This graphic shows a box on the far left named Request-Response Invocation Client. A solid arrow on the right side of this box named (T1) points to a box named Application Server. This solid arrow becomes a dashed arrow inside the box named Application Server and connects to a smaller box inside named Oracle BPEL Server. On the right side of this box is an arrow the points outside of the Application Server box to a dehydration store database. This arrow is named C1 (T1).

Below the box named Request-Response Invocation Client is a box named One-way Invocation Client. A solid arrow on the right side of this box named (T2) points to a box named Queue, which is located on the left side boundary of the box named Application Server. This solid arrow becomes a dashed arrow inside the box named Application Server and connects to a smaller box inside named WorkerBean. This box has a dashed arrow named T3 that points to the box named Oracle BPEL Server. On the right side of this box is an arrow the points outside of the Application Server box to a dehydration store database. This arrow is named C1 (T3). At the bottom of the box named Oracle BPEL Server is a bidirectional arrow that points to a both named Connection Pool. This box is also inside the box named Application Server.