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D OracleAS JAAS Provider Configuration Files

This chapter contains reference information for the jazn.xml and system-jazn-data.xml configuration files for the OracleAS JAAS Provider, covering the following topics:


Elements in system-jazn-data.xml relating to a user and role repository for the file-based provider also may appear in an application-specific jazn-data.xml file.

Hierarchy of jazn.xml

The jazn.xml file has a simple hierarchy, as follows:



Do not use the <jazn-web-app> subelement of <jazn> in the jazn.xml file. The <jazn-web-app> element is intended for use in the orion-application.xml file.

See Also:

Elements and Attributes of jazn.xml

This section is an alphabetical dictionary of elements of the jazn.xml file.


Where attributes are discussed, note that attribute values are always set inside quotes: attribute="value".

See Also:


Parent element: n/a (root)

Child elements: <property>

Required? Required; one only

This is the top-level element in the jazn.xml file, for configuration of the OracleAS JAAS Provider.


This element (optionally with any of its subelements) may also appear in an orion-application.xml file for application-level settings.

Table D-1 <jazn> Attributes

Name Description


Values: n/a

Default: n/a

This attribute is unused in the OC4J implementation.


Values: String

Default: n/a

This specifies the realm that is used for an authentication or authorization request if no realm is explicitly specified. If multiple realms are defined in your repository, you must specify a default realm.

Note: While there is no default if this attribute is not set, be aware that jazn.xml as shipped with OC4J sets the default realm to be (And if there is no default-realm setting in orion-application.xml, the default realm for the application defaults to that specified in jazn.xml.)


Values: null|doas|doasprivileged

Default: null

This is used to specify JAAS mode, a fine-grained authorization feature provided by OC4J that is related to standard functionality of the Subject class static methods doAs() and doAsPrivileged(). With the setting jaas-mode="doAs", application modules (Web modules and EJBs) are executed by OC4J within a Subject.doAs() block. With the setting jaas-mode="doAsPrivileged", application modules are executed within a Subject.doAsPrivileged() block, using a null access control context. With the setting jaas-mode="null" (default), modules are executed under neither method.

See Also: "Introduction to JAAS Mode"


Values: String

Default: n/a

For the file-based provider, this attribute in jazn.xml specifies the location of the instance-level user repository. In the jazn.xml file shipped with OC4J, this is specified to be system-jazn-data.xml. This setting can be an absolute path or a path relative to the location of the jazn.xml file. (This attribute in orion-application.xml can specify an application-specific user repository.)

For Oracle Identity Management (the LDAP-based provider), this specifies the URL of the Oracle Internet Directory instance and is set automatically when you associate the Oracle Internet Directory instance with the OC4J instance through Application Server Control.



Default: VM_EXIT

This specifies a persistence mode that governs how often changes are written to the system-jazn-data.xml file and, if applicable (for the file-based provider), to an application-level jazn-data.xml file. With a setting of "NONE", changes are not written. With a setting of "ALL", changes are written after every modification. With a setting of "VM_EXIT" (default), changes are written when the JVM exits.


Values: XML|LDAP

Default: XML

Specifies an instance-level security provider setting. At the OC4J instance level in jazn.xml, the provider attribute specifies the policy repository—"XML" for system-jazn-data.xml or "LDAP" for Oracle Internet Directory, as discussed in "Policy Repository Setting in jazn.xml".

Note: An application-level security provider is specified by the provider attribute in the <jazn> element in orion-application.xml. (By convention, provider="XML" in orion-application.xml is also used when the security provider is an external LDAP provider, a custom login module, or Oracle Access Manager.)


Values: String

Default: No default

The major version number of the jazn.xml XSD. The value of this attribute is 10 for use with OC4J 10.1.3.x implementations.

Note: This attribute is not defined directly in the XSD for jazn.xml. It is according to the attributeGroup specification in the top-level OC4J XSD.


Values: String

Default: No default

The minor version number of the jazn.xml XSD. The value of this attribute is 0 for use with OC4J 10.1.3.x implementations.

Note: This attribute is not defined directly in the XSD for jazn.xml. It is according to the attributeGroup specification in the top-level OC4J XSD.


Parent element: <jazn>

Child elements: None

Required? Optional; zero or more

Specify a property setting as a name/value pair. Each security provider and usage mode supports its own set of properties. For example, there are properties specific to the LDAP-based provider (when using Oracle Identity Management), and properties specific to the identity management framework and Java SSO, as documented in earlier chapters. For example:


<property name="ldap.protocol" value="no-ssl"/>

For the identity management framework:

<property name="idm.token.asserter.class"
             value="" />

For Java SSO (which is an implementation of the identity management framework):

<property name="" value="JavaSSO" />
   <property name="custom.sso.url.login" 
             value="http://host:port/jsso/SSOLogin" />

Table D-2 <property> Attributes

Name Description


Values: String

Default: n/a

The name of the property.


Values: String

Default: n/a

The value of the property.

Hierarchy of system-jazn-data.xml

This section shows the element hierarchy of the system-jazn-data.xml file. The immediate subelements of <jazn-data> are <jazn-policy>, <jazn-realm>, <jazn-loginconfig>, <jacc-repository>, <jazn-permission-classes>, and <jazn-principal-classes>, but the latter three are not intended for customer use in this release.


Elements under <jazn-realm> can also be used in an application-specific jazn-data.xml file.

Elements and Attributes of system-jazn-data.xml

This section is an alphabetical dictionary of elements of the system-jazn-data.xml file.


  • Elements under <jazn-realm> can also be used in an application-specific jazn-data.xml file.

  • Most settings in system-jazn-data.xml can be made through Application Server Control, as documented elsewhere in this document.

  • Where attributes are discussed, note that attribute values are always set inside quotes: attribute="value".


Parent element: <permission>

Child elements: None

Required? Optional; zero or one

As applicable, this element can specify the actions that are permitted with respect to the associated permission class and name. For example:



Parent element: <jazn-loginconfig>

Child elements: <name>, <login-modules>

Required? Optional; zero or more

In login module configuration, this element (through its subelements) specifies the name of an application and configures login modules to be used by that application.

See Also:


Parent element: <principal>, <permission>, or <login-module>

Child elements: None

Required? Required within parent element; one only

This element has several uses:

  • Within the <principal> element (for granting permissions to a principal), it specifies the fully qualified name of the principal class—the class that is instantiated to represent a principal that is being granted a set of permissions. For example (for a principal of type "role"):

  • Within the <permission> element (for granting permissions to a principal), it specifies the fully qualified name of the permission class. For example (for RMI permission, used in accessing EJBs):

  • Within the <login-module> element, it specifies the fully qualified name of the login module class. For example:



Parent element: <grantee>

Child elements: <url>

Required? Optional; zero or one

For policy configuration, either a <principals> element or a <codesource> element is used within a <grantee> element to specify what the permissions in question are being granted to. A <codesource> element specifies a codesource URL, to grant permissions to that codesource.


Parent element: <login-module>

Child elements: None

Required? Required within parent element; one only

This element specifies one of the following control settings for a login module:





These are used according to standard functionality of the class. The overall authentication succeeds only if all "required" and "requisite" login modules succeed, possibly unless a "sufficient" login module is configured and succeeds—in that case, only the required and requisite login modules prior to the sufficient login module in the login module list must succeed.

See Also:


Parent element: <user>

Child elements: None

Required? Optional; zero or one

This element contains the authentication password for the user.

By default, OC4J uses password obfuscation for passwords specified in system-jazn-data.xml (or optionally in an application-specific jazn-data.xml file).

To instead use a cleartext (human-readable) password, set the clear attribute to "true" or precede the password with "!" (in which case "!" is not considered part of the password). Using cleartext passwords is discouraged, however.

The following are equivalent:

<credentials clear="true">welcome</credentials>


Table D-3 <credentials> Attributes

Name Description


Values: true|false

Default: false

Set this to "true" to use a cleartext password instead of an obfuscated password.


The clear attribute is not specified in the system-jazn-data.xml schema definition, but is supported by the OracleAS JAAS Provider runtime implementation.


Parent element: <user> or <role>

Child elements: None

Required? Optional; zero or one

This contains a text string to describe the item (user or role, depending on the parent element). For example (for the user oc4jadmin):

<description>The OC4J user with administrative privileges</description>


Parent element: <grantee>, <user>, or <role>

Child elements: None

Required? Optional; zero or one

This contains a text string to specify a display name to be used for the item (grantee, user, or role, depending on the parent element), such as for display by a GUI tool. For example (for the user oc4jadmin):

<display-name>OC4J Administrator</display-name>


Parent element: <jazn-policy>

Child elements: <grantee>, <permissions>

Required? Optional; zero or more

For policy configuration, this element contains a grant entry that assigns a set of permissions to a grantee (a codesource or set of principals).


Do not use the grantee-names attribute (specified in the system-jazn-data.xml schema definition). Specify grantees through <grantee> subelements.

See Also:


Parent element: <grant>

Child elements: <display-name>, <principals>, <codesource>

Required? Required within parent element; one only

When a policy grant is specified through a <grant> element, the <grantee> element (used in conjunction with a <permissions> element) specifies who or what the permissions are granted to—either a set of principals or a codesource.

See Also:


Parent element: <user> or <role>

Child elements: None

Required? Optional; zero or one

This element specifies the globally unique identifier (GUID) of the item (either a user or role, depending on the parent element). A GUID is sometimes generated and used internally by the OracleAS JAAS Provider, such as in migrating a user or role to a different security provider. It is not an item that you would set yourself.


Parent element: <jazn-data>

Child elements: <jacc-policy>

Required? n/a

This element and its subhierarchy (shown here) are not intended for customer use in the OC4J implementation.

         <excluded-policy>           SAME SUBHIERARCHY AS <jazn-policy>
         <unchecked-policy>          SAME SUBHIERARCHY AS <jazn-policy>
         <role-policy>               SAME SUBHIERARCHY AS <jazn-policy>


Parent element: n/a (root)

Child elements: <jazn-policy>, <jazn-realm>, <jazn-loginconfig> (considering only those intended for customer use)

Required? Required; one only

This is the top-level element in the system-jazn-data.xml file, for configuration of the OracleAS JAAS Provider.

Table D-4 <jazn-data> Attributes

Name Description


Values: String

Default: No default

The major version number of the system-jazn-data.xml XSD. The value of this attribute is 10 for use with OC4J 10.1.3.x implementations.

Note: This attribute is not defined directly in the XSD for system-jazn-data.xml. It is according to the attributeGroup specification in the top-level OC4J XSD.


Values: String

Default: No default

The minor version number of the system-jazn-data.xml XSD. The value of this attribute is 0 for use with OC4J 10.1.3.x implementations.

Note: This attribute is not defined directly in the XSD for system-jazn-data.xml. It is according to the attributeGroup specification in the top-level OC4J XSD.


Parent element: <jazn-data>

Child elements: <application>

Required? Optional; zero or one

This is the top-level element for configuring login modules associated with the specified applications (specified as part of the configuration). Here is an example for the Oracle-supplied DBTableOraDataSourceLoginModule (subelements shown here are described elsewhere in this appendix):



Parent element: <jazn-data>

Child elements: <permission-class>

Required? n/a

This element and its subhierarchy (shown here) are not intended for customer use in the OC4J implementation.



Parent element: <jazn-data>

Child elements: <grant>

Required? Optional; zero or one

This is the top-level element for policy configuration, specifying policy grants that associate grantees (principals or codesources) with sets of permissions. Here is an example (subelements shown here are described elsewhere in this appendix):



Do not use <jazn-policy> as a subelement of <realm>.


Parent element: <jazn-data>

Child elements: <principal-class>

Required? n/a

This element and its subhierarchy (shown here) are not intended for customer use in the OC4J implementation.



Parent element: <jazn-data>

Child elements: <realm>

Required? Optional; zero or one

This is the top-level element for user and role information, specifying security realms and the users and roles they include. Here is an example (subelements shown here are described elsewhere in this appendix):

         <user deactivated="true">
            <description>The default guest/anonymous user</description>
            <display-name>OC4J Administrator</display-name>
            <description>OC4J Administrator</description>
            <display-name>ASControl Admin Role</display-name>
            <description>Administrative role for ASControl</description>
            <display-name>OC4J Admin Role</display-name>
            <description>Administrative role for OC4J</description>


Parent element: <login-modules>

Child elements: <class>, <control-flag>, <options>

Required? Required within parent element; one or more

This element specifies and configures a login module for a given application, with subelements specifying the class name, control flag, and option settings for the login module.

See Also:


Parent element: <application>

Child elements: <login-module>

Required? Required within parent element; one only

This element, through one or more <login-module> subelements, configures the set of login modules for a given application.

See Also:


Parent element: <members>

Child elements: <type>, <name>

Required? Optional; zero or more

The element specifies the name of a member of the applicable role, and whether the member is a user or another role (according to the <type> subelement).

See Also:


Parent element: <role>

Child elements: <member>

Required? Required within parent element; one only

This element specifies the members of a role. Members can be either users or other roles.

See Also:


Parent element: <principal>, <realm>, <role>, <user>, <member>, <application>, or <option>

Child elements: None

Required? Required within parent element; one only

This element has several uses:

  • Within the <realm> element, it specifies the name of a realm. For example:

  • Within the <user> element, it specifies the unique name of a user in the applicable realm. For example:

  • Within the <role> element, it specifies the unique name of a role in the applicable realm. For example:

  • Within the <member> subelement of <role>, it specifies the name of a member of the role. For example (if the user oc4jadmin is to be a member of the role):

  • Within the <principal> element (for granting permissions to a principal), it specifies the unique name of a principal within the given realm. For example:

  • Within the <application> element, it specifies the fully qualified name of the application whose login modules are being configured. For example:

  • Within the <option> element, it specifies the name of an option for configuration of a login module. (There is an accompanying <value> element for the option value.) For example, an option for DBTableOraDataSourceLoginModule:


(This element as a subelement of <permission> is documented separately, immediately below.)


Parent element: <permission>

Child elements: None

Required? Optional; zero or one

As applicable, this element can specify the name of a permission that is meaningful to the permission class. For example:


(This element as a subelement of <principal>, <realm>, <role>, <user>, <member>, <application>, or <option> is documented separately, immediately above.)


Parent element: <options>

Child elements: <name>, <value>

Required? Required within parent element; one or more

Each <option> element, through a <name> subelement and a <value> subelement, specifies the name and value for an option setting for a login module.

See Also:


Parent element: <login-module>

Child elements: <option>

Required? Optional; zero or one

This element, through its <option> subelements, specifies option settings for a login module.

See Also:


Parent element: <permissions>

Child elements: <class>, <name>, <actions>

Required? Required within parent element; one or more

When a <permissions> element is used in policy grant configuration, each <permission> subelement specifies one permission being granted to the principal in question.

See Also:


Parent element: <grant>

Child elements: <permission>

Required? Required within parent element; one only

When a policy grant is specified through a <grant> element, the <permissions> element (used in conjunction with a <grantee> element) specifies the permissions being granted, through a set of <permission> subelements.


The system-jazn-data.xml schema definition does not specify this as a required element, but the OracleAS JAAS Provider runtime implementation requires its use within any <grant> element.

See Also:


Parent element: <principals>

Child elements: <realm-name>, <class>, <type>, <name>

Required? Optional; zero or more

When a <principals> element is used in policy grant configuration, each <principal> subelement specifies one principal being granted the permissions in question.

See Also:


Parent element: <grantee>

Child elements: <principal>

Required? Optional; zero or one

For policy configuration, either a <principals> element or a <codesource> element is used within a <grantee> element to specify what the permissions in question are being granted to. A <principals> element specifies a set of principals being granted the permissions.

For a subject to be granted these permissions, the subject should include all the specified principals.

See Also:


Parent element: <jazn-realm>

Child elements: <name>, <users>, <roles>

Required? Optional; zero or more

This element specifies a realm and the users and roles that belong to the realm.


Do not use <jazn-policy> as a subelement of <realm>.

See Also:


Parent element: <principal>

Child elements: None

Required? Optional; zero or one

For granting permissions to a principal, this element specifies the name of the realm to which the principal belongs. (Its value would correspond to the value of a <name> subelement of a <realm> element where the realm is configured.) For example:


If a realm name is not specified, the default realm is assumed.


Parent element: <roles>

Child elements: <name>, <display-name>, <description>, <guid>, <members>

Required? Optional; zero or more

This element specifies a role and the members of that role.

See Also:


Parent element: <realm>

Child elements: <role>

Required? Optional; zero or one

This element specifies the set of roles that belong to a realm

See Also:


Parent element: <member>

Child elements: None

Required? Required, one only

As a subelement of <member>, in specifying the member of a role, this element specifies the type of member—that is, whether the member is a user or another role. For example:


(This element as a subelement of <principal> is documented separately, immediately below.)

See Also:


Parent element: <principal>

Child elements: None

Required? Optional; zero or one

As a subelement of <principal>, in granting permissions to a principal, this element can optionally specify the type of principal—that is, whether the principal is a user or a role. For example:


(This element as a subelement of <member> is documented separately, immediately above.)

See Also:


Parent element: <codesource>

Child elements: None

Required? Required within parent element; one only

When a <codesource> element is used in policy grant configuration, the <url> subelement specifies the URL of the codesource being granted the permissions in question. For example:


(This follows the same format as shown for a java2.policy file in "Creating or Updating a Java 2 Policy File".)


Parent element: <users>

Child elements: <name>, <display-name>, <description>, <guid>, <credentials>

Required? Optional; zero or more

This element specifies a user within a realm.

Table D-5 <user> Attributes

Name Description


Values: true|false

Default: false

You can set this attribute to "true" if you want to maintain a user in the configuration file but not have it be a currently valid user. This is the initial configuration of the anonymous user in the realm, for example.

See Also:


Parent element: <realm>

Child elements: <user>

Required? Optional; zero or one

This element specifies the set of users who belong to a realm.

See Also:


Parent element: <option>

Child elements: None

Required? Required within the parent element; one only

The element specifies the value of an option for configuration of a login module. (There is an accompanying <name> element for the option name.) For example, an option for DBTableOraDataSourceLoginModule:
