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Oracle® Containers for J2EE Developer's Guide
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Part Number B28952-01
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A OC4J-Specific Deployment Descriptors

This appendix provides an overview of OC4J-specific orion-application.xml and orion-application-client.xml deployment descriptor files. See the other OC4J developer guides for documentation of other OC4J-specific descriptors.

The following topics are included:

Elements in the orion-application.xml File

This section provides an overview of the OC4J-specific application deployment descriptor file.


The top-level element of the orion-application.xml file is the <orion-application> element.



An argument used when invoking the application client if starting it in-process; that is, if auto-start="true". This element is specific to client applications.



Contains one or more<argument> elements, each containing an argument used when invoking the application client if starting it in-process; that is, if auto-start="true". This element is specific to client applications.


An application client module of the application. An application client is a GUI or console-based standalone client that interacts with the server.



Contains the application clustering configuration for an enterprise application running within an OC4J instance.

Clustering is typically enabled at the global level; however, application-level settings will override the global configuration. See Oracle Containers for J2EE Configuration and Administration Guide for a detailed overview of the OC4J clustering framework.

Subelements of <cluster>:


For descriptions of these subelements, see Oracle Containers for J2EE Configuration and Administration Guide.





Specifies the path and filename of the XML file defining data sources to be used by the application.

OC4J data sources exist in an XML file known as data-sources.xml. This file is installed in the /j2ee/instance/config/ directory with a default data source.



A string containing an optional short description of the application.


References an EJB JAR module within the application.



A relative/absolute path to a log file.



A group that this security-role mapping implies. That is, all members of the specified group are included in this role.



Contains data required to use the JavaGroups group communication protocol to replicate session state across nodes in a cluster.



Configures the Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS) to use the XML-based configuration provider type. For a description of this element, see the description of the <jazn> element of the jazn.xml file in the Oracle Containers for J2EE Security Guide.


Defines the filter element of JAZNUserManager. For a description of this element, see the description of the <jazn-web-app> element of the jazn.xml file in the Oracle Containers for J2EE Security Guide.


Specifies a single MBean deployed with an application that is to be registered automatically with the OC4J MBeanServer.




Specifies either a relative or an absolute path or URL to a directory or a JAR or ZIP archive to add as a library path for this OC4J instance. Directories are scanned for archives to include at OC4J startup.



Sets the logging configuration for the application.




Configures Oracle Diagnostic Logging for the application. The ODL framework provides plug-in components that complement the standard Java framework to automatically integrate log data with Oracle log analysis tools. In the ODL framework, log files are formatted in XML, enabling them to be more easily parsed and reused by other Oracle Application Server and custom developed components

When you enable ODL logging, each message goes into its respective log file, named logN.xml, where N is a number starting at one. The first log message starts the log file, log1.xml. When the log file size maximum is reached, the second log file is opened to continue the logging, log2.xml. When the last log file is full, the first log file, log1.xml, is erased and a new file is opened for the new messages. Thus, your log files are constantly rolling over and do not encroach on your disk space.


New files are created within the directory, until the maximum directory size is reached. Each log file is equal to or less than the maximum specified in the attributes.


An e-mail address to log events to. A valid mail-session also needs to be specified if this option is used.



Defines the session SMTP server host (if using SMTP).



Specifies the namespace (naming context) security policy for RMI clients.


Defines a resource with a specific security setting.



Specifies the UserManager that is used for the lookup of hidden passwords. If omitted, the current UserManager is used for authentication and authorization. For example, you can use a JAZN LDAP UserManager for the overall UserManager, but use a JAZN XML UserManager for checking hidden passwords.

To identify a UserManager, provide a <jazn> element definition within this element, as follows:

   <jazn ...>

For a description of the <jazn> element, see the description of the <jazn> element of the jazn.xml file in the Oracle Containers for J2EE Security Guide


Contains a relative (to the application root) or absolute path to a directory where application state should be stored across restarts.



Defines the path to the principals.xml file.



Contains a property as a name and value pair.



Defines the mechanism to use for data replication. Note that only one can be specified.




The read-access policy.


Define a JMS resource provider. To add a custom <resource-provider>, add the following to your orion-application.xml file:

<resource-provider class="providerClassName" name="JNDI name"> 
  <description> description </description> 
  <property name="name" value="value" /> 

In place of the user-replaceable constructs (those in italics) in the preceding example, do the following:


Defines the runtime mapping to groups and users of a role. Maps to a security ole of the same name in the assembly descriptor.



Defines a user that the security-role mapping implies.



Specifies an optional user-manager class to use. These are used to integrate existing systems and provide custom user-managers for Web applications.



Identifies a Web application/module that is part of the application. Each Web application can be installed on any site and in any context on those sites (for instance



The write-access policy

Elements in the orion-application-client.xml File

This file is the OC4J-specific descriptor for an application client.


Defines an orion-application-client.xml file containing the deploy time information for a J2EE application client. It complements the application client assembly information found in application-client.xml.


Contains an attribute sent to the context. The only mandatory attribute in JNDI is the 'java.naming.factory.initial,' which is the classname of the context factory implementation.



Used for the declaration of a reference to another enterprise bean's home. The ejb-ref-mapping element ties this to a JNDI-location when deploying.



Overrides the value of an env-entry in the assembly descriptor. It is used to keep the EAR (assembly) clean from deployment-specific values. The body is the value.



Specifies an optional javax.naming.Context implementation used for retrieving the resource. This is useful when hooking up with third party modules, such as a third party JMS server for instance. Either use the context implementation supplied by the resource vendor or if none exists write an implementation which in turn negotiates with the vendor software.



Declares a reference to an external resource, such as a data source, JMS queue, mail session, or similar. The resource-env-ref-mapping ties that element to a JNDI location during deployment.



Declares a reference to an external resource such as a data source, JMS queue, mail session or similar. The resource-ref-mapping ties this to a JNDI-location when deploying.
