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10g Release 3 (

Part Number B32125-02
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4 Installing and Configuring Oracle COREid Access and Identity

Understanding Oracle COREid Access and Identity Components

The myWebCenter Oracle COREid Access and Identity Authentication and Authorization Process

Preparing to Install Oracle COREid Access and Identity Components

Installing the First Identity Server on IDMHOST1

Installing WebPass on WEBHOST1

Configuring the First Identity Server

Installing the Second Identity Server on IDMHOST2

Installing WebPass on WEBHOST2

Configuring the Second Identity Server

Installing the Access System

Configuring the Access Server with the Load Balancing Router

Installing the Access Server SDK

Configuring Oracle COREid Access and Identity Single Sign-On for OC4J Applications

Configuring the Second Identity Server as a Failover Server

Configuring the Second Access Server as a Failover Server

Mitigating Identity Server Product Installation Failures on Linux

Configuring Directory Server Failover

Configuring Access Server Directory Failover for Oracle and Policy Data

Configuring Policy Manager Failover

Creating Failover LDAP Directory Server Profiles for the Identity and Access Servers

Verifying the Status of the Identity Servers

Understanding Oracle COREid Access and Identity Components

The Oracle COREid Access and Identity authentication and authorization services are provided by the components described in this section. The components are shown in Figure 1-2, "Enterprise Deployment Architecture for with Oracle COREid Access and Identity".


The WebPass and AccessManager components are not available on Windows at the time of publication. Therefore, WEBHOST1, WEBHOST2 and ADMINHOST in the myWebCenter Oracle COREid Access and Identity configuration must be servers with operating systems other than Microsoft Windows.

WebGate and WebPass on the Web tier with Oracle HTTP Server

WebGate is a web server plug-in access client that intercepts HTTP requests and forwards them to the Access Server for authentication and authorization.

WebPass is a web server plug-in that passes information between a web server and a Oracle COREid Access and Identity server. Every web server instance that communicates with a Oracle COREid Access and Identity server must be configured with WebPass. WebPass is also required on each computer hosting an Access Manager.

Oracle COREid Access and Identity, Identity Server and Access Server on the Application Tier

The Access Manager is a software component that writes policy data to Oracle Internet Directory, and updates the Access Server with policy modifications. It includes an Access System Console that enables administrators to manage policies and the system configuration.

The Oracle COREid Access and Identity Identity Server is a software component that processes all user identity, group, organization, and credentials management requests.

The Access Server is a software component that receives requests, responds to the access client, and manages the login session. The Access Server receives requests from WebGate and queries the authentication, authorization, and auditing rules in Oracle Internet Directory to:

The Access Server also manages the login session by helping WebGate to terminate sessions, setting user session time-outs, re-authenticating when time-outs occur, and tracking session activity.

Isolated Subnet for Administration

An isolated subnet on ADMINHOST hosts the Oracle HTTP Server, WebGate, WebPass, and the Access Manager for administrator use.

Access SDK

The Access SDK provides API libraries that protect non-HTTP resources (the AJP protocol is used for communication to OC4J instances) and implement single sign-on for the OC4J applications.

The myWebCenter Oracle COREid Access and Identity Authentication and Authorization Process

This section describes the sequence for authentication and authorization for J2EE applications using Oracle COREid Access and Identity single sign-on:

  1. The user requests an application URL.

  2. A login page is presented.

  3. The user provides a user name and password.

  4. WebGate captures the name and password and communicates with Access Server.

  5. The Access Server communicates with Oracle Internet Directory.

  6. The Access Server authenticates the user and returns the ObSSOCookie to WebGate.

  7. WebGate transmits the cookie and other HTTP headers to mod_oc4j, which routes the request to the appropriate OC4J instance.

  8. OC4J validates the cookie and fetches extra roles from the Access Server.

Preparing to Install Oracle COREid Access and Identity Components

Before you install the Oracle COREid Access and Identity software:

Installing the First Identity Server on IDMHOST1

  1. Log in to IDMHOST1 as an administrator.

  2. Issue one of these commands to start the installation (according to platform and installation option):

    Windows console installation:

    Oracle_Access_Manager10_1_4_0_1_Win32_Identity_Server.exe -console

    Windows GUI installation:


    Linux console installation:


    Linux GUI installation:

    ./Oracle_Access_Manager10_1_4_0_1_linux_Identity_Server -gui


    If a password error occurs with the -gui installation option, use the console option instead. You may safely ignore any warnings about fonts or scroll bars that occur when using the (default) GUI installation on Solaris.

    The Welcome screen appears.

  3. Click Next.

    The license agreement appears.

  4. Read and accept the terms and click Next.

    You are prompted to specify your credentials.

  5. Specify credentials as appropriate to the platform:


    Click Next to indicate that you are logged in with administrator privileges. If you are not, cancel the installation, log in with administrator privileges, and restart the installation.


    Specify the user name and group that the Oracle COREid Access and Identity server will use and click Next.

    You are prompted for the installation directory.

  6. Leave the field unchanged to accept the default, or change the field to specify a directory of your choice, and click Next.


    (Linux only) If the installation stops after you specify the directory, see Chapter4.

    On Linux systems, you are prompted to install and provide the location of and that is compatible with GCC 3.3.2.

    On non-Linux platforms, you are prompted to select the locale (language).

  7. Do one of the following:

    • On Linux, install the GCC runtime libraries and proceed with the installation.

    • On other platforms, select the default locale and any other locales and click Next.

    The installation directory and required disk space is displayed.

  8. Click Next.

    A progress message appears, then you are prompted for the transport security mode.

  9. Specify Open and click Next.

    You are prompted for the Identity Server configuration details.

  10. Specify the server name. This name must:

    • Be unique among all server names in the Oracle COREid Access and Identity System Console

    • Be unique among all server names accessing the same Oracle Internet Directory

    • Not contain any spaces

  11. Specify the host name on which the Identity Server will reside.

  12. Specify the port on which the Identity server will communicate with WebPass.

    You are asked if this is the first Identity server to be installed for the directory server.

  13. Select Yes.

    The Identity Server Configuration screen appears with these options:

    • Directory Server hosting user data is in SSL

    • Directory Server hosting Oracle data is in SSL

  14. Leave the checkboxes clear (do not select an option) and click Next.

    You are prompted to select the directory server type from the drop-down list.

  15. Select Oracle Internet Directory and click Next.

  16. Select the option that indicates where data is stored.

  17. Select the schema update option and click Next.

  18. Specify the Oracle Internet Directory host name, port, bind DN and password and click Next.


    The distinguished name you enter for the bind DN must have full permissions for the user and Oracle COREid Access and Identity branches of the directory information tree (DIT). Oracle COREid Access and Identity will access the directory server as this account.

    Documentation references and contact information appears.

  19. Click Next.

    An installation summary appears.

  20. Note any details about the installation and click Finish.

  21. Start the Identity server by doing one of the following:


    Select Start, All Programs, Administrative Tools, Services and start the Identity server service.


    Issue this command in Oracle COREid Access and Identity installation directory/identity/oblix/apps/common/bin:


Installing WebPass on WEBHOST1

  1. Log in to the computer as an administrator.

  2. Issue one of these commands to start the installation (according to platform and installation option):

    Linux console installation:



    ./Oracle_Access_Manager10_1_4_0_1_linux_OHS2_WebPassFoot 1 

    Linux GUI installation:

    ./Oracle_Access_Manager10_1_4_linux_OHS2_WebPass -gui

    The Welcome screen appears.

  3. Click Next.

    The license agreement appears.

  4. Read and accept the terms and click Next.

    You are prompted to specify your credentials.

  5. Specify credentials as appropriate to the platform:


    Click Next to indicate that you are logged in with administrator privileges. If you are not, cancel the installation, log in with administrator privileges, and restart the installation.


    Specify the user name and group that the WebPass web server will use and click Next.

    You are prompted for the installation directory.

  6. Leave the field unchanged to accept the default, or change the field to specify a directory of your choice (other than the Identity server directory), and click Next.


    (Linux only) If the installation stops after you specify the directory, see Chapter4.

    On Linux systems, you are prompted to install and provide the location of and that is compatible with GCC 3.3.2.

    On non-Linux platforms, you are prompted to select the locale (language).

  7. Do one of the following:

    • On Linux, install the GCC runtime libraries and proceed with the installation.

    • On other platforms, select the default locale and any other locales and click Next.

    The installation directory and required disk space is displayed.

  8. Click Next.

    A progress message appears, then you are prompted for the transport security mode.

  9. Specify Open and click Next.

    You are prompted for WebPass configuration details.

  10. Specify the WebPass name. This name must:

    • Be unique among all server names in the Oracle COREid Access and Identity System Console

    • Be unique among all server names accessing the same Oracle Internet Directory

    • Not contain any spaces

  11. Specify the host name of IDMHOST1, on which the Identity server resides.

  12. Specify the port number of the Identity server with which the WebPass will communicate, and click Next.

    A progress message appears, then you are prompted to update the WebPass web server configuration.

  13. Click Yes, then click Next.

  14. Specify the full path of the directory containing the httpd.conf file (ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Apache/conf/httpd.conf).

  15. Click Yes to automatically update the web server.

  16. Stop the WebPass web server instance.

  17. If you are using Linux RedHat Advanced Server 3.0:

    Update the ORACLE_HOME/opmn/conf/opmn.xml file to set the environment variable LD_ASSUME_KERNEL for the HTTP_Server component, as shown in this example:

    <ias-component id="HTTP_Server">
            <process-type id="HTTP_Server" module-id="OHS2">
                <variable id="LD_ASSUME_KERNEL" value="2.4.19"/>
  18. Stop the Identity server service by issuing the following command in the Oracle COREid Access and Identity installation directory/oblix/apps/common/bin directory:


  19. Start the Identity server service by issuing the following command in the Oracle COREid Access and Identity installation directory/oblix/apps/common/bin directory:


  20. Start the WebPass web server instance.

  21. Click Next.

    The Read Me file appears.

  22. Review the file and click Next.

  23. Confirm that the WebPass is installed correctly by performing the following steps:

    1. Ensure that the Identity server and the WebPass web server are running.

    2. Access the Oracle COREid Access and Identity system console at this URL:


      The Oracle COREid Access and Identity system main page appears.

Configuring the First Identity Server

After the Identity server and the WebPass instance are installed, you must specify the associations between them to make the system functional. Follow these steps to configure the first Identity server:

  1. Access the Oracle COREid Access and Identity system console at this URL:


  2. Click the Identity System Console link.

    The System Console setup page appears.

  3. Click Setup.

    The Product Setup page appears.

  4. Select Directory Server Type and click Next.

    The Schema Change page appears.

  5. Click Next. (You do not need to do anything because the schema was updated during installation.)

  6. Specify the following server details:

    In the Host field, specify the DNS host name of the user data directory server.

    In the Port Number field, specify the port of the user data directory server.

    In the Root DN field, specify the bind distinguished name of the user data directory server.

    In the Root Password field, specify the password for the bind distinguished name.

    In the Directory Server Security Mode field, specify Open.

    In the Is Oracle data stored in this directory also? field, specify Yes.

  7. Click Next.

    A page containing fields for location of user and configuration data appears.


    For detailed information on completing these fields, see "Specifying Object Class Details" on page 140 of the Oracle COREid Access and Identity Access and Identity Installation Guide.
  8. Provide the Searchbase and Configuration DN and click Next.

    For example, the bind distinguished name and location and location of user and configuration data would be an entry resembling the following: dc=us,dc=oracle,dc=com

  9. Provide the Person object class and click the Auto configure objectclass text box, and click Next.

    For example, the Person object class would be an entry resembling the following: inetorgPerson

    The Group object class screen appears.

  10. Provide the Group object class and click the Auto Configure objectclass box, then click Next.

    For example, the Group object class would be an entry resembling the following: groupOfUniqueNames

    A message appears instructing you to restart the Oracle COREid Access and Identity system.

  11. Stop the Web Pass web server instance.

  12. Stop, then start the Identity server service.

  13. Start the WebPass web server instance.

  14. Return to the Oracle COREid Access and Identity system setup window and click Next.

    A screen appears summarizing the object class changes that were made automatically.

  15. Click Yes to accept the changes.

  16. Review the Group object class attributes, then click Yes.

    The Configure Administrators page appears.

  17. Click Select User.

    The Selector page appears.

  18. Complete the fields with the search criteria for the user you want to select as an administrator and click Go.

    Search results matching the specified criteria appear.

  19. Click Add next to the person you want to select as an administrator.

    The name of the person appears under the Selected column on the right.

  20. Add other names as needed.

  21. Click Done.

    The Configure Administrators page appears with the selected users listed as administrators.

  22. Click Next.

    The Securing Data Directories page appears.

  23. Verify the configuration by performing these steps:

    1. Access the Oracle COREid Access and Identity system console at this URL:


    2. Click User Manager, Group Manager, or Org. Manager and log in with the newly created administrator user's credentials.

Installing the Second Identity Server on IDMHOST2

  1. Log in to IDMHOST2 as an administrator.

  2. Issue one of these commands to start the installation (according to platform and installation option):

    Windows console installation:

    Oracle_Access_Manager10_1_4_0_1_Win32_Identity_Server.exe -console

    Windows GUI installation:


    Linux console installation:


    Linux GUI installation:

    ./Oracle_Access_Manager10_1_4_0_1_linux_Identity_Server -gui


    If a password error occurs with the -gui installation option, use the console option instead. You may safely ignore any warnings about fonts or scroll bars that occur when using the (default) GUI installation on Solaris.

    The Welcome screen appears.

  3. Click Next.

    The license agreement appears.

  4. Read and accept the terms and click Next.

    You are prompted to specify your credentials.

  5. Specify credentials as appropriate to the platform:


    Click Next to indicate that you are logged in with administrator privileges. If you are not, cancel the installation, log in with administrator privileges, and restart the installation.


    Specify the user name and group that the Identity Server will use and click Next.

    You are prompted for the installation directory.

  6. Leave the field unchanged to accept the default, or change the field to specify a directory of your choice, and click Next.


    (Linux only) If the installation stops after you specify the directory, see Chapter4.

    On Linux systems, you are prompted to install and provide the location of and that is compatible with GCC 3.3.2.

    On non-Linux platforms, you are prompted to select the locale (language).

  7. Do one of the following:

    • On Linux, install the GCC runtime libraries and proceed with the installation.

    • On other platforms, select the default locale and any other locales and click Next.

    The installation directory and required disk space is displayed.

  8. Click Next.

    A progress message appears, then you are prompted for the transport security mode.

  9. Specify Open and click Next.

    You are prompted for Identity Server configuration details.

  10. Specify the Identity Server name. This name must:

    • Be unique among all server names in the System Console

    • Be unique among all server names accessing the same Oracle Internet Directory

    • Not contain any spaces

  11. Specify the host name on which the Identity Server will reside.

  12. Specify the port on which the Identity Server will communicate with WebPass.

    You are asked if this is the first Identity Server to be installed for the directory server.

  13. Select No and click Next.

    The documentation references and contact information appear.

  14. Click Next.

    An installation summary appears.

  15. Note any details about the installation and click Finish.

  16. Start the Identity Server by doing one of the following:


    Select Start, All Programs, Administrative Tools, Services and start the Identity Server service.


    Issue this command:

    Identity Server installation directory/identity/oblix/apps/common/bin/start_ois_server

Installing WebPass on WEBHOST2

Follow the steps in Chapter4, "Installing WebPass on WEBHOST1" to install WebPass on WEBHOST2, specifying the host name and port for the Identity Server on IDMHOST2. After the installation is complete, confirm that the WebPass is installed correctly by performing the following steps:

  1. Ensure that the Identity Server and the WebPass web server are running.

  2. Access the Identity Server system console at this URL:


    The Identity Server system main page appears.

Configuring the Second Identity Server

  1. Access the Identity Server system console at this URL:


    The Identity Server System screen appears.

  2. Click Identity Server System Console.

    A dialog appears with the message "Application is not set up."

  3. Click Setup.

  4. The Directory Server Type containing User Data screen appears.

  5. Select Oracle Internet Directory from the drop-down list and click Next.

    The Location of Directory Server with User Data screen appears.

  6. Complete the fields and selections as follows:

    Host - Type the OIDHOST2 host name.

    Port Number - 389

    Root DN - cn=orcladmin

    Root Password - Type the root password.

    Directory Server Security Mode - Open

    Is the Configuration Data stored in this directory also? - Yes

  7. Click Next.

    The Location of Configuration Data and the Identity Server Searchbase screen appears.

  8. Complete the fields as follows:

    Configuration DN - dc=us,dc=oracle,dc=com

    Searchbase - dc=us,dc=oracle,dc=com

  9. Click Next.

    The Securing Data Directories screen appears.

  10. Click Done.

  11. Restart the identity server and the web server.

  12. Access this URL:


  13. Click any of the links (User Manager, Group Manager, Org. Manager or Identity Server System Console) and log as the administrator user specified in Chapter4.

  14. Access this URL:


  15. Click Identity Server System Console.

    A login dialog appears.

  16. Provide the orcladmin user name and password and click Login.

    The System Configuration screen appears.

  17. Scroll down, and then click Identity System Console. Click System Configuration, then click WebPass.

    The two WebPass instances are listed.

  18. Click the WebPass instance for WEBHOST1.

    The Details for WebPass screen appears.

  19. Select the WebPass that is installed on WEBHOST1 and click List Identity Servers.

    The Identity Servers associated with the WebPass are listed.

  20. Click Add.

    The Add a new Identity Server to the WebPass: screen appears.

  21. Select the identity server installed on APPHOST2, select Primary Server and specify 2 connections, then click Add.

  22. Repeat Steps 18 through 21 for the WEBHOST2 WebPass instance.

Installing the Access System

The Access System consists of three components: The Policy Manager, the Access Server, and the WebGate. The Access System must also have a web server instance installed.

Policy Manager

The Policy Manager is the login interface for the Access System. Administrators use the Access Manager to define the resources to be protected, and to group resources into policy domains.

Access Server

The Access Server is a software component that provides dynamic policy evaluation services for resources and applications. The Access Server receives a request from the web server, queries the LDAP directory to authenticate users, and manages user sessions.


The WebGate is a web server plug-in access client that intercepts HTTP requests for Web resources and forwards them to the Access Server for authentication and authorization.

The primary function of the Access System is to provide an access system console for administrators. It is installed on an isolated subnet to provide secure system administrator access to the Identity Server system.

In myWebCenter with Oracle COREid Access and Identity, these components are installed on the following servers:

Installing the Web Server for the Policy Manager

A web server instance is needed to host the Policy Manager components. Follow the steps in Chapter3, "Installing the Oracle HTTP Servers on WEBHOST1 and WEBHOST2 (and IDMWEBHOST1 and IDMWEBHOST2, for with Oracle Application Server Single Sign-On)" to install a Web Server on ADMINHOST for use with the Policy Manager.

Installing WebPass for the Policy Manager

A WebPass instance must be installed on ADMINHOST, at the same directory level on which the Policy Manager will be installed. Follow the steps in Chapter4, "Installing WebPass on WEBHOST1" to install WebPass for the Policy Manager.

During the installation:

  • You will be prompted to configure the WebPass against the Identity Server on IDMHOST1:6022; follow the prompts to configure the WebPass.

  • Note the installation path for the WebPass, since this is the path you will specify in the Policy Manager installation.

After the installation, access the system console at http://ADMINHOST:port/identity/oblix and add a second Identity Server instance, IDMHOST2 on port 6022, for the WebPass.

Installing the Policy Manager on ADMINHOST

The Policy Manager must be installed in the same directory as the WebPass on ADMINHOST. Follow these steps to install the Policy Manager:

  1. Log in to ADMINHOST as an administrator.

  2. Issue one of these commands to start the installation (according to platform and installation option):




    Linux console installation:


    Linux GUI installation:

    ./Oracle_Access_Manager10_1_4_0_1_linux_OHS2_Policy_Manager -gui

    The Welcome screen appears.

  3. Click Next.

    The license agreement appears.

  4. Read and accept the terms and click Next.

    You are prompted to specify your credentials.

  5. Specify credentials as appropriate to the platform:

    Windows: Click Next to indicate that you are logged in with administrator privileges. If you are not, cancel the installation, log in with administrator privileges, and restart the installation.

    UNIX: Specify the user name and group that the web server will use and click Next.

    You are prompted for the installation directory.

  6. Leave the field unchanged to accept the default, or change the field to specify a directory of your choice, and click Next.


    (Linux only) If the installation stops after you specify the directory, see Chapter4.

    On Linux systems, you are prompted to install and provide the location of and that is compatible with GCC 3.3.2.

    On non-Linux platforms, you are prompted to select the locale (language).

  7. Do one of the following:

    • On Linux, install the GCC runtime libraries and proceed with the installation.

    • On other platforms, select the default locale and any other locales and click Next.

    The installation directory and required disk space is displayed.

  8. Click Next.

    A progress message appears, then the Configure Directory Server for Policy Data screen appears with the Directory Server Type drop down list.

  9. Select Oracle Internet Directory.

    You are prompted for the communication method for Oracle Internet Directory.

  10. Select the Open option.

    A progress message appears, then the Configure Directory Server for Policy Data screen appears with the Directory Server Type drop down list.

  11. Select Oracle Internet Directory, then click Next.

    You are prompted to specify whether policy data is in a separate directory server than the directory containing Oracle configuration data or user data, and if so, whether you would like the installer to automatically configure the directory server containing policy data.

  12. Select No and click Next.

  13. Specify the full path of the directory containing the httpd.conf file (ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Apache/conf).

  14. Click Next.

    A message informs you that the web server configuration has been updated.

  15. Stop the Policy Manager web server instance.

  16. Stop and then start the Identity Server instance.

  17. Start the Policy Manager web server instance.

  18. Click Next.

    Read Me information appears.

  19. Review the information and click Next.

    A message appears informing you that the installation was successful.

  20. Click Finish.

Configuring the Policy Manager

The Policy Manager must be configured to communicate with Oracle Internet Directory. Follow these steps to configure the communication:

  1. Ensure that the web server is running.

  2. Access the Access System Console at the URL for the WebPass instance that connects to the Policy Manager:


    The Access System main page appears.

  3. Click the Access System Console link.

    A message informs you that the application is not yet set up.

  4. Click Setup.

    You are prompted for the directory server type.

  5. Select the user data directory server type.

  6. Specify the following server details:

    In the Machine field, specify the DNS host name of the user data directory server.

    In the Port Number field, specify the port of the user data directory server.

    In the Root DN field, specify the bind distinguished name of the user data directory server.

    In the Root Password field, specify the password for the bind distinguished name.

    You are prompted for the type of directory server containing Oracle configuration data.

  7. Select the configuration data directory server type and click Next.

    A message informs you that you can store user data and Oracle data in the same or different directories.

  8. Select Store Oracle data in the User Directory Server.

    You are prompted for the location of policy data.

  9. Select Store Policy and Oracle data in the same directory server.

  10. Specify the following:

    Searchbase dc=us,dc=oracle,dc=com (the same searchbase specified during Identity Server installation)

    Configuration DN dc=us,dc=oracle,dc=com (the same configuration distinguished name specified during Identity Server installation)

    Policy Base dc=us,dc=oracle,dc=com

    You are prompted to specify the Person object class.

  11. Specify the Person object class that was specified during Identity Server system configuration, and click Next.

    You are prompted to restart the web server.

  12. Stop and then start the WebPass and Access Manager web server instance and the related Identity Server instance.

  13. Click Next.

    You are prompted for the root directory for policy domains.

  14. Accept the default root directory for policy domains, or specify a root directory, then click Next.

    You are prompted for information about configuring authentication schemes.

  15. Select Yes to start the automatic configuration.

  16. Select Basic Over LDAP and Client Certificate and click Next.

    The Define a new authentication scheme screen appears with the Basic over LDAP parameters.

  17. Change the parameters, if needed, and click Next.

    The Define a new authentication scheme screen appears with the Client Certificate parameters.

  18. Change the parameters, if needed, and click Next.

    You are prompted to configure policies to protect NetPoint URLs.

  19. Select Yes and click Next.

    Instructions for completing the Policy Manager setup appear.

  20. Read the information.

  21. Stop the WebPass/Access Manager web server instance.

  22. Stop and then start the Identity Server service for the WebPass.

  23. Restart the WebPass/Policy Manager web server instance.

  24. After the Web server reastarts, click Done.

    The Policy Manager home page appears.

  25. Confirm that the Policy Manager is installed correctly by performing the following steps:

    1. Access the Access System Console at this URL:


    2. Click the Access System Console link.

    3. Log in as an administrator.

    4. Click the Access System Configuration tab.

    5. Click Authentication Management.

      A list of the authentication schemes configured appears.

Installing the Access Server on IDMHOST1 and IDMHOST2

Before you begin installing the Access Server:

  • On Windows, ensure that the user account used to install the Access Server has the privilege to log on as a service. The Access Server Administrator must have the "Log on as a service" privilege. (Select Control Panel, Administrative Tools, Local Security Policy, Local Policies, User Rights Assignments, Log on as a service.)

  • Note that the Access Server cannot be installed in the same directory as the Access Manager.

Follow these instructions to install the Access Server:

  1. Create an instance for the Access Server in the Access System Console:

    1. Access the Access System Console at this URL:


    2. Click the Access System Console link.

    3. Log in as an administrator.

    4. Click the Access System Configuration tab.

    5. Click Access Server Configuration.

    6. Click Add.

      The Add Access Server page appears.

    7. In the Name field, provide a name for the Access Server that is different from all others already specified for this directory server.

      In the Hostname field, specify IDMHOST1.

      In the Port field, specify the port on which the Access Server will listen.

      In the Transport Security field, specify Open (the transport security mode must be the same between all Access Servers and WebGates).

    8. Click Save.

      The List All Access Servers page appears with a link to the newly created instance.

    9. Click the link for the instance, print the Details page for reference, and then click Back.

    10. Click Logout and close the browser window.

  2. Issue one of these commands to start the installation (according to platform and installation option):

    Windows console installation:

    Oracle_Access_Manager10_1_4_0_1_Win32_Access_Server.exe -console

    Windows GUI installation:


    Solaris console installation:


    Solaris GUI installation:

    ./Oracle_Access_Manager10_1_4_0_1_sparc-s2_Access_Server -gui

    Linux GUI installation:


    The Welcome screen appears.

  3. Click Next.

    The license agreement appears.

  4. Read and accept the terms and click Next.

    You are prompted to specify your credentials.

  5. Specify credentials as appropriate to the platform:


    Click Next to indicate that you are logged in with administrator privileges. If you are not, cancel the installation, log in with administrator privileges, and restart the installation.


    Specify the user name and group that the web server will use and click Next.

    You are prompted for the installation directory.

  6. Leave the field unchanged to accept the default, or change the field to specify a directory of your choice, and click Next.


    (Linux only) If the installation stops after you specify the directory, see Chapter4.

    On Linux systems, you are prompted to install and provide the location of and that is compatible with GCC 3.3.2.

    On non-Linux platforms, you are prompted to select the locale (language).

  7. Do one of the following:

    • On Linux, install the GCC runtime libraries and proceed with the installation.

    • On other platforms, select the default locale and any other locales and click Next.

    The installation directory and required disk space is displayed.

  8. Click Next.

    A progress message appears, then you are prompted for the transport security mode.

  9. Specify Open for the transport security mode.

    You are prompted for mode in which the Directory Server containing Oracle configuration data is running.

  10. Specify Open.

    You are prompted for directory server details.

  11. Specify the following server details:

    In the Host field, specify the DNS host name of the Oracle configuration data directory server.

    In the Port Number field, specify the port of the Oracle configuration data directory server.

    In the Root DN field, specify the bind distinguished name of the Oracle configuration data directory server.

    In the Root Password field, specify the password for the bind distinguished name.

    In the Oblix Directory field, specify the type of directory server for the Oracle configuration data.

  12. Choose Oracle Directory to specify the location of the policy data.

    You are prompted for the Access Server instance ID specified in the Access System Console, and the configuration DN and policy base.

  13. Specify the following:

    Access Server ID the name specified when installing the Access Server (step 1.g. in Chapter4, "Installing the Access Server on IDMHOST1 and IDMHOST2").

    Configuration DN dc=us,dc=oracle,dc=com (the same configuration distinguished name specified during Identity Server installation)

    Policy Base dc=us,dc=oracle,dc=com

  14. Click Next.

    Read Me information appears.

  15. Review the information and click Next.

    A message appears informing you that the installation was successful.

  16. Click Finish.

  17. Start the Access Server by doing one of the following:

    Windows: Locate and start the Windows service for this Access Server. The service name will be the Access Server ID you specified in the Access System Console prepended with NetPoint AAA Server.

    Solaris: In the Access Server installation directory/access/oblix/apps/common/bin directory, issue this command:



    If you used a password file, you must start the Access Server locally.
  18. Repeat the preceding steps on IDMHOST2, substituting the hostname where appropriate.

Installing the WebGate

Before you begin installing the WebGate:

  • Ensure that the user account used to install the WebGate has administration privileges.

  • Note that the WebGate may be installed in the same directory as the Access Manager and WebPass. Separate _jvmWebGate and _uninstWebGate subdirectories are included and WebGate information is added to the /oracle directory. If you install WebGate into the same directory as the Access Manager and WebPass, a prompt will appear asking you if you want to replace files. Select No to All.

  • The WebGate may be installed at the root level or the site level. However, if you have multiple virtual sites, you still only have one instance of WebGate.

  • You must install WebGate on a computer that hosts a web server. You can configure the WebGate at the computer level or the virtual web server level. However, do not install at both the computer level and the virtual server level.

Follow these instructions to install the WebGate:

  1. Create an instance for the WebGate in the Access System Console:

    1. Access the Access System Console at one of these URLs (depending on where you are installing):


    2. Click the Access System Console link.

    3. Log in as an administrator.

    4. Click the Access System Configuration tab.

    5. Click Add New Access Gate.

    6. In the AccessGate Name field, provide a name for the WebGate that is different from all others already specified for this directory server.

      In the Description field (optional), supply additional descriptive information about the WebGate.

      In the Hostname field, specify WEBHOST1 or WEBHOST2 or ADMINHOST.

      (Optional) In the Port field, specify the port on which the web server will listen.

      In the AccessGate Password and Re-type AccessGate Password fields, provide and confirm a unique password for the instance.

      In the Transport Security field, specify Open (the transport security mode must be the same between all Access Servers and WebGates).

      In the Preferred HTTP Host field, specify the host on which the web server is running.

      The Primary HTTP Cookie Domain is used to designate a single-sign on domain between WebGates on different hosts. You may leave this field blank.

    7. Click Save.

      Details for the WebGate instance appear, and you are prompted to associate an Access Server or Access Server cluster with the WebGate.

    8. Print the page for reference, and then click Back.

  2. Assign an Access Server to the WebGate by performing the following steps:

    1. Navigate to the Details for NetPoint AccessGate page, if necessary. (From the Access System Console, select Access System Configuration, then AccessGate Configuration, then the link for the WebGate.)

      The Details for NetPoint AccessGate page appears.

    2. Click List Access Servers.

      A page appears with a message that there are no primary or secondary Access Servers currently configured for this WebGate.

    3. Click Add.

      The Add a new Access Server page appears.

    4. Select an Access Server from the Select Server list, specify primary server, and define 2 Access Servers (connections) for the WebGate.

    5. Click Add.

      A page appears, showing the association of the Access Server with the WebGate.

    6. Repeat Steps c through e to add the second Access Server.

  3. Issue one of these commands to start the installation (according to platform and installation option):

    Windows console installation:

    Oracle_Access_Manager10_1_4_0_1_Win32_Domino_WebGate.exe -console

    Windows GUI installation:


    Linux console installation:


    Linux GUI installation:

    ./Oracle_Access_Manager10_1_4_0_1_linux_OHS2_WebGate -gui

  4. The Welcome screen appears.

  5. Click Next.

    The license agreement appears.

  6. Read and accept the terms and click Next.

    You are prompted to specify your credentials.

  7. Specify credentials as appropriate to the platform:

    Windows: Click Next to indicate that you are logged in with administrator privileges. If you are not, cancel the installation, log in with administrator privileges, and restart the installation.

    UNIX: Specify the user name and group that the web server will use and click Next.

    You are prompted for the installation directory.

  8. Leave the field unchanged to accept the default, or change the field to specify a directory of your choice, and click Next.


    (Linux only) If the installation stops after you specify the directory, see Chapter4.

    On Linux systems, this prompt appears:

    To proceed with installation of Oracle COREid Access and Identity 7.0.4 WebGate and for successfully  running the product, you must install additional GCC runtime libraries, namely and Note that these libraries should be  compatible with GCC 3.3.2. The libraries are available for download from  either of the following locations - (requires  login), or Once  these libraries are locally available, please specify the directory containing  the files and proceed with the installation.
        Location of GCC runtime libraries []: 

    On non-Linux platforms, you are prompted to select the locale (language).

  9. Do one of the following:

    • On Linux, install the GCC runtime libraries and proceed with the installation.

    • On other platforms, select the default locale and any other locales and click Next.

    The installation directory and required disk space is displayed.

  10. Click Next.

    A progress message appears, then you are prompted for the transport security mode.

  11. Specify Cert for the transport security mode for the WebGate.

    You are prompted for directory server details.

  12. Specify the following WebGate details:

    In the WebGate ID field, specify the unique ID that identifies the WebGate in the Access System Console.

    In the WebGate password field, specify the password defined in the Access System Console. If no password was specified, leave this field blank.

    In the Access Server ID field, specify the Access Server associated with the WebGate.

    In the DNS Hostname field, specify the DNS host name of the Access Server.

    In the Port Number field, specify the port on which the Access Server listens for the WebGate.

    Specify the password phrase.

  13. Click Next.

  14. Click Yes to automatically update the web server, then click Next.

  15. Specify the full path of the directory containing the httpd.conf file (ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Apache/conf).

    A message informs you that the web server configuration has been updated.

  16. Stop, and then start, the web server.

  17. Click Next.

    Read Me information appears.

  18. Review the information and click Next.

    A message appears informing you that the installation was successful.

  19. Click Finish.

  20. Restart the computer.

  21. Verify the installation by performing the following steps:

    1. Ensure that the Identity Server, WebPass, and Access Server are running.

    2. Access this URL:


      The WebGate page appears as shown in Figure 4-1.


      If the WebGate page does not appear, the installation was not successful. In this case you must uninstall, and then reinstall, the WebGate.

Configuring the Access Server with the Load Balancing Router

If the Load Balancing Router is configured for SSL acceleration, and Oracle HTTP Server is listening on a non-SSL port, you must perform the following steps to make the Access Server function properly:

  1. Access the Access System Console at this URL:


  2. Click the Access System Console link.

  3. Log in as an administrator.

  4. Click the Access System Configuration tab.

  5. Navigate to the WebGate entries section.

  6. Add the user-defined parameter ProxySSLHeaderVar, providing a header variable name, for example:

    Name: ProxySSLHeaderVarVal: IS_SSL

  7. Modify the Load Balancing Router (reverse proxy web server) settings to insert an HTTP header string that sets the IS_SSL value to ssl. For example, in the F5 load balancer, in Advanced Proxy Settings, you add the HTTP header string IS_SSL:ssl.

Installing the Access Server SDK

The Access Server SDK contains Access Server API libraries that are needed to perform authentication and authorization services on the Access Server for OC4J applications, specifically to:

The Access Server SDK is not included with the Access Server installation package. The SDK is provided in a separate setup package, Oracle_Access_Manager10_1_4_platform_AccessServerSDK[.ext].

For a comprehensive discussion of the Access SDK, see Chapter 5 of the Oracle Identity Management Application Developer's Guide.

Installing the Access SDK on APPHOST1 and APPHOST2 (Windows)

Follow these steps to install the Access SDK on the computers on which you plan to install J2EE applications:

  1. Log on to the computer as an administrator.

  2. Navigate to the Access Server SDK installation package directory.

  3. Launch the installer by double-clicking Oracle_Access_Manager_Win32_AccessServerSDK.exe

    The Welcome screen appears.

  4. Click Next.

  5. Click Next.

    The license agreement appears.

  6. Read and accept the terms and click Next.

    You are prompted to specify your credentials.

  7. Specify credentials as appropriate to the platform:

    Click Next to indicate that you are logged in with administrator privileges. If you are not, cancel the installation, log in with administrator privileges, and restart the installation.

    You are prompted for the installation directory.

  8. Leave the field unchanged to accept the default, or change the field to specify a directory of your choice, and click Next.

    You are prompted to select the locale (language).

  9. Select the default locale and any other locales and click Next.

    The installation directory and required disk space is displayed.

  10. Make a note of the directory (you will be prompted to provide it later).

  11. Click Next.

  12. Respond to the successive prompts.

    A screen appears with a message that the installation was successful.

Installing the Access SDK on APPHOST1 and APPHOST2 (Solaris and Linux)

  1. Log on to the computer as the owner of the application that the AccessGate will protect.

  2. Navigate to the Access Server SDK installation package directory.

  3. Launch the installer by issuing one of these commands (substituting the platform for the installation):

    Solaris GUI:


    Solaris command line:




    The Welcome screen appears.

  4. Click Next.

    The license agreement appears.

  5. Read and accept the terms and click Next.

    You are prompted to specify your credentials.

  6. Specify the user name and group of the owner of the application that the AccessGate will protect and click Next.

    You are prompted for the installation directory.

  7. Leave the field unchanged to accept the default, or change the field to specify a directory of your choice, and click Next.


    (Linux only) If the installation stops after you specify the directory, see Chapter4.

    You are prompted to select the locale (language).

  8. Select the default locale and any other locales and click Next.

    The installation directory and required disk space is displayed.

  9. Make a note of the directory (you will be prompted to provide it later).

  10. Click Next.

    On Linux systems, this prompt appears:

    To proceed with installation of Oracle COREid Access and Identity 7.0.4 Access Server SDK and for successfully  running the product, you must install additional GCC runtime libraries, namely and Note that these libraries should be  compatible with GCC 3.3.2. The libraries are available for download from  either of the following locations - (requires login), or Once these libraries are locally available, please specify the directory containing the files and proceed with the installation.
        Location of GCC runtime libraries []:
  11. Respond to the prompts.

    A screen appears with a message that the installation was successful.

Configuring the AccessGate on APPHOST1 and APPHOST2

  1. Create an instance for the AccessGate in the Access System Console:

    1. Access the Access System Console at this URL:


    2. Click the Access System Console link.

    3. Log in as an administrator.

    4. Click the Access System Configuration tab.

    5. Click Add New AccessGate.

    6. In the AccessGate Name field, provide a name for the AccessGate that is different from all others already specified for this directory server.

      In the Description field (optional), supply additional descriptive information about the AccessGate.

      In the Hostname field, specify IDMHOST1 or IDMHOST2 or ADMINHOST.

      (Optional) In the Port field, specify the port on which the web server will listen.

      In the AccessGate Password and Re-type AccessGate Password fields, provide and confirm a unique password for the instance.

      In the Transport Security field, specify Open (the transport security mode must be the same between all Access Servers and WebGates).

    7. Click Save.

      Details for the AccessGate instance appear, and you are prompted to associate an Access Server or Access Server cluster with the AccessGate.

    8. Print the page for reference, and then click Back.

  2. Navigate to:

    AccessServerSDK path/oblix/tools/configureAccessGate

  3. Issue this command:

    ./configureAccessGate -i AccessServerSDK path -t AccessGate

    The following prompt appears:

    Please enter the Mode in which you want the AccessGate to run: 1(Open) 2(Simple) 3(Cert):

  4. Enter 2.

    The following prompt appears:

    Please enter the AccessGate ID:

  5. Enter access_gate_APPHOST1_sdk1

    The following prompt appears:

    Please enter the Password for this AccessGate:

  6. Enter a password.

    The following prompt appears:

    Please enter the Access Server ID:

  7. Enter access_server_IDMHOST1.

    The following prompt appears:

    Please enter the Access Server Host Machine Name:

  8. Enter

    The following prompt appears:

    Please enter the Access Server Port:

  9. Enter 6021.

    The following prompts appear:

    Preparing to connect to Access Server. Please wait.AccessGate installed Successfully.Press enter key to continue...

  10. Press Enter.

  11. Repeat the preceding steps on APPHOST2, substituting the host name where appropriate.

  12. Update the opmn.xml file in all OC4J instances to include the AccessSDK shared library path:

    <process-type id="app1" module-id="OC4J" status="enabled">
                         <category id="start-parameters">
                            <data id="java-options" value="-server
    -Djava.library.path=AccessServerSDK path/oblix/lib$ORACLE_HOME/j2ee/app1/config/java2.policy
    -Djava.awt.headless=true -Dhttp.webdir.enable=false"/>
  13. Restart OPMN by issuing this command in APPHOST2_ORACLE_HOME/OPMN/BIN:

    opmnctl reload

  14. Restart the OC4J instances in which the applications using Oracle COREid Access and Identity are deployed.

Configuring Oracle COREid Access and Identity Single Sign-On for OC4J Applications

After you have installed the Oracle COREid Access and Identity, WebGate and Access Server SDK, complete the procedures in this section to integrate WebCenter components with Oracle COREid Access and Identity.

Configuring Access to WebCenter Components

  1. Update the opmn.xml file to set the LD_ASSUME_KERNEL environment variable to 2.4.19, as shown in Example 4-1.

    Example 4-1 opmn.xml File Updates

    <process-type id="OC4J_WebCenter" module-id="OC4J" status="enabled">
                     <variable id="LD_ASSUME_KERNEL" value="2.4.19"/>
                      <category id="start-parameters">
                         <data id="java-options" value="-server -XX:MaxPermSize=128M
    -ms512M -mx1024M -XX:AppendRatio=3
    -Djava.awt.headless=true -Dhttp.webdir.enable=false
  2. Copy the Access Server /oblix/lib/jobaccess.jar file to the ORACLE_HOME/j2ee/home/lib/ext directory. For example:

    cp product/oracle/AccessServerSDK/oblix/lib/jobaccess.jar ORACLE_HOME/j2ee/home/lib/ext
  3. Restart the OC4J_WebCenter instance by issuing these commands:

    opmnctl reload

    opmnctl restartproc process-type=OC4J_WebCenter

  4. Create the file ORACLE_HOME/ohs/htdocs/login/login.html. The variable names for username and password match the plug-ins defined for COREidSSOform and COREidSSONoPwd in the next step.


    If you need detailed information, see the Oracle Containers for J2EE Security Guide, Chapter 11, section titled "Create a Login Form".
  5. Create authentication schemes, resource types and action URL protection in the Access Server console, as follows:

    Create COREidSSOform, a form-based authentication scheme. For instructions, see the Oracle Containers for J2EE Security Guide, Chapter 11, section titled "Define Form-Based Authentication in Policy Manager".

    Create COREidSSONoPwd, for authentication without password. For instructions, see the Oracle Containers for J2EE Security Guide, Chapter 11, section titled "Define Basic Authentication in Policy Manager".

    Create myresourcetype, to be used in the login-modules section of the system-jazn-data.xml file. For instructions, see the Oracle Containers for J2EE Security Guide, Chapter 11, section titled "Configure the Name and Operation of the Resource Type".

    Protect the action URL in the login.html file with COREidSSONoPwd. For instructions, see the Oracle Containers for J2EE Security Guide, Chapter 11, section titled "Protect the Action URL".


    The plug-ins in COREidSSOform and COREidSSONoPwd must match the variables in the login.html file.

Configuring the Login Protected by Oracle COREid Access and Identity

  1. Use the Access Server console and the instructions in Oracle COREid Access and Identity Access Administration Guide to create policy domains to protect the URLS with COREidSSOform, for example:


  2. Visit the protected URLs created in Step 1.

    The login is not fully functional at this point; attempting to access the URLs causes a redirect to the /login/login.html page.

  3. Locate the application section in the jazn-loginconfig section of the ORACLE_HOME/j2ee/OC4J_WebCenter/config/system-jazn-data.xml file. The application section is shown in bold in Example 4-2.

    Example 4-2 Additions to <application> section of system-jazn-data.xml

                                ... ...
                                ... ...
                                ... ...
  4. Replace the application name with the application name of the component to authorize. For example, for Application Server Control Console, it is ascontrol.

  5. If necessary, create an application section for each component to authorize by copying and pasting an existing application section, and replacing the name value with the name of the application.

  6. Add COREIDSSO as the authentication method to ORACLE_HOME/j2ee/OC4J_WebCenter/application-deployments/application name/orion-application.xml. For example, replace:

    <jazn provider="XML" default-realm="" jaas-mode="doAsPrivileged"/>


    The jaas-mode setting is the value required by the particular application. When the application is developed, the jaas-mode="doAsPrivileged" would have been set through the use of the ADF Security Wizard in JDeveloper at design time. It can always be set manually thereafter.

    with the following, shown in bold (note also that the slash following doASPrivileged must be removed):

    <jazn provider="XML" default-realm="" jaas-mode="doAsPrivileged">
    <jazn-web-app auth-method="COREIDSSO"/>


    Edit the file with care, making certain that the XML is well-formed. If it is not, restarting the application with the opmnctl utility can remove the application from the server.xml file. This causes the application to become undeployed.
  7. Ensure that the appropriate roles and users are populated in Oracle COREid Access and Identity for use with Oracle Internet Directory by adding oc4jadmin to the oc4j-administrators and ascontrol_admin groups in Oracle Internet Directory. For instructions on adding users to groups, see the Oracle Internet Directory documentation set. It is available in the Oracle Identity Management 10g ( documentation library. Click View Library, Identity and Access Management at:

  8. Restart the OC4J instance.

  9. Access a protected URL to verify that the login is working.

Configuring the Logout

  1. Copy the logout.html file from the WebGate directory access/oblix/lang/en-us/ to ORACLE_HOME/ohs/htdocs.

  2. Navigate to Access System Console, Access System Configuration, Server Settings, Configure SSO logout URL.

  3. Set the URL to /logout.html.

  4. Restart the Oracle HTTP Server for the Policy Manager.

  5. Perform one of the following steps to cause Oracle COREid Access and Identity to reread the configuration:

    • Restart the Oracle COREid Access and Identity server.

    • Clear the cache in the Identity System Console by selecting System Configuration, Server settings, Cache.

  6. In the ORACLE_HOME/j2ee/OC4J_WebCenter/config/jazn.xml file, update custom.sso.url.logout property to:

    <property name="custom.sso.url.logout" value="/logout.html"/>
  7. Restart the OC4J instance by issuing these commands:

    opmnctl reload

    opmnctl restartproc process-type=OC4J_WebCenter

    The logout for all components will now redirect to this logout page.

Configuring the Second Identity Server as a Failover Server

The Identity Server on IDMHOST2 must be configured to service requests routed to the Identity Server on IDMHOST1 if IDMHOST1 becomes unavailable. Before you can configure the Identity Server on IDMHOST2 as a failover server, it must:

There are two failover paths to configure:

Configuring Failover Between the Secondary Identity Server on IDMHOST2 and the WebPass

  1. Access the Identity Server system console at this URL:


    The Identity Server system main page appears.

  2. Select System Admin, System Configuration, Configure WebPass, WebPass name, Modify.

  3. Complete the fields as follows:

    Failover Threshold — The number of live connections from the web component to its primary NetPoint server.

    Identity Server Timeout Threshold — The number of seconds the web component waits for a non-responsive NetPoint server before it considers it unreachable and attempts to contact another.

    Sleep For (seconds) — The number of seconds after which the WebGate verifies that the number of valid connections equals the maximum number of connections configured.

  4. Save the changes.

  5. Click List Identity Servers.

  6. Click Add.

  7. Select the Identity Server from the drop-down list.

  8. Set the Priority to Primary Server.

  9. Set Number of Connections to 2 or more.

  10. Click Add.

    Both Identity servers are listed. Ensure that the number of connections for each is 2 or more.

  11. Select System Admin, System Configuration, Configure Directory Options.

    The Configure Profiles page appears with the directory server information.

  12. Select the name of the Identity Server profile from under the Configure LDAP Directory Server Profiles heading.

    The Modify Directory Server Profile page appears.

  13. Locate the Used by field and select All Identity Servers.

Configuring the Second Access Server as a Failover Server

The Access Server on IDMHOST2 must be configured to service requests routed to the Access Server on IDMHOST1 if IDMHOST1 becomes unavailable. Before you can configure the Access server on IDMHOST2 as a failover server, it must:

Configuring Failover Between the Access Server and WebGate

  1. Access the Access System Console at the URL for the WebPass instance that connects to the Access Manager:


    The Access system console page appears.

  2. Select Access System Configuration, AccessGate Configuration, All, Go, Name.

    The AccessGate page appears.

  3. Complete the fields as follows:

    Failover Threshold — The number of live connections from the web component to its primary NetPoint server.

    Access Server Timeout Threshold — The number of seconds the web component waits for a non-responsive NetPoint server before it considers it unreachable and attempts to contact another.

    Sleep For (seconds) — The number of seconds after which the WebGate verifies that the number of valid connections equals the maximum number of connections configured.

  4. Save the changes.

  5. Select System Configuration, View Server Settings.

    The View Server Settings page appears with the directory server information.

  6. Select the name of the Access Server profile from under the Configure LDAP Directory Server Profiles heading.

    The Modify Directory Server Profile page appears.

  7. Locate the Used by field and select All Access Servers.

  8. Save the changes.

Mitigating Identity Server Product Installation Failures on Linux

At the time of publication, an unresolved defect in a third-party product, InstallShield, caused some Identity Server product installations to stop after the installation directory was specified. This occurred intermittently, and only in the Linux version.

If an installation stopped after the installation directory was specified, repeat the installation as follows:

  1. Open a shell window and paste these lines into it:

    cd /tmp
    mkdir bin.$$
    cd bin.$$
    cat > mount <<EOF
    #! /bin/sh
    exec /bin/true
    chmod 755 mount
    export PATH=`pwd`:$PATH
  2. Perform the installation steps for the product you want to install.

  3. Issue this command to empty the temporary directory:

    rm -r /tmp/bin.$$

Configuring Directory Server Failover

The instructions for configuring failover from Identity Server components to directory servers vary, depending on the component (Identity Server, Access Server, or Access Manager), and whether you are configuring failover for user data or Oracle data. Table 4-1 lists the components, data stores, and configuration methods.

Table 4-1 Supported Failover Configurations for Directory Servers

Component Data Store Operation Configuration Method

Identity Server



Directory Profile

See Chapter4, "Configuring Directory Failover for User Data"

Identity Server



Directory Profile and XML Configuration Files

See Chapter4, "Configuring Directory Failover for Oracle and Policy Data"

Access Server


Read/WriteFoot 1 

Directory Profile

See Chapter4, "Configuring Directory Failover for User Data"

Access Server


Read/WriteFoot 2 

ConfigureAAAServer command line tool

Chapter4, "Configuring Directory Failover for Oracle and Policy Data"

Access Server


Read/WriteFoot 3 

ConfigureAAAServer command line tool

Chapter4, "Configuring Directory Failover for Oracle and Policy Data"

Access Manager



Directory Profile

XML Configuration Files

Access Manager


Read/WriteFoot 4 

Chapter4, "Configuring Directory Failover for Oracle and Policy Data"

Access Manager


Read/WriteFoot 5 

XML configuration files

Chapter4, "Configuring Directory Failover for Oracle and Policy Data"

Footnote 1 Only applicable when password policy is enabled

Footnote 2 Only applicable when the Access Management Service is On. Unless there is only one back-end RAC database, load balancing is not recommended due to cache synchronization problems.

Footnote 3 Only applicable when the Access Management Service is On. Unless there is only one back-end RAC database, load balancing is not recommended due to cache synchronization problems.

Footnote 4 Load balancing for the Access Manager Write profile is not supported unless there only one back-end RAC database, due to cache synchronization problems.

Footnote 5 Load balancing for the Access Manager Write profile is not supported unless there only one back-end RAC database, due to cache synchronization problems.


Load balancing will work with Oracle Internet Directory, since the directory server instances refer to the same data. However, using load balancing with the directory server in replication mode (for example, IPlanet load balancing) is not recommended, because replication delays can occur, with resulting cache synchronization problems across access servers.

Configuring Directory Failover for User Data

This section explains how to configure failover of Identity Server requests to directory servers that contain user data. The failover sequence consists of the LDAP SDK detecting a failure, returning a connection or "server down" error, and directing the request to a secondary directory server.

Each installed component has a directory profile. Follow these steps to configure user data directory failover using the Identity Server System or Access System Directory Profile page:

  1. Access the Directory Profile page for the server on which you are configuring failover:

    • From the Identity Server System Console, log in as the administrator, then navigate to System Configuration, Directory Profiles.

    • From the Access System Console, select System Configuration, Server Settings.

  2. Under Configure LDAP Directory Server Profiles, select the directory profile that contains connection information for the component and data for which you want failover capability.

  3. Complete the Failover Threshold field.

    Failover Threshold — The number of live primary directory servers required. If the number of primary directory servers drops below the failover threshold, Identity Server attempts to establish a connection to a primary server, if available, and if not, the first secondary server listed, and then the next secondary server listed, and so on.

  4. Complete the Sleep For field with the number of seconds before the watcher thread wakes up and attempts to reestablish or create new connections when connections fail.

  5. Navigate to Database Instances, select Add, and indicate the instances' status as secondary servers.


    To load balance requests between the two Directory Servers, specify both as primary servers here (which represents an active-active failover solution). To configure one server as active and the other as standby (representing an active-passive solution), designate the directory server you added as the secondary server. The secondary server will not operate unless the primary server is not available. In either case, failover is achieved; however, in this guide the active-active solution is emphasized. You may have special considerations that indicate use of an active-passive solution.

Configuring Directory Failover for Oracle and Policy Data

This section explains how to configure failover in the Identity Server for Oracle and Policy data.

Configuring Identity Server Failover for Oracle Data

Most of the configuration data is managed in XML configuration files. Multi-language and referential integrity data is managed on the Directory Profile page.

If there is a failure of the primary configuration data directory server, then the Identity Server cannot read any configuration entries. The failover.xml file provides bootstrap secondary directory server information. See Example 4-3 for an example of the failover.xml file.

The procedure for configuring Identity Server failover for Oracle data is:

  1. Creating the failover.xml File

  2. Configuring Identity Server Directory Failover for Oracle Data

  3. Creating the Encrypted Password for the Bind DN

Creating the failover.xml File

Follow these steps to create the file for each Identity Server that needs failover capability:

  1. Copy and paste the existing sample_failover.xml file template into the Oracle_Access_Manager_INSTALLATION_DIRECTORY/identity/oblix/config/ldap directory.

  2. Use a text editor to add failover information for secondary servers, using Example 4-3 as a guide (server information and encrypted password shown in bold).


    Instructions for obtaining the encrypted password are provided in Chapter4, "Creating the Encrypted Password for the Bind DN".
  3. Save the sample_failover.xml file as failover.xml.

Example 4-3 failover.xml File

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<CompoundList xmlns=""
<!-- # Max number of connections allowed to all the active ldap servers -- note
 this is the same as Max Active Servers>
<NameValPair ParamName="maxConnections" Value="1">
<!-- # Number of seconds after which we switch to a secondary or 
reconnect to a restarted primary ldap server -->
<NameValPair ParamName="sleepFor" Value="60">
<!-- # Max amount of time after which a connection to the ldap
server will expire -->
<NameValPair ParamName="maxSessionTime" Value="0"></
<!-- # Minimun number of active primary ldap servers after which
failover to a secondary server will occur -->
NameValPair ParamName="failoverThreshold" Value="1">
<!-- # Specify the list of all secondary ldap servers here -->
<ValList xmlns=""
<ValListMember Value="sec_ldap_server">
<!-- # Specify the details of each secondary ldap server here -->
<ValNameList xmlns=""
<NameValPair ParamName="ldapSecurityMode" Value="Open">
NameValPair ParamName="ldapServerName" Value="">
<NameValPair ParamName="ldapServerPort" Value="389">
<NameValPair ParamName="ldapRootDN" Value="cn=orcladmin">
<NameValPair ParamName="ldapRootPasswd"
<NameValPair ParamName="ldapSizeLimit" Value="0"></
<NameValPair ParamName="ldapTimeLimit" Value="0"></

Configuring Identity Server Directory Failover for Oracle Data

To configure directory failover, access the Directory Profile page for the directory profile that contains the Oracle branch of the tree, as described in Chapter4, "Configuring Directory Failover for User Data".

Creating the Encrypted Password for the Bind DN

Follow these steps to create the encrypted password:

  1. Locate the obencrypt tool in the AccessServer_install_directory/access/oblix/tools/ldap_tools directory.

  2. Issue this command:

    obencrypt password

    In the preceding command, password is the password to encrypt.

  3. Copy and paste the encrypted password into the ldapRootPasswd parameter value.

Configuring Access Server Directory Failover for Oracle and Policy Data

Perform the procedures in this section to configure directory failover for the Access Server.

Adding a Failover Directory Server Using the ConfigureAAAServer Tool

  1. Navigate to the directory containing the configureAAAServer tool:

    AccessServer installation directory/access/oblix/tools/configureAAAServer

  2. Issue this command:

    configureAAAServer reconfig AccessServer installation directory

    In the preceding command, AccessServer installation directory is the directory in which the Access Server is located.

  3. Type 2 to specify the Simple security mode for the Access Servers that will connect to the directory servers.

    You are asked if you want to specify failover information for Oracle or policy data.

  4. Select Y (Yes).

    You are prompted to specify the location of the data.

  5. Type the number that corresponds to the location of the data (1 for Oracle tree, 2 for Policy tree).

    You are prompted for the action to take.

  6. Type 1 (Add a failover server).

  7. Complete the following fields:

    Directory server name

    Directory server port


    For LDAP in an Active Directory forest environment, use port 3269 for SSL mode. These are the global catalog ports.

    Directory server login DN

    Directory server password

  8. Select 2 (Open) for Security Mode and 2 (Secondary) for Priority.

  9. Type 5 and press Enter to quit.

    You are prompted to commit the changes.

  10. Select 1 (Y) and press Enter to commit the changes.

    The ConfigureAAAServer tool automatically creates the following .xml files in the Access Server installation directory/access/oblix/config/ldap directory:

    • AppDBfailover.xml

    • ConfigDBfailover.xml

    • WebResrcDBfailover.xml

Configuring Policy Manager Failover

  1. Copy the WebResrcDBfailover.xml file from the Access Server configuration directory to the Policy Manager install directory.

  2. Copy the AppDBfailover.xml file from the Access Server configuration directory to the Policy Manager install directory.

  3. Copy the ConfigDBfailover.xml file from the Access Server configuration directory to the Policy Manager install directory.

Creating Failover LDAP Directory Server Profiles for the Identity and Access Servers

Each Identity and Access Server must have a failover directory server profile for user data. A directory server profile is created for each Identity and Access Server at installation time. Each Identity and Access Server must also have a second profile that gives connection information to another directory server, so that if the default directory server is unavailable, the Identity or Access server can connect to another directory server.

Creating a Directory Server Profile for the Identity Servers

  1. Access the Identity Server system console at this URL:


    The Identity Administration page appears.

  2. Select Identity System Console.

    A login dialog appears.

  3. Provide the user ID and password and click Login.

    The System Configuration page appears.

  4. Click System Configuration, then Directory Profiles.

    The Configure Profiles screen appears as shown in Figure 4-2.

    Figure 4-2 Oracle Access Administration Configure Profiles Screen

    Description of Figure 4-2 follows
    Description of "Figure 4-2 Oracle Access Administration Configure Profiles Screen"

  5. Click the link for the first Identity Server directory server profile in the Configure LDAP Directory Server Profiles section.

    The Modify Directory Server Profile screen appears.

  6. In the Database Instances section, click Add.

    The Create Database Instance screen appears.

  7. Specify, and select Secondary from the Server Type drop-down list.

  8. Click Save.

    The Modify Directory Server Profile screen appears.

  9. Click the link for the second Identity Server directory profile in the Configure LDAP Directory Server Profiles section.

  10. In the Database Instances section, click Add.

    The Create Database Instance screen appears.

  11. Specify, and select Secondary from the Server Type drop-down list.

  12. Click Save.

    The Modify Directory Server Profile screen appears.

  13. Restart both Identity Servers.

  14. Figure 4-3 Oracle Access Administration Create Directory Server Profile Screen

    Description of Figure 4-3 follows
    Description of "Figure 4-3 Oracle Access Administration Create Directory Server Profile Screen"

Creating a Directory Server Profile for the Access Servers

  1. Access the Identity System console at this URL:


    The Identity Administration page appears.

  2. Select Identity System Console.

    A login dialog appears.

  3. Provide the user ID and password and click Login.

    The System Configuration page appears.

  4. Click System Configuration, then Directory Profiles.

    The Configure Profiles screen appears as shown in Figure 4-2.

  5. Click the link for the first Access Server directory server profile in the Configure LDAP Directory Server Profiles section.

    The Modify Directory Server Profile screen appears.

  6. Record all entries and selections for the first Access Server's directory server profile (print the screen or write the entries and selections).

  7. In the Used By section, select the Access Servers radio button and select Access Server 1 from the drop-down list.

  8. In the Database Instances section, click Add.

    The Create Database Instance screen appears.

  9. Specify, and select Secondary from the Server Type drop-down list.

  10. Click Save.

    The Modify Directory Server Profile screen appears.

  11. Click Add in the Configure LDAP Directory Server Profiles section.

    The Create Directory Server Profile screen appears.

    Figure 4-4 Oracle Access Administration Create Directory Server Profile Screen

    Description of Figure 4-4 follows
    Description of "Figure 4-4 Oracle Access Administration Create Directory Server Profile Screen"

  12. Complete the Name field with a descriptive name for the directory server profile for the second Access Server on IDMHOST2.

  13. Specify these entries and selections:

    Directory Type: Oracle Internet Directory

    Dynamic Auxiliary: No

    Operations: All Operations

    Used By: Access Servers (select Access Server 2 from the drop-down list)

    Database Instances: (select Secondary from the drop-down list), (select Primary from the drop-down list)

  14. Click Save.

    A confirmation dialog appears.

  15. Click OK.

    IDMHOST2 now has a default and a failover profile.

Verifying the Status of the Identity Servers

You can stop and start servers, perform operations, and then view the status to verify that failover is working.

  1. Access the Identity System console at this URL:


    The Identity Administration page appears.

  2. Select Identity System Console.

    A login dialog appears.

  3. Provide the user ID and password and click Login.

    The System Configuration page appears.

  4. Click System Configuration, then Diagnostics.

    The Server Diagnostics screen appears as shown in Figure 4-2.

    Figure 4-5 Oracle Identity Administration Server Diagnostics Screen

    Description of Figure 4-5 follows
    Description of "Figure 4-5 Oracle Identity Administration Server Diagnostics Screen"

Configuring Oracle WebCenter Services User Roles for Oracle COREid Access and Identity

You must update the system system-jazn-data.xml file to include specific user roles: page-customizer, page-personalizer and page-viewer. In the system-jazn-data.xml file, the difference between a file-based security provider and Oracle COREid Access and Identity is that the grantee element does not have realm-name and type subelements, and if the name is simply users (as opposed to The grant in Example 4-4 is configured for Oracle COREid Access and Identity. Note also that the class is changed to

Example 4-4 system-jazn-data.xml file for use with Oracle COREid Access and Identity


Footnote Legend

Footnote 1: OHS2 is the Oracle HTTP Server based on the Apache HTTP Server version 2.0