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Oracle® Containers for J2EE Support for JavaServer Pages Developer's Guide
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Part Number B28961-01
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1 Getting Started with JSP

This chapter introduces and reviews standard features and functionality of JavaServer Pages (JSP) technology, then concludes with a discussion of JSP execution models. For further general information, consult the JavaServer Pages Specification, Version 2.0 published by Sun Microsystems.

The chapter contains the following sections:


The Sample Applications chapter available in previous releases has been removed.

Sample code and applications are available from the following location on the Oracle Technology Network:

A Brief Overview of JavaServer Pages Technology

A quick overview of JSP is provided in the following sections:

What is JavaServer Pages Technology?

In simple terms, JavaServer Pages (JSP) technology makes it possible for dynamically-generated content to be displayed in a Web browser. JSP pages comprise the presentation layer for any Web-based application running in the Oracle Application Server environment, providing the interface into the application's business logic and processing power.

A JSP page is simply a text file containing two types of text markup:

  • HTML or XML, used to format static content such as page layout and template text; and

  • JSP syntax elements and possibly embedded Java code, which provide the dynamic content.

Ease of development allows rapid implementation. With the latest release, it is not even necessary for JSP page authors to have a strong understanding of Java.

JavaServer Pages require a Web container that supports JSP page translation and execution. This Web container is provided as part of the Oracle Containers for J2EE (OC4J). See Chapter 2, "The Oracle JSP Implementation" for more on OC4J functionality.

JSP is a key technology of the Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE) architecture specified by Sun Microsystems. The OC4J Web container is fully compliant with Sun's JSP 2.0 and Servlet 2.4 specifications.

Key Advantages of JSP

For most situations, there are at least three general advantages to using JSP pages instead of servlets:

  • Ease of coding

    JSP syntax provides a shortcut for coding dynamic Web pages, typically requiring much less code than equivalent servlet code. The JSP translator also automatically handles some servlet coding overhead for you, such as implementing standard JSP or servlet interfaces and creating HTTP sessions.

  • Separation of static content and dynamic content

    JSP technology attempts to allow some separation between the HTML code development for static content, and the Java code development for business logic and dynamic content. This makes JSP programming accessible and attractive to Web designers, as it simplifies the division of maintenance responsibilities between presentation and layout specialists and Java developers.

  • Reuse of business logic components

    JSP technology is designed to facilitate the use of reusable components such as JavaBeans and Enterprise JavaBeans (EJBs). JSP tag libraries, typically supplied with J2EE applications, provide additional coding convenience.

How JSP Works

The dynamic nature of a JSP page is enabled through JSP elements embedded within the HTML (or other markup code, such as XML) of your Web pages. These elements provide access to external Java components, such as JavaBeans and Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB), that provide a Web application's business logic and processing power. These components can in turn directly or indirectly access a database or other EIS.

A JSP page is translated into a Java servlet, typically at the time that it is requested from a client. The JSP translator is triggered by the.jsp file name extension in a URL. The translated page is then executed, processing HTTP requests and generating responses similarly to any other servlet. Note that coding a JSP page is dramatically more convenient than coding the equivalent servlet.

Furthermore, JSP pages are fully interoperable with servlets—JSP pages can include output from a servlet or forward to a servlet, and servlets can include output from a JSP page or forward to a JSP page.

Here is the code for a simple JSP page, welcomeuser.jsp:

<%@ page import="java.util.*" %>
<HEAD><TITLE>The Welcome User JSP</TITLE></HEAD> 
<H3>Welcome ${param.user}!</H3> 
<P><B> Today is ${Date}. Have a fabulous day! :-)</B></P> 
<B>Enter name:</B> 
<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="user" SIZE=5> 
<INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Submit name"> 

This JSP page will produce something like the following output if the user inputs the name "Amy":

Welcome Amy! 

Today is Wed Jun 2 3:42:23 PDT 2000. Have a fabulous day! :-) 

JSP Translation and Runtime Flow

Figure 1-1 illustrates a conceptual overview of the flow of execution when a user calls a JSP page by specifying its URL in the browser. Assume that Hello.jsp accesses a database.

Because of the.jsp file name extension, the following steps occur automatically:

  1. The JSP translator is invoked, translating Hello.jsp and producing the file

  2. The Java compiler is invoked, creating Hello.class.

  3. Hello.class is executed as a servlet, using the JSP runtime library.

  4. The Hello class accesses the database through JDBC, as appropriate, and sends its output to the browser.

Figure 1-1 JSP Translation and Runtime Flow

Description of Figure 1-1 follows
Description of "Figure 1-1 JSP Translation and Runtime Flow"

Overview of JSP Syntax Elements

The example below illustrates how HTML markup and JSP elements are used together to provide static and dynamic content in a typical JSP. The dynamic content is written in JSP 2.0 syntax, which is fully supported by the OC4J JSP container.


The JSP 2.0 specification supports an XML-compatible JSP syntax as an alternative to the traditional syntax. This allows you to produce JSP pages that are syntactically valid XML documents. The XML-compatible syntax is described in Chapter 8, "Understanding JSP XML Support in OC4J".

The JSP displays all of the phone numbers stored in the database for the employee specified in the HTTP request. The code creates a JavaBean object containing the employee's phone numbers as a Map of key/value pairs. The JSP iterates over the phone numbers, displaying each key and its value in an HTML table.

<%@ page contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8"; import="mypkg.*" %>
<%@ taglib uri="" 
    prefix="c" %>
 <head><title>Phone List</title></head>

 <jsp:useBean id="employee" scope="application" class="mypkg.Employee"/>
  <jsp:setProperty name="employee" property="empUserId" param="employeeId"/>
 <c:set var="empName" value="${employee.fullName}" />
  <h2>Current Phone Numbers for ${empName}</h2>
   <c:if test ="${!empty employee.phoneNumbers}>
       <th>Phone Type:</th><th>Number:</th>
     <c:forEach var="entry" items="{$employee.phoneNumbers}">
   <c:if test="${empty employee.phoneNumbers}">
    <c:out value="No phone numbers were found for ${empName}">

The JSP elements used in the example are as follows:

The following section discusses the basic syntax of JSP, including directives, scripting elements, and standard action tags, and provide a few examples. There is also discussion of bean property conversions. For additional information on JSP 2.0 syntax, see the Sun Microsystems JavaServer Pages Specification, version 2.0.


This section describes standard JSP syntax. For information about JSP XML syntax and JSP XML documents, see Chapter 8, "Understanding JSP XML Support in OC4J".


Directives provide instruction to the Web container regarding the entire JSP page. This information is used in translating the page. The basic syntax is as follows:

<%@ directive attribute="value" attribute2="value2"... %>

The JSP specification supports the following directives:

  • page

  • include

  • taglib

page directive

Use this directive to specify any of a number of page-dependent attributes, such as scripting language, content type, character encoding, class to extend, packages to import, an error page to use, the JSP page output buffer size, and whether to automatically flush the buffer when it is full. For example:

<%@ page language="java" import="packages.mypackage" errorPage="boof.jsp" %>

Alternatively, to enable auto-flush and set the JSP page output buffer size to 20 KB:

<%@ page autoFlush="true" buffer="20kb" %>

This example un-buffers the page:

<%@ page buffer="none" %>

include directive

Use this directive to specify a resource that contains text or code to be inserted into the JSP page when it is translated. For example:

<%@ include file="/jsp/userinfopage.jsp" %>

Specify either a page-relative or context-relative path to the resource. See "Requesting a JSP Page" for discussion of page-relative and context-relative paths.


  • The include directive, referred to as a static include, is comparable in nature to the jsp:include action discussed later in this chapter, but jsp:include takes effect at request time instead of translation time.

  • The include directive can be used only between files in the same servlet context (application).

taglib directive

Use this directive to specify a library of custom JSP tags that will be used in the JSP page. Vendors can extend JSP functionality with their own sets of tags. This directive includes a pointer to a tag library descriptor file and a prefix to distinguish use of tags from that library. For example:

<%@ taglib uri="/oracustomtags" prefix="oracust" %>

Later in the page, use the oracust prefix whenever you want to use one of the tags in the library. Presume this library includes a tag dbaseAccess:

<oracust:dbaseAccess ... >

JSP tag libraries and tag library descriptor files are introduced later in this chapter, in "Custom Tag Libraries", and discussed in detail in Chapter 7, "Working with Custom Tags".

Scripting Elements

JSP scripting elements include the following categories of Java code snippets that can appear in a JSP page:

  • Declarations

  • Expressions

  • Scriptlets

  • Comments


These are statements declaring methods or member variables that will be used in the JSP page.

A JSP declaration uses standard Java syntax within the <%!...%> declaration tags to declare a member variable or method. This will result in a corresponding declaration in the generated servlet code. For example:

<%! double f=0.0; %>

This example declares a member variable, f. In the servlet class code generated by the JSP translator, f will be declared at the class top level.


Method variables, as opposed to member variables, are declared within JSP scriptlets as described below. See "Using Static Includes Versus Dynamic Includes" for a comparison between the two.


These are Java expressions that are evaluated, converted into string values as appropriate, and displayed where they are encountered on the page.

A JSP expression does not end in a semicolon, and is contained within <%=...%> tags. For example:

<P><B> Today is <%= new java.util.Date() %>. Have a nice day! </B></P>


A JSP expression in a request-time attribute, such as in a jsp:setProperty statement, need not be converted to a string value.


These are portions of Java code intermixed within the markup language of the page.

A scriptlet, or code fragment, can consist of anything from a partial line to multiple lines of Java code. You can use them within the HTML code of a JSP page to set up conditional branches or a loop, for example.

A JSP scriptlet is contained within <%...%> scriptlet tags, using normal Java syntax.

The following example assumes the use of a JavaBean instance, pageBean:

<% if (pageBean.getNewName().equals("")) { %>
   I don't know you.
<% } else { %>
   Hello <%= pageBean.getNewName() %>.
<% } %>

Note how the one-line JSP scriptlets are intermixed with two lines of HTML code, one of which includes a JSP expression (which does not require a semicolon). Note that JSP syntax allows HTML code to be conditionally executed within the if and else branches (inside the Java brackets set out in the scriptlets).

This next example adds more Java code to the scriptlets.:

<% if (pageBean.getNewName().equals("")) { %>
   I don't know you.
   <% empmgr.unknownemployee();
   } else { %>
   Hello <%= pageBean.getNewName() %>.
   <% empmgr.knownemployee(); 

It assumes the use of a JavaBean instance, pageBean, and assumes that some object, empmgr, was previously instantiated and has methods to execute appropriate functionality for a known employee or an unknown employee.


Use a JSP scriptlet to declare method variables, as opposed to member variables, as in the following example:
<% double f2=0.0; %>

This scriptlet declares a method variable, f2. In the servlet class code generated by the JSP translator, f2 will be declared as a variable within the service method of the servlet.

Member variables are declared in JSP declarations as described above.

For a comparative discussion, see "Using Method Variable Declarations Versus Member Variable Declarations".


These are developer comments embedded within the JSP code, similar to comments embedded within any Java code.

Comments are contained within <%--...--%> syntax. For example:

<%-- Execute the following branch if no user name is entered. --%>

Unlike HTML comments, JSP comments are not visible when users view the page source from their browsers.

JSP Objects and Scopes

In this document, the term JSP object refers to a Java class instance declared within or accessible to a JSP page. JSP objects can be either:

  • Explicit: Explicit objects are declared and created within the code of your JSP page, accessible to that page and other pages according to the scope setting you choose.


  • Implicit: Implicit objects are created by the underlying JSP mechanism and accessible to Java scriptlets or expressions in JSP pages according to the inherent scope setting of the particular object type.

These topics are discussed in the following sections:

Explicit Objects

Explicit objects are typically JavaBean instances that are declared and created in jsp:useBean action statements. The jsp:useBean statement and other action statements are described in "Standard JSP Action Tags", but here is an example:

<jsp:useBean id="pageBean" class="mybeans.NameBean" scope="page" />

This statement defines an instance, pageBean, of the NameBean class that is in the mybeans package. The scope parameter is discussed in "Object Scopes".

You can also create objects within Java scriptlets or declarations, just as you would create Java class instances in any Java program.

Implicit Objects

JSP technology makes available to any JSP page a set of implicit objects. These are Java objects that are created automatically by the Web container and that allow interaction with the underlying servlet environment.

The implicit objects listed immediately below are available. For information about methods available with these objects, refer to the Sun Microsystems Javadoc for the noted classes and interfaces.

  • page

    This is an instance of the JSP page implementation class and is created when the page is translated. The page implementation class implements the interface javax.servlet.jsp.HttpJspPage. Note that page is synonymous with this within a JSP page.

  • request

    This represents an HTTP request and is an instance of a class that implements the javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest interface, which extends the javax.servlet.ServletRequest interface.

  • response

    This represents an HTTP response and is an instance of a class that implements the javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse interface, which extends the javax.servlet.ServletResponse interface.

    The response and request objects for a particular request are associated with each other.

  • pageContext

    This represents the page context of a JSP page, which is provided for storage and access of all page scope objects of a JSP page instance. A pageContext object is an instance of the javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext class, which extends javax.servlet.jsp.JspContext as of JSP 2.0.

    The pageContext object has page scope, making it accessible only to the JSP page instance with which it is associated.

  • session

    This represents an HTTP session and is an instance of a class that implements the javax.servlet.http.HttpSession interface.

  • application

    This represents the servlet context for the Web application and is an instance of a class that implements the javax.servlet.ServletContext interface.

    The application object is accessible from any JSP page instance running as part of any instance of the application within a single JVM.

  • out

    This is an object that is used to write content to the output stream of a JSP page instance. It is an instance of the javax.servlet.jsp.JspWriter class, which extends the class.

    The out object is associated with the response object for a particular request.

  • config

    This represents the servlet configuration for a JSP page and is an instance of a class that implements the javax.servlet.ServletConfig interface. Generally speaking, servlet containers use ServletConfig instances to provide information to servlets during initialization. Part of this information is the appropriate ServletContext instance.

  • exception (JSP error pages only)

    This implicit object applies only to JSP error pages, to which processing is forwarded when an exception is thrown from another JSP page. These error pages must have the page directive isErrorPage attribute set to true.

    The implicit exception object is a java.lang.Throwable instance that represents the uncaught exception that was thrown from another JSP page and that resulted in the current error page being invoked.

    The exception object is accessible only from the JSP error page instance to which processing was forwarded when the exception was encountered. For an example of JSP error processing and use of the exception object, see "Processing Runtime Errors".

Using an Implicit Object

Any of the implicit objects discussed in the preceding section might be useful. The following example uses the request object to retrieve and display the value of the username parameter from the HTTP request:

<H3> Welcome <%= request.getParameter("username") %> ! <H3>

The request object, like the other implicit objects, is available automatically; it is not explicitly instantiated.

Object Scopes

Objects in a JSP page, whether explicit or implicit, are accessible within a particular scope. In the case of explicit objects, such as a JavaBean instance created in a jsp:useBean action, you can explicitly set the scope with the following syntax, as in the example in "Explicit Objects":


There are four possible scopes:

  • scope="page" (default scope): The object is accessible only from within the JSP page where it was created. A page-scope object is stored in the implicit pageContext object. The page scope ends when the page stops executing.

    Note that when the user refreshes the page while executing a JSP page, new instances will be created of all page-scope objects.

  • scope="request": The object is accessible from any JSP page servicing the same HTTP request that is serviced by the JSP page that created the object. A request-scope object is stored in the implicit request object. The request scope ends at the conclusion of the HTTP request.

  • scope="session": The object is accessible from any JSP page that is sharing the same HTTP session as the JSP page that created the object. A session-scope object is stored in the implicit session object. The session scope ends when the HTTP session times out or is invalidated.

  • scope="application": The object is accessible from any JSP page that is used in the same Web application as the JSP page that created the object, within any single Java virtual machine. The concept is similar to that of a Java static variable. An application-scope object is stored in the implicit application servlet context object. The application scope ends when the application itself terminates, or when the Web container or servlet container shuts down.

You can think of these four scopes as being in the following progression, from narrowest scope to broadest scope:

page < request < session < application

If you want to share an object between different pages in an application, such as when forwarding execution from one page to another, or including content from one page in another, you cannot use page scope for the shared object; in this case, there would be a separate object instance associated with each page. The narrowest scope you can use to share an object between pages is request. (For information about including and forwarding pages, see "Standard JSP Action Tags" below.)


The request, session, and application scopes also apply to servlets.

Standard JSP Action Tags

JSP action elements result in some sort of action occurring while the JSP page is being executed, such as instantiating a Java object and making it available to the page. Such actions can include the following:

  • Creating a JavaBean instance and accessing its properties

  • Forwarding execution to another HTML page, JSP page or servlet

  • Including an external resource in the JSP page

For standard actions, there is a set of tags defined in the JSP specification. Although directives and scripting elements described earlier in this chapter are sufficient to code a JSP page, the standard tags described here provide additional functionality and convenience.

Here is the general tag syntax for JSP standard actions:

<jsp:tagattr="value" attr2="value2" ... attrN="valueN">

Alternatively, if there is no body:

<jsp:tag attr="value", ..., attrN="valueN" />

The most commonly-used JSP standard action tags are introduced and briefly discussed below:

  • jsp:usebean

  • jsp:setProperty

  • jsp:getProperty

  • jsp:param

  • jsp:include

  • jsp:forward

  • jsp:plugin


The following tags are covered elsewhere in this book:

jsp:useBean tag

The jsp:useBean tag accesses or creates an instance of a Java type, typically a JavaBean class, and associates the instance with a specified name, or ID. The instance is then available by that ID as a scripting variable of specified scope. Scripting variables are introduced in "Custom Tag Libraries". Scopes are discussed in "JSP Objects and Scopes".

The key attributes are class, type, id, and scope. (There is also a less frequently used beanName attribute, discussed below.)

Use the id attribute to specify the instance name. The Web container will first search for an object by the specified ID, of the specified type, in the specified scope. If it does not exist, the container will attempt to create it.

Use the class attribute to specify a class that can be instantiated, if necessary, by the Web container. The class cannot be abstract and must have a no-argument constructor.

As an alternative to using the class attribute, you can use the beanName attribute. In this case, you have the option of specifying a serializable resource instead of a class name. When you use the beanName attribute, the Web container creates the instance by using the instantiate() method of the java.beans.Beans class.

Use the type attribute to specify a type that cannot be instantiated by the Web container—either an interface, an abstract class, or a class without a no-argument constructor. You would use type in a situation where the instance will already exist, or where an instance of an instantiable class will be assigned to the type. There are three typical scenarios:

  • Use type and id to specify an instance that already exists in the target scope.

  • Use class and id to specify the name of an instance of the class—either an instance that already exists in the target scope or an instance to be newly created by the Web container.

  • Use class, type, and id to specify a class to instantiate and a type to assign the instance to. In this case, the class must be legally assignable to the type.

Use the scope attribute to specify the scope of the instance—either page for the instance to be associated with the page context object, request for it to be associated with the HTTP request object, session for it to be associated with the HTTP session object, or application for it to be associated with the servlet context.

The following example uses a request-scope instance reqobj of type MyIntfc. Because MyIntfc is an interface and cannot be instantiated directly, reqobj would have to already exist.

<jsp:useBean id="reqobj" type="mypkg.MyIntfc" scope="request" />

This next example uses a page-scope instance pageobj of class PageBean, first creating it if necessary:

<jsp:useBean id="pageobj" class="mybeans.PageBean" scope="page" />

The following example creates an instance of class SessionBean and assigns the instance to the variable sessobj of type MyIntfc:

<jsp:useBean id="sessobj" class="mybeans.SessionBean" 
             type="mypkg.MyIntfc scope="session" />

jsp:setProperty tag

The jsp:setProperty tag sets one or more bean properties. The bean must have been previously specified in a jsp:useBean tag. You can directly specify a value for a specified property, or take the value for a specified property from an associated HTTP request parameter, or iterate through a series of properties and values from the HTTP request parameters.

The following example sets the user property of the pageBean instance according to the value set for a parameter called username in the HTTP request:

<jsp:setProperty name="pageBean" property="user