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Oracle® Containers for J2EE Orion CMP Developer's Guide
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Part Number B28220-01
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1 Understanding Entity Beans With Container-Managed Persistence

This chapter introduces the concept of an entity bean in general, and entity bean with container-managed persistence in particular.

This chapter includes information on the following topics:

What is an Entity Bean?

Within a J2EE SDK environment, an entity bean represents a business object in a relational database. Usually, an entity bean has an underlying table in a relational database, and every instance of the bean corresponds to a row in that database.

Entity beans possess the following characteristics:

For more information about entity beans, see the following:

This section elaborates on the following topics specific to entity beans with container-managed persistence:

Entity Beans With Container-Managed Persistence

Terminologically, container-managed persistence is the process of the EJB container handling the database access required by an entity bean. That is, the bean's code does not contain SQL calls. This makes the bean's code oblivious to the underlying database. You do not have to implement some of the callback methods (see "Callback Methods") to manage persistence for your bean's data, because the container stores and reloads your persistent data to and from the database. In addition, you do not have to provide management for the primary key as the container provides this key for your bean (see "Configuring Primary Key").

In Orion entity beans with container-managed persistence, the Orion persistence manager is used by the EJB container to persist data to the database from the entity beans. See "Preface" for details on the terminology.

For more information about persistence managers, see the following:

An entity bean's deployment descriptor contains an abstract schema that defines the bean's persistent fields (see "Container-Managed Persistent Fields") and relationships (see "Container-Managed Relationships").


Do not confuse the terms abstract schema and physical schema: in a relational database, a physical schema consists of tables and columns, whereas an abstract schema is a provider of the information required by the container in order to produce the data access calls.

This section describes the following:

Container-Managed Persistent Fields

Persistent fields of an entity bean define the state of the bean. These fields are stored in the underlying database. The container performs an automatic synchronization of the bean's state with the database at run time. At deployment time, the container usually maps the entity bean to a database table with the persistent fields mapped to the table's columns.

Persistent fields are virtual in container-managed persistence. This means that you declare them in the abstract schema, but do not make them instance variables in your entity bean class. However, you provide getters and setters for the persistent fields in your code, similar to the following:

public abstract String getEmployeeName() throws RemoteException 

public abstract String getAddress() throws RemoteException 

public abstract void setAddress(String newAddress) throws RemoteException 

The container provides the implementation of these methods.

In the preceding example, the corresponding persistence fields are employeeName and address.

The EJB deployment descriptor in a form of an ejb-jar.xml file declares these fields as persistent. Each field name must be defined in a <cmp-field><field-name> element of the deployment descriptor, similar to the following:


For more information on how to configure persistence fields, see "Configuring Container-Managed Persistent Fields".

For more information on how to implement entity beans, see "Implementing an EJB 2.0 Entity Bean With Container-Managed Persistence".

Container-Managed Relationships

An entity bean may be related to other entity beans. This behavior of entity beans is similar to the behavior of tables in a relational database.

The EJB container is responsible for relationships in entity beans with container-managed persistence.

OC4J supports the following types of container-managed relationships (CMR):

  • One-to-one: an instance of an entity bean is related to an instance of another entity bean. For example, in a hypothetical model of a racing track with each car containing one driver, CarEJB and DriverEJB are in a one-to-one relationship.

  • One-to-many: an instance of an entity bean may be related to more than one instance of another entity bean. Reusing the racing track example from the previous item, the racing track accommodates multiple competing cars, making RacingTrackEJB have a one-to-many relationships with CarEJB.

  • Many-to-one: multiple instances of an entity bean may be related to one instance of another entity bean. For example, reversing the one-to-many racing track scenario, many cars compete in a single racing track, therefore CarEJB has a many-to-one relationship with RacingTrackEJB.

  • Many-to-many: instances of an entity bean may be related to multiple instances of each other. For example, on a racing track, each car can be served by multiple mechanics, and every mechanic serves more than one car. This makes CarEJB and MechanicEJB have a many-to-many relationship.

An entity bean represents a "one" side of a relationship by the local bean object, whereas the "many" side is represented using a Java Collection.

It is the responsibility of the EJB container to maintain the referential integrity of these entity bean relationships.

