libraries. This agent also checks all active Libraries periodically, according to a specified timer period. The agent updates the storage used by the Library. When the storage used is over the allocated quota, users of the Library will not be able to add any more documents to that Library. Documents in Trash count toward the quota for a Library.

The quota for a Library is calculated based on the content already used. This means that a Library will go over quota when a user of that Library adds the final file that pushes the storage used over the storage limit. When you set the allocated quota for a Library, remember that the last file the user puts in the Library must go over quota before being denied.

Quotas will not be enforced if:

The default name for this server configuration is:


Read Document Agent

The Read Document Agent is an event-based agent that reacts to documents read by users, by triggering a custom workflow if one is configured for the document that is read.

If no custom workflow is configured for the Read Document operation on the folders where the documents are read, the agent takes the action of moving the BFILE content of any recently read document back into a LOB. Documents are moved to BFILEs by the Content Agent; see "Content Agent" for more information.

The default name for this server configuration is:


Table E-14 lists the properties for the Read Document Agent.

Table E-14 Read Document Agent Configuration Properties

Property Description and Usage Notes Default


The maximum number of events processed in a single iteration of this agent.


Reassign Quota Agent

The Reassign Quota agent is an event-based agent that adjusts the quota charged for content in the system when content is moved between Libraries, often a time-consuming task.

The default name for this server configuration is:


Table E-15 lists the properties for the Reassign Quota Agent.

Table E-15 Reassign Quota Agent Configuration Properties

Property Description and Usage Notes Default


The maximum number of events processed in a single iteration of this agent.


Refresh Security Agent

The Refresh Security Agent is an event-based agent that reacts to changes in grants applied at the Site or Container level, and modifies the security applied lower in the folder hierarchy accordingly, if necessary.

The default name for this server configuration is:


Table E-16 lists the properties for the Refresh Security Agent.

Table E-16 Refresh Security Agent Configuration Properties

Property Description and Usage Notes Default


The maximum number of events processed in a single iteration of this agent.


Service Warmup Agent

When a node is started, the Service Warmup Agent automatically preloads the data cache of the service. All properties for this agent are required. Unlike most other agents, this agent is configured to run separately on each node.

The default name for this server configuration is:


Table E-17 lists the properties for the Service Warmup Agent.

Table E-17 Service Warmup Agent Configuration Properties

Property Description and Usage Notes Default


If set to true, preloads ACL collection.



If set to true, preloads format collection.



If set to true, preloads Media collection.



Whether the preloading is done in administration mode.



If set to true, preloads user collection.


Service Watchdog Agent

The Service Watchdog Agent cleans up after Oracle Content DB services that do not shut down cleanly.

The default name for this server configuration is:


Table E-18 lists the properties for the Service Watchdog Agent.

Table E-18 Service Watchdog Agent Configuration Properties

Property Description and Usage Notes Default


The number of seconds after which a service is considered inactive. When a service becomes inactive, it is eligible for cleanup by the Service Watchdog Agent.


Statistics Agent

The Statistics agent is a time-based agent that gathers statistics pertaining to service activity on the node where the agent is running. Unlike most other agents, this agent is configured to run separately on each node, so that statistics are gathered independently for each node. The properties of the agent determine whether the statistics are logged, and whether they are written to a document stored in the Oracle Content DB repository.

The default name for this server configuration is:


Table E-19 lists the properties for the Statistics Agent.

Table E-19 Statistics Agent Configuration Properties

Property Description and Usage Notes Default


Specifies whether an HTML document should be created, whose content is the currently gathered statistics. The name for this file is automatically generated and appears as node_name_log.html.



If set to true, the currently gathered statistics are sent to the node or application log.



The path within the Oracle Content DB folder hierarchy where the statistics document should be created. The path must refer to a Library or a folder within a Library. Do not include a file name as part of this path; the statistics document file name is autogenerated.

If the folder where the statistics file resides does not have a versioning policy set on it, the file will be overwritten every time the agent logs statistics. You should set the folder versioning policy to Auto Versioning or Manual Versioning so that a new version is generated each time the agent logs statistics.

When you set the versioning policy, set the Maximum number of versions to keep to a high number to ensure that statistics are kept for an adequate time period. For example, if you keep the activation period for this agent at 15 minutes (the default), you would need 96 versions in order to retain statistics for a 24-hour period.

Not applicable

User Connect Agent

The User Connect Agent is an event-based agent that updates the user preferences of active users. A user is considered active if they logged in to Oracle Content DB during the last Activation Period.

The default name for this server configuration is:


Table E-20 lists the properties for the User Connect Agent.

Table E-20 User Connect Agent Configuration Properties

Property Description and Usage Notes Default


The maximum number of events processed in a single iteration of this agent.


Version Purge Agent

The Version Purge agent is an event-based agent that purges versioned documents that have exceeded the version limit specified by the Versioning Configuration in effect for the documents. The purged versions are moved to the associated Trash folder.

The default name for this server configuration is:


Table E-21 lists the properties for the Version Purge Agent.

Table E-21 Version Purge Agent Configuration Properties

Property Description and Usage Notes Default


The maximum number of events processed in a single iteration of this agent.


Virus Repair Agent

The Virus Repair Agent is responsible for repairing files that have been infected with a virus, and for retrieving the latest virus definitions. Whenever the agent becomes active, it will poll the SAVSE server for updated virus definitions, and then attempt to repair the quarantined files. The agent will not try to repair the following files:

The default name for this server configuration is:
