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Oracle® Containers for J2EE Resource Adapter Administrator's Guide
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Part Number B28956-01
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A  B  C  D  E  F  G  I  J  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  W  X 


<adminobject-class> element (oc4j-connectors.xml), A.6.1
<adminobject-config> element (oc4j-connectors.xml), A.6.2
<config-property> element (oc4j-ra.xml), A.3.1
<config-property> element, subelement of <adminobject-config> (oc4j-connectors.xml), A.6.3
<config-property> element, subelement of <connector> (oc4j-connectors.xml), A.6.4
<connectionfactory-interface> element (oc4j-ra.xml), A.3.4
<connection-pool> element (oc4j-ra.xml), A.3.2
<connection-pooling> element (oc4j-ra.xml), A.3.3
<connector> element (oc4j-connectors.xml), A.6.5
<connector-factory> element (oc4j-ra.xml), A.3.5
<default-mapping> element (oc4j-ra.xml), A.3.6
<file> element (oc4j-ra.xml), A.3.9
<impl-class> element (oc4j-ra.xml), A.3.10
<initiating-user> element (oc4j-ra.xml), A.3.11
<jaas-application-name> element (oc4j-ra.xml), A.3.12
<jaas-module> element (oc4j-ra.xml), A.3.13
<log> element (oc4j-ra.xml), A.3.14
<native-library> element (oc4j-connectors.xml), A.6.6
<oc4j-connector-factories> element (oc4j-ra.xml), A.3.15
<oc4j-connectors> element (oc4j-connectors.xml), A.6.7
<password> element (oc4j-ra.xml), A.3.16
<password-credential> element (oc4j-ra.xml), A.3.17
<principal-mapping-entries> element (oc4j-ra.xml), A.3.18
<principal-mapping-entry> element (oc4j-ra.xml), A.3.19
<principal-mapping-interface> element (oc4j-ra.xml), A.3.20
<property> element, subelement of <connection-pool> (oc4j-ra.xml), A.3.21
<property> element, subelement of <connection-pooling> (oc4j-ra.xml), A.3.22
<property> element, subelement of <principal-mapping-interface> (oc4j-ra.xml), A.3.23
<res-password> element, subelement of <default-mapping> (oc4j-ra.xml), A.3.24
<res-password> element, subelement of <principal-mapping-entry> (oc4j-ra.xml), A.3.25
<res-user> element, subelement of <default-mapping> (oc4j-ra.xml), A.3.26
<res-user> element, subelement of <principal-mapping-entry> (oc4j-ra.xml), A.3.27
<security-config> element (oc4j-ra.xml), A.3.28
<security-permission> element (oc4j-connectors.xml), A.6.8
<security-permission-spec> element (oc4j-connectors.xml), A.6.9
<start-order> element (oc4j-connectors.xml), A.6.10
<username> element (oc4j-ra.xml), A.3.30
<xa-recovery-config> element (oc4j-ra.xml), A.3.31


administered objects
creating and binding, 7.3.1
deployment configuration, 7.2
editing, 7.3.2
example--interaction spec, 7.1.2
example--JMS topics and queues, 7.1.3
introduction, 7.1
JNDI lookup, 7.4
JSR-77 support, 2.1.1
MBean browser, 2.1.1
MBeans administration in OC4J, 2.4.1
MBeans, definition, 2.1.1
OC4J resource adapter MBeans, 2.4.2
overview, OC4J, 2.1
adminobject-class element (oc4j-connectors.xml), A.6.1
adminobject-config element (oc4j-connectors.xml), A.6.2
Application Server Control
console, introduction, 2.1.1
resource adapter pages, summary, 2.2
associateConnection method, 4.7.1
audiences for this document, 1.9


bean-managed transaction demarcation, 4.1.2
administered object, 7.3.1
connection factory, 3.2.1
bootstrap mechanism (startup), 2.5


interaction spec, 7.1.2
interactions, 1.6
introduction, 1.6
common client interface--see CCI
communication scenarios, inbound and outbound, 1.4
config-property element (oc4j-ra.xml), A.3.1
config-property element, subelement of <adminobject-config> (oc4j-connectors.xml), A.6.3
config-property element, subelement of <connector> (oc4j-connectors.xml), A.6.4
configuration files
introduction, 1.7
oc4j-connectors.xml elements and attributes, A.6
oc4j-connectors.xml hierarchy, A.5
oc4j-connectors.xml overview, A.1.3
oc4j-connectors.xml sample, A.7
oc4j-ra.xml elements and attributes, A.3
oc4j-ra.xml hierarchy, A.2
oc4j-ra.xml overview, A.1.2
oc4j-ra.xml sample, A.4
overview, A.1
ra.xml overview, A.1.1
connection association, 4.7.1, 4.7.1
connection association scenarios, 4.7.4, 4.7.4
connection obtained outside a transaction,
shared handles in different contexts,
transactional context switch,
connection factories
binding, 3.2.1
defined, 3.1
editing properties, 3.2.2
JNDI lookup, 3.6
logging, 3.5
metrics for performance, 3.8.3
connection handle, 4.7.1
connection handle wrapping, 4.7.3
connection management
connection factories, 3.1
connection pools, configuration, 3.3
connection spec, 3.7
connections, obtaining, 3.6
contract, introduction, 1.3
contract, summary, 3.7
EIS connections, obtaining, 3.1
JNDI lookup, connection factory, 3.6
managed connections, managed connection factories, 3.7
metrics for resource adapter connections, 3.8
shared connection pools, 3.4
connection pools
configuring the pool, 3.3.2
enabling, 3.3.1
expired/invalid connections, 3.3.4
initial capacity, 3.3.3
introduction, configuration, 3.3
metrics for configuration, 3.8.2
metrics for performance, 3.8.4
metrics, troubleshooting, 3.8.5
metrics, viewing, 3.8.1
minimum/maximum connections, 3.3.3
runtime configuration, 3.3.5
scheme, 3.3.3
shared pool, create and configure, 3.4.1
shared pool, edit and reconfigure, 3.4.2
shared pool, using, 3.4.3
connection sharing, 4.5
connection spec, 3.7
connection wrapper classes, 4.7.3
connection wrapping, 4.7
ConnectionEventListener interface, 4.2.3
connectionfactory-interface element (oc4j-ra.xml), A.3.4
connection-pool element (oc4j-ra.xml), A.3.2
connection-pooling element (oc4j-ra.xml), A.3.3
connector element (oc4j-connectors.xml), A.6.5
connector-factory element (oc4j-ra.xml), A.3.5
container-managed transaction demarcation, 4.1.2
contracts, 1.3


debug flags
debug for work management thread pools, 5.2.2
jca.connection.debug, 3.8.5
default-mapping element (oc4j-ra.xml), A.3.6
deployment plan, 2.1.1
deployment plan editor, 2.1.1
JSR-88 support, 2.1.1
of administered objects, 7.2
of resource adapters, 1.7


connections, obtaining, 3.1
definition, 1.1.1
enterprise information system--see EIS


file element (oc4j-ra.xml), A.3.9


global transaction management
introduction, 4.1.5
setup and cleanup, transactions, 4.4.1


impl-class element (oc4j-ra.xml), A.3.10
inbound communication
configuring RA as listener, 6.3
introduction, 1.4
through resource adapters, 6.1.1
initiating-user element (oc4j-ra.xml), A.3.11
interactions (through CCI)
interaction spec, 7.1.2
introduction, 1.6
interface libraries, CCI and SPI, 1.6


jaas-application-name element (oc4j-ra.xml), A.3.12
jaas-module element (oc4j-ra.xml), A.3.13
Java Message Service--see JMS
Java Transaction API--see JTA
Oracle generic JMS resource adapter, 1.8.1
Oracle JMS support, introduction, 1.8.1
topics and queues, 7.1.3
JSR-77 support, 2.1.1
JSR-88 support, 2.1.1
JTA, transaction management, relationship, 4.1.3


last-resource commit optimization (transaction management),
lazy connection association optimization, 4.7.1
lazy enlistment of connections (transaction management),
lazy transaction enlistment optimization, 4.7.2
libraries, native, configuration, 2.3.2
lifecycle management
contract, introduction, 1.3
key APIs, 2.5.1
resource adapter startup and shutdown, 2.5
listener, configuring resource adapter, 6.3
local transaction management
introduction, 4.1.4
setup and cleanup, transactions, 4.4.2
LocalTransaction interface, 4.2.1
LocalTransaction level, 4.1.6
log element (oc4j-ra.xml), A.3.14
logging, connection factories, 3.5


managed connections, managed connection factories, 3.7
ManagedConnection interface, 4.7.1
administration in OC4J, 2.4.1
definition, 2.1.1
MBean browser, 2.1.1
OC4J resource adapter MBeans, 2.4.2
activation, 6.4.1
configuring MDB, associating RA, 6.3.4
deactivation, 6.4.3
error conditions for deployment, configuration, 6.3.5
exceptions from MDB listener methods, 6.5.2
using RA for EIS communication to MDB, 6
message inflow
contract, definition, 6.2.1
contract, introduction, 1.3
message-driven bean--see MDB
concurrent message delivery, 6.5.1
configuring RA as listener, 6.3
failure during transacted message delivery, 6.5.3
message delivery, 6.4.2
message inflow, 1.3
message provider pluggability, 1.4.2
message-listening lifecycle, 6.4
resource adapter as message listener, 6.1.2
transactions in message delivery, 6.3.3
using RA for EIS communication to MDB, 6
for resource adapter connections, 3.8
troubleshooting with connection pool metrics, 3.8.5
work management thread pool, 5.2.3


native libraries, configuration, 2.3.2
native-library element (oc4j-connectors.xml), A.6.6
NoTransaction level, 4.1.6


oc4j-connector-factories element (oc4j-ra.xml), A.3.15
oc4j-connectors element (oc4j-connectors.xml), A.6.7
oc4j-connectors.xml file
element and attribute descriptions, A.6
hierarchy, A.5
overview, A.1.3
sample, A.7
viewing <connector> element in Application Server Control, 2.2.3
oc4j-ra.xml file
element and attribute descriptions, A.3
hierarchy, A.2
overview, A.1.2
sample, A.4
viewing in Application Server Control, 2.2.3
Oracle generic JMS resource adapter, 1.8.1
Oracle resource adapters, 1.8.2
outbound communication, 1.4


packaging of resource adapters, 1.7
password element (oc4j-ra.xml), A.3.16
password-credential element (oc4j-ra.xml), A.3.17
principal-mapping-entries element (oc4j-ra.xml), A.3.18
principal-mapping-entry element (oc4j-ra.xml), A.3.19
principal-mapping-interface element (oc4j-ra.xml), A.3.20
property element, subelement of <connection-pool> (oc4j-ra.xml), A.3.21
property element, subelement of <connection-pooling> (oc4j-ra.xml), A.3.22
property element, subelement of <principal-mapping-interface> (oc4j-ra.xml), A.3.23
property settings, RA JavaBean, 2.3.1


queues (JMS), 7.1.3


ra.xml file
overview, A.1.1
viewing in Application Server Control, 2.2.3
resource adapter
communication scenarios, 1.4
configuration files, 1.7
definition, 1.1.2
deployment, 1.7
for inbound communication, 6.1.1
for message listener, 6.1.2
JavaBean properties, 2.3.1
native libraries, 2.3.2
Oracle generic JMS resource adapter, 1.8.1
Oracle resource adapters, 1.8.2
packaging, 1.7
startup and shutdown, 2.5
third-party resource adapters, 1.8.2
res-password element, subelement of <default-mapping> (oc4j-ra.xml), A.3.24
res-password element, subelement of <principal-mapping-entry> (oc4j-ral.xml), A.3.25
res-user element, subelement of <default-mapping> (oc4j-ral.xml), A.3.26
res-user element, subelement of <principal-mapping-entry> (oc4j-ral.xml), A.3.27
roles addressed in J2CA specification, 1.9


security management
contract, introduction, 1.3
contract, summary, 1.5.1
security features, 1.5
security permissions, 1.5.2
security-config element (oc4j-ra.xml), A.3.28
security-permission element (oc4j-connectors.xml), A.6.8
security-permission-spec element (oc4j-connectors.xml), A.6.9
service provider interface--see SPI
manual shutdown, 2.5.4
shutdown process, resource adapters, 2.5.3
SPI, 1.6
start-order element (oc4j-connectors.xml), A.6.10
manual restart, 2.5.4
startup process, resource adapters, 2.5.2
system contracts, 1.3


third-party resource adapters, 1.8.2
thread pool, work management
configuring, 5.2.2
metrics, 5.2.3
overview, 5.2.1
topics (JMS), 7.1.3
transaction enlistment, 4.7.2
transaction inflow
contract, definition, 6.2.2
contract, introduction, 1.3
relationship with work management, 6.2.3
transaction management
bean-managed demarcation, 4.1.2
connection sharing, 4.5
container-managed demarcation, 4.1.2
contract, introduction, 1.3
EJB technology, relationship, 4.1.2
global transaction management, 4.1.5
illegal transaction demarcation,
interfaces, key, 4.2
introduction to transactions, management, 4.1
JTA technology, relationship, 4.1.3
last-resource commit optimization,
lazy enlistment of connections,
level, configuration, 4.1.6
local transaction management, 4.1.4
LocalTransaction level, 4.1.6
NoTransaction level, 4.1.6
setup and cleanup, transactions, 4.4
transaction recovery, 4.6
transaction support, required, 4.3.1
transactions, characteristics and scopes, 4.1.1
transactions, definition, 4.1.1
unsupported transaction scenarios,
XA recovery, configuring, 4.6.2
XA recovery, introduction, 4.6.1
XATransaction level, 4.1.6
TransactionManager interface, 4.2.2
transactions in message delivery, 6.3.3
troubleshooting J2CA connections with metrics, 3.8.5


username element (oc4j-ra.xml), A.3.30
UserTransaction interface, 4.2.2


work management
APIs, key, 5.1.2
contract, introduction, 1.3
contract, overview, 5.1
debug flag for thread pools, 5.2.2
model, 5.1.2
relationship with transaction inflow, 6.2.3
thread pool, configuring, 5.2.2
thread pool, metrics, 5.2.3
thread pool, overview, 5.2.1
wrapper object, 4.7.3


XA recovery
configuring, 4.6.2
introduction, 4.6.1
xa-recovery-config element (oc4j-ra.xml), A.3.31
XAResource interface, 4.2.1
XATransaction level, 4.1.6
XML configuration files--see configuration files