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Oracle® Application Server Globalization Guide
10g Release 3 (

Part Number B31263-01
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accessing the database server, 5.1
Albany WT J font, 2.3.2
in monolingual applications, 2.2.3
in multilingual applications, 2.2.3
Apache::Util module, 4.4.3
application design, 1.3
application-locales, 3.3.3
monolingual, 1.3
multilingual, 1.3


bidirectional languages
formatting HTML pages, 4.2


cascading style sheets, 4.2
database access, 5.5
database access in multilingual applications, 5.5
translatable strings, 4.7.4
C/C++ runtime, configuring,
CHAR datatypes, 6.8
character set
definition, 1.2.2
detecting with Oracle Globalization Development Kit, 3.5.6
character set encoding, 4.3.1
CharEncoding attribute, 4.5.1
charset argument, 4.4.2
charset parameter,
configuration files
editing manually, 6.2.1
opmn.xml, 6.2.2
configuring NLS_LANG
in Oracle HTTP Server files, 6.2.2
on Windows platforms, 6.2.2
configuring Oracle HTTP Server for multilingual support, 6.2
configuring OracleAS Portal for multilingual support, 6.3
configuring the NLS_LANG environment variable, 6.2.2
configuring transfer mode for mod_plsql, 6.2.3
Content-Type HTTP header,
CREATE DATABASE statement, 6.8


centralized, 5.1
configuring, 5.1
database access
C/C++, 5.5
Java, 5.1
JDBC, 5.2
multilingual non-Java applications, 5.1
OCI API, 5.5.1
Perl, 5.4
PL/SQL, 5.3
Unicode API, 5.5.2
Unicode bind and define in Pro*C/C++, 5.5.3
World-of-Books demo, 7.10
database character set
setting in the CREATE DATABASE statement, 6.8
database server
accessing, 5.1
decoding HTTP headers, 4.6
in OracleAS Single Sign-On, 4.6.1
decoding string-type mobile context information headers, 4.6.2
installing, 7.3
See World-of-Books demonstration, 7.1
detecting language and character sets
Globalization Development Kit, 3.5.6
determining user locale
monolingual applications, 2.1
multilingual applications, 2.1
developing locale awareness, 2.1
development environments, 1.4
configuring Java Plus for multilingual support, 6.7
locale awareness, 2.3.4
doGet() function, 4.3.4
dynamic environment switching, 6.6


editing configuration files, 6.2.1
embedded URLs, 7.9
UTF-16, 5.1
UTF-32, 5.1
UTF-8, 5.1
encoding HTML pages, 4.3
encoding URLs, 4.4
Java, 4.4.1
Perl, 4.4.3
PL/SQL, 4.4.2
World-of-Books demonstration, 7.9
named and numbered, 4.5
environment switching, 6.6
ESCAPE() function, 4.4.2
escape_uri() function, 4.4.3


specifying in HTML pages, 4.2
Forms Services
configuring for multilingual support, 6.5
locale awareness, 2.3.2
locale awareness in a monolingual application, 2.3.2
locale awareness in a multilingual application, 2.3.2
Forms servlet, 2.3.2
formsweb.cfg file, 2.3.2
from_utf8() function, 4.3.6


GDK application configuration file, 3.3, 3.4.1
example, 3.3.7
GDK application framework for J2EE, 3.4, 3.4
GDK components, 3.1
GDK error messages, B
GDK Java API, 3.5
GDK Java supplied packages and classes, 3.6
GDK Localizer object, 3.4.4
gdkapp.xml application configuration file, 3.3, 3.4.1
GET requests, 4.5
getDateTimeInstance() method, 2.2.1
getParameter() function, 4.5.1
getWriter() method, 4.3.4
Globalization Development Kit, 3.1
application configuration file, 3.3
character set conversion, 3.5.3
components, 3.1
defining supported application locales, 3.4.5
e-mail programs, 3.5.8
error messages, B
framework, 3.4
integrating locale sources, 3.4.2
Java API, 3.5
Java supplied packages and classes, 3.6
locale detection, 3.4.3
Localizer object, 3.4.4
managing localized content in static files,
managing strings in JSPs and Java servlets,
non_ASCII input and output in an HTML page, 3.4.6
Oracle binary and linguistic sorts, 3.5.5
Oracle date, number, and monetary formats, 3.5.4
Oracle language and character set detection, 3.5.6
Oracle locale information, 3.5.1
Oracle locale mapping, 3.5.2
Oracle translated locale and time zone names, 3.5.7
supported locale resources, 3.4.2


HTML form input
encoding, 4.5
Java, 4.5.1
named and numbered entities, 4.5
Perl, 4.5.3
Perl in multilingual applications, 4.5.3
PL/SQL, 4.5.2
PL/SQL monolingual applications,
PL/SQL multilingual applications,
World-of-Books demonstration, 7.7
HTML page encoding
choosing for monolingual applications, 4.3.1
choosing for multilingual applications, 4.3.2
in PL/SQL and PSPs, monolingual environments,
in PL/SQL and PSPs, multilingual environments,
named and numbered entities, 4.5
specifying, 4.3.3
specifying in Java servlets and Java Server Pages, 4.3.4
specifying in OracleAS Mobile Services, 4.3.7
specifying in OracleAS Web Cache enabled applications, 4.3.8
specifying in Perl, 4.3.6
specifying in Perl for monolingual applications, 4.3.6
specifying in Perl for multilingual applications, 4.3.6
specifying in PL/SQL and PL/SQL Server Pages, 4.3.5
specifying in the HTML page header,
specifying in the HTTP header,
World-of-Books demo, 7.6
HTML pages
concatenating strings, 4.7.1
embedding text into images, 4.7.1
fallback mechanism for translation, 4.7.1
formatting for bidirectional languages, 4.2
formatting in World-of-Books demonstration, 7.8
formatting to accommodate text in different languages, 4.2
JavaScript code, 4.7.1
organizing content for translation, 4.7
organizing static files for translation, 4.7.2
space for dynamic text, 4.7.1
specifying fonts, 4.2
translatable C/C++ and Perl strings, 4.7.4
translatable dynamic content in application schema, 4.7.6
translatable strings in message tables, 4.7.5
translation guidelines, 4.7.1
user interface strings, 4.7.1
HTTP Content-Type header, 4.3.6
HTTP headers
decoding, 4.6
decoding in OracleAS Single Sign-On, 4.6.1
HttpServletRequest.getParameter() API, 4.5.1


IANA character sets
mapping with ISO locales, 3.4.6
native encodings, 4.3.1
installing the World-of-Books demo, 7.3
ISO locales
mapping with IANA character sets, 3.4.6


accessing the database, 5.1
encoding URLs, 4.4.1
HTML form input, 4.5.1
organizing translatable static strings, 4.7.3
Java Server Pages
specifying HTML page encoding, 4.3.4
Java servlets
specifying HTML page encoding, 4.3.4
database access, 5.2


LANG environment variable,,,
detecting with Globalization Development Kit, 3.5.6
OracleAS translated languages, A
LC_ALL environment variable, 2.2.2,,,
as ISO standard, 2.1
as Java locale object, 2.1, 2.1
as NLS_LANGUAGE and NLS_TERRITORY parameters, 2.1
as POSIX locale name, 2.1
based on the default ISO locale of the user's browser, 2.1
changing operating system locale, 2.2.2
definition, 1.2.1
determined by user input, 2.1
using user profile information from an LDAP directory server, 2.1
locale awareness
C++ applications, 2.2.2
developing, 2.1
in multilingual Perl and C/C++ applications, 4.3, 4.3
in OracleAS Business Intelligence Discoverer applications, 2.3.4
Java applications, 2.2.1
OracleAS Forms Services, 2.3.2
OracleAS Reports Services, 2.3.3
OracleAS Wireless Services, 2.3.1
Perl applications, 2.2.2
PL/SQL applications, 2.2.3
SQL applications, 2.2.3
World-of-Books demo
LocalizationContext methods, 7.5.2
World-of-Books demonstration, 7.5
determining locale, 7.5.1
locale detection
Globalization Development Kit, 3.4.3
locale-charset-map, 3.3.1
locale-determine-rule, 3.3.4
LocaleMapper class, 3.5.8
locale-parameter-name, 3.3.5
Locale.setDefault() method, 2.2.1
LocalizationContext methods, World-of-Books demo, 7.5.2


manually editing configuration files, 6.2.1
message tables
translatable strings, 4.7.5
message-bundles, 3.3.6
Mobile Services
specifying HTML page encoding, 4.3.7
mod_jserv runtime for Java, configuring,
mod_perl environment, 4.3.6
mod_perl runtime for Perl scripts, configuring,
configuring transfer mode, 6.2.3
mod_plsql module
datatypes, 4.5.2
HTML form input in monolingual applications, 4.5.2
mod_plsql runtime for PL/SQL and PL/SQL Server Pages, configuring,
monolingual applications
advantages, 1.3.1
architecture, 1.3.1
determining user locale, 2.1
disadvantages, 1.3.1
multilingual applications
advantages, 1.3.2
architecture, 1.3.2
database access with C/C++, 5.5
database access with Perl, 5.4
database access with Unicode API, 5.5.2
database access with Unicode bind and define in Pro*C/C++, 5.5.3
determining user locale, 2.1
based on ISO locale, 2.1
based on user input, 2.1
based on user profile, 2.1
disadvantages, 1.3.2
HTML form input in Perl, 4.5.3


native2ascii utility, 4.7.2
NCHAR datatypes, 6.8
NLS_LANG parameter, 2.2.3
configuring, 6.2.2
configuring in Oracle HTTP Server files, 6.2.2
configuring on Windows platforms, 6.2.2
setting in a multilingual application architecture,
values for commonly used locales,


OC4J Java runtime, configuring,
database access, 5.5.1
Unicode API, 5.5.2
opmn.xml, 6.2.2
Oracle Language and Character Set Detection Java classes, 3.5.6
OracleAS Business Intelligence Discoverer
configuring Java Plus for multilingual support, 6.7
locale awareness, 2.3.4
OracleAS Forms Services
configuring for multilingual support, 6.5
locale awareness, 2.3.2
OracleAS Infrastructure
and global deployment, 6.1
OracleAS Mobile Services
specifying HTML page encoding, 4.3.7
OracleAS Portal
configuring for multilingual support, 6.3, 6.3
OracleAS Reports Services
locale awareness, 2.3.3
OracleAS Web Cache
specifying HTML page encoding in Web Cache enabled applications, 4.3.8
OracleAS Wireless
configuring encoding for outgoing messages, 6.4
configuring for multilingual support, 6.4
oracle.i18n.lcsd package, 3.6.1 package, 3.6.2
oracle.i18n.Servlet package, 3.6.3
oracle.i18n.text package, 3.6.4
oracle.i18n.util package, 3.6.5


DBMS_SQL, 2.2.3
oracle.i18n.lcsd, 3.6.1, 3.6.2
oracle.i18n.Servlet, 3.6.3
oracle.i18n.text, 3.6.4
oracle.i18n.util, 3.6.5
page-charset, 3.3.2
database access, 5.4
database access in multilingual applications, 5.4
encoding URLs, 4.4.3
HTML form input, 4.5.3
HTML form input in multilingual applications, 4.5.3
specifying HTML page encoding, 4.3.6
specifying HTML page encoding for monolingual applications, 4.3.6
specifying HTML page encoding for multilingual applications, 4.3.6
translatable strings, 4.7.4
database access, 5.3
encoding URLs, 4.4.2
HTML form input, 4.5.2
HTML form input in monolingual applications,
HTML form input in multilingual applications,
PL/SQL and Oracle PL/SQL Server Pages
specifying HTML page encoding, 4.3.5
configuring for multilingual support, 6.3
POSIX locale names,
POST requests, 4.5
database access, 5.5.3
programming languages
supported, 1.4


Reports Server
configuring for multilingual support, 6.6
Reports Services
locale awareness, 2.3.3
locale awareness in a multilingual application, 2.3.3
page encoding in HTML output,
page encoding in XML output,
specifying the page encoding, 4.3.9
runtime default locale, configuring in a monolingual application architecture, 6.2.4


translatable content, 4.7.6
Servlet API, 4.5.1
setContentType() method, 4.3.4
setlocale() function
monolingual applications, 2.2.2
multilingual applications, 2.2.2
setting NLS_LANG
monolingual applications,
setting NLS_LANG parameter
in a multilingual application architecture,
String.getBytes() method, 2.2.1
String.getBytes(String encoding) method, 2.2.1
string-type mobile context information headers
decoding, 4.6.2
strlen() function, 5.5.2
switching environments, 6.6


text datatypes, 5.5.2
to_utf8() function, 4.5.3
transfer mode
configuring for mod_plsql, 6.2.3
translated languages, A
organizing HTML page content, 4.7


definition, 1.2.3
Unicode API
database access, 5.5.2
Unicode bind and define
database access, 5.5.3
Unicode data
storing in the database, 6.8
UNICODE::MAPUTF8 Perl module, 4.3.6
url argument, 4.4.2
url-rewrite-rule, 3.3.7
encoding, 4.4
encoding in Java, 4.4.1
encoding in Perl, 4.4.3
encoding in PL/SQL, 4.4.2
encoding in World-of-Books demonstration, 7.9
with embedded query strings, 4.4
utext datatype, 5.5.2, 5.5.3
UTF-16 encoding, 5.1
UTF-32 encoding, 5.1
UTF-8 encoding, 4.5.3, 5.1
for HTML pages, 4.3.2
UTL_I18N PL/SQL package, 3.7
UTL_LMS PL/SQL package, 3.7
UTL_URL package, 4.4.2
uvarchar datatype, 5.5.3


wcslen() function, 5.5.2
Web Toolkit API,
configuring encoding for outgoing messages, 6.4
configuring for multilingual support, 6.4
World-of-Books demo
architecture, 7.2.1
building, 7.4.1
database access, 7.10
deploying, 7.4.2
design, 7.2.2
directory structure, 7.4
HTML page encoding, 7.6
installing, 7.3
locale awareness
LocalizationContext methods, 7.5.2
online help, 7.11.1
organizing HTML content, 7.11
organizing static files, 7.11.1
resource bundles, 7.11.2
running, 7.4.3
schema design, 7.2.3
books table, 7.2.3
customers table, 7.2.3
docs table (book content), 7.2.3
searching book contents, 7.5.4
sorting query results, 7.5.3
source file location, 7.4
World-of-Books demonstration
encoding URLs, 7.9
formatting HTML pages, 7.8
HTML form input, 7.7
locale awareness, 7.5
determining locale, 7.5.1
overview, 7.1