For more information, see the following:

Direction in CMR

There is a notion of direction in CMR: a relationship may be either bidirectional or unidirectional. In a bidirectional relationship, each entity bean has a relationship field that refers to the other bean. Through the relationship field (see "Relationship Fields"), an entity bean's code can access its related object. In a unidirectional relationship, only one entity bean has a relationship field that refers to the other.

EJB QL queries (see "Understanding EJB QL") have an ability to navigate across relationships. The direction of a relationship determines whether or not a query can navigate from one bean to another.

Relationship Fields

A relationship field identifies a related bean. A relationship field behaves similar to a foreign key in a database table.

Like persistent fields (see "Container-Managed Persistent Fields"), relationship fields are virtual and are defined in the enterprise bean class with access methods. But to the contrary to persistent fields, relationship field do not represent the bean's state.

For more information about relationship fields, see "Configuring Container-Managed Relationship Fields".

Callback Methods

There are a number of so-called callback methods that you must implement to enable the life cycle of your entity bean with container-managed persistence. Some of these methods are defined in the javax.ejb.EntityBean interface, whereas the implementation of others (ejbCreate and ejbPostCreate) is mandated by the EJB 2.0 specification.

The container invokes the callback methods at the designated times; you may or may not add logic to these methods.

The following table provides each method's details, as well as lists the implementation requirements for the callback methods of the entity bean class:

Callback Method Details and Implementation Requirements
setEntityContext This method associates the bean instance with context information. The container calls this method after the bean creation. The enterprise bean can store the reference to the context object in an instance variable for use in transaction management. Beans that manage their own transactions can use the session context to get the transaction context.

You can also allocate any resources that will exist for the lifetime of the bean within this method. You should release these resources in the unsetEntityContext method.

unsetEntityContext This method unsets the associated entity context and releases any resources allocated in the setEntityContext method.
ejbCreate An entity bean can contain one or more ejbCreate methods.

Typically, this method performs the following:

  • Inserts the entity state into the database.

  • Initializes the instance variables.

  • Returns the primary key.

When writing this method, you must insure the following:

  • The access control modifier is public.

  • The return type is the primary key.

  • The arguments are legal types for the Java RMI API.

  • The method modifier is neither final or static.

ejbPostCreate You must write an ejbPostCreate method for each ejbCreate method in your entity bean class. The container invokes ejbPostCreate method immediately after it calls ejbCreate method. In most cases, leave your ejbPostCreate method empty.

When writing this method, you must insure the following:

  • The number and types of arguments match a corresponding ejbCreate method.

  • The access control modifier is public.

  • The method modifier is neither final or static.

  • The return type is void.

ejbActivate This method gives the entity bean instance a chance to acquire additional resources that it needs while it is in the ready state.

You must at least provide an empty implementation of this callback method.

ejbPassivate This method gives the entity bean instance the chance to release any resources that should not be held while the instance is in the pool (typically, these resources had been allocated during the execution of the ejbActivate method).

You must at least provide an empty implementation of this callback method. You also may choose to add logic for performing any cleanup functionality.

ejbRemove This method deletes the entity state from the database. The container calls this method after a client has deleted an entity bean (by invoking the remove method).

You must at least provide an empty implementation of this callback method. You also may choose to add logic for performing any cleanup functionality.

Note that an entity bean may also be removed directly by a database deletion. For example, if a SQL script deletes a row that contains an entity bean state, then that entity bean is removed.

ejbLoad This method refreshes the instance variables from the database.

If the EJB container needs to synchronize the instance variables of an entity bean with the corresponding values stored in a database, it invokes the ejbLoad and ejbStore methods.

Note that the client may not call ejbLoad and ejbStore methods.

No functionality is required for restoring persistent data within this method. The persistence manager restores all persistent data for you. However, you must provide at least an empty implementation.

ejbStore This method writes the variables to the database.

If the EJB container needs to synchronize the instance variables of an entity bean with the corresponding values stored in a database, it invokes the ejbLoad and ejbStore methods.

Note that the client may not call ejbStore method.

No functionality is required for saving persistent data within this method. The persistent manager saves all persistent data to the database for you. However, you must provide at least an empty implementation.

ejbFindByPrimaryKey As its name implies, this method accepts as an argument the primary key, which it uses to locate an entity bean.

When writing this method, you must insure the following:

  • The access control modifier is public.

  • The method modifier is neither final or static.

  • The return type is a primary key or a collection of primary keys.

No functionality is required for returning the primary key to the container. The container manages the primary key after it is initialized by the ejbCreate method. You still must provide an empty implementation for this method.

Querying for an Entity Bean

You query for an instance of an entity bean using entity bean finder (see "Understanding Finder Methods") or select (see "Understanding Select Methods") methods.

You express your selection criteria using an appropriate query syntax (see "Understanding Query Syntax").

This section describes the following:

Understanding EJB QL

EJB Query Language (EJB QL) is a specification language used to define semantics of finder and select methods in a portable and optimizable format. The Orion persistence manager can perform an automatic compilation of EJB QL. Your responsibility is to define EJB QL queries in the deployment descriptor of the entity bean.

Using EJB QL offers the following advantages:

  • You do not need to know the database structure (such as tables and fields).

  • You can construct queries using the attributes of the entity beans instead of using database tables and fields.

  • You can use relationships in a query to provide navigation from attribute to attribute.

  • EJB QL queries are portable because they are database-independent.

  • You can specify the reference class in the SELECT clause.

The disadvantage of EJB QL queries is that it is difficult to use when you construct complex queries.

EJB QL has the following restrictions:

  • Comments are not allowed.

  • Date and time values are in milliseconds and use a Java long. A date or time literal should be an integer literal. To generate a millisecond value, you may use the java.util.Calendar class.

  • In EJB 2.0 container-managed persistence does not support inheritance. For this reason, two entity beans of different types cannot be compared.

Understanding Query Syntax

You can express an entity bean query using EJB QL (see "Understanding EJB QL") or SQL native to your underlying relational database.

EJB QL is preferred for it is portable and optimizable.

An EJB QL query has three clauses: SELECT, FROM, and WHERE. The SELECT and FROM clauses are required, but the WHERE clause is optional. The following is the high-level syntax of an EJB QL query:

EJB QL ::= select_clause from_clause [where_clause]

The SELECT clause defines the types of the objects or values returned by the query. A return type is either a local interface, a remote interface, or a persistent field.

The FROM clause defines the scope of the query by declaring one or more identification variables, which may be referenced in the SELECT and WHERE clauses. An identification variable represents one of the following elements:

  • The abstract schema name of an entity bean.

  • A member of a collection that is the multiple side of a one-to-many relationship.

The WHERE clause is a conditional expression that restricts the objects or values retrieved by the query. Although optional, most queries have a WHERE clause.

For more information about EJB QL syntax, consult EJB 2.0 specification at

The EJB QL query syntax is demonstrated by the following example: suppose, you declare the findByZipCode method in your entity bean's home interface to obtain all the Employee beans with a certain zip code:

public Collection findByZipCode(String zipCode) throws RemoteException, CreateException

That would be expressed by using the following EJB QL statement in the deployment descriptor:

FROM contactInfo WHERE = ?1

This EJB QL statement says "select all the Employee beans that have a zip code equal to the zipCode argument." The SELECT clause, which indicates what to select, is not needed in the EJB QL statements for find methods. That is because the finder methods will always select the remote references of its own bean type.

Native SQL is appropriate for taking advantage of advanced query features of your underlying relational database that EJB QL does not support.

You can use EJB QL in finder (see "Understanding Finder Methods") and select (see "Understanding Select Methods") methods. To use native SQL, you must use straight JDBC calls.

Understanding Finder Methods

An EJB finder is a query, as defined by the EJB 2.0 specification. An EJB finder retrieves (and returns) entity bean references, whereas a query returns Java objects.

Finders contain finder methods (ejbFind) that define search criteria.

The findByPrimaryKey finder method is always defined in both home interfaces (local and remote) to retrieve the entity reference for this bean using a primary key. You can define other finder methods in either or both the home interfaces to retrieve one or several entity bean references.


Finder methods are exposed to the client.

For information on how to define and implement finder methods, see "Implementing EJB QL Finder Methods".

Understanding Select Methods

Select methods (ejbSelect) are used primarily to return values of container-managed persistent (see "Container-Managed Persistent Fields") or relationship (see "Relationship Fields") fields. All values are returned in their own object type; any primitive types are wrapped in objects that have similar functions (for example, a primitive int type is wrapped in an Integer object). An ejbSelect method is a query method intended for internal use within an entity bean instance. Specified in the abstract bean itself, the ejbSelect method is not directly exposed to the client in the home or component interface. Defined as abstract, each bean can include zero or more such methods.

Select methods have the following characteristics:

  • The method name must have ejbSelect as its prefix.

  • It must be declared as public.

  • It must be declared as abstract.

  • The throws clause must specify the javax.ejb.FinderException, although it may also specify application-specific exceptions as well.

  • Under EJB 2.0, the result-type-mapping tag in the ejb-jar.xml file determines the return type for ejbSelect methods. Set the flag to Remote to return EJBObject; set it to Local to return EJBLocalObject.

For more information about select methods, see "Implementing EJB QL Select Methods".

Avoiding Database Resource Contention

Entity beans concurrency and database isolation levels let you avoid the resource contention and prevent the users from overwriting each others changes to database while allowing concurrent execution.

This section discusses the following topics:

Entity Bean Database Isolation Levels and Resource Contention

The java.sql.Connection object represents a connection to a specific database. The Connection provides four database isolation levels to define protection against resource contention: when two or more users try to update the same resource, a lost update can occur. That is, one user can overwrite the other user's data without realizing it.

Oracle supports the following isolation levels:

  • transaction_read_committed: Dirty reads are prevented; nonrepeatable reads and phantom reads can occur. This level only prohibits a transaction from reading a row with uncommitted changes in it.

  • transaction_serializable: Dirty reads, nonrepeatable reads and phantom reads are prevented. This level includes the prohibitions in transaction_repeatable_read and further prohibits the occurrence of the following hypothetical situation: one transaction reads all rows that satisfy a WHERE condition; a second transaction inserts a row that satisfies that WHERE condition; the first transaction rereads for the same condition, retrieving the additional "phantom" row in the second read.

For more information about database isolation levels, see "Configuring Database Isolation Levels".

Entity Bean Concurrency Modes and Resource Contention

OC4J also provides concurrency modes for handling resource contention and parallel execution within entity beans with container-managed persistence. The concurrency modes determine when to block to manage resource contention, or when to execute in parallel.

The following is the list of the available concurrency modes:

  • pessimistic: Manages resource contention and does not permit parallel execution. Only one user can execute the entity bean at a given time.

  • optimistic: Does not monitor resource contention. Thus, the database isolation levels manage the concurrency. Multiple users can execute the entity bean in parallel.

  • read-only: The container does not permit any updates to the bean's state. Multiple users can execute the entity bean in parallel.

For more information about concurrency modes, see "Configuring Concurrency Modes".

You can specify both entity bean concurrency modes and database isolation levels, if the combination affects the outcome of your resource contention. See "Combining Entity Bean Database Isolation Level and Concurrency Mode" for more information.

Combining Entity Bean Database Isolation Level and Concurrency Mode

The setting of the database isolation level has no bearing on the pessimistic and read-only concurrency modes. The isolation levels only matter if an external source is modifying the database.

If you choose optimistic concurrency mode with committed database isolation level, you may lose an update. If you choose optimistic concurrency mode with serializable isolation level, you will never lose an update resulting in the constant consistency of your data. However, you can receive an ORA-8177 exception as a resource contention error.

Differences Between Pessimistic, Optimistic and Serializable Settings

An entity bean with the pessimistic concurrency mode does not permit the execution by multiple clients (either on the same or on different instances of the same primary key). Only one client at a time can execute the instance.

An entity bean with the optimistic concurrency mode allows multiple instances of the bean to execute in parallel. This might result in lost updates (and conflicts), because two different transactions may update the same row simultaneously.

Setting the transaction isolation level to serializable enables the detection of conflicts when they occur. Currently, if an update from one of the transactions raises a SQLException, that transaction is rolled back.

Optionally, you may set the tx-retries attribute of the <entity-deployment> element to a value greater than 1, which would result in the retry of the transaction. See Table A-1, "Attributes of the <entity-deployment> Element" for more information about the <entity-deployment> element and its attributes.

Entity Bean Concurrency Modes and Clustering

All concurrency modes behave in a similar manner whether they are used within an independent or a clustered environment. This is because the concurrency modes are locked at the database level. Thus, even if a pessimistic bean instance is clustered across nodes, when one instance tries to execute the database locks out all other instances.

For more information, see the following:

When to Use an Entity Bean With Container-Managed Persistence?

You should consider using an entity bean with container-managed persistence under the following conditions:


Oracle recommends migrating your application to the TopLink persistence manager using the Oracle migration tool. See "Migrating to the TopLink Persistence Manager" for more information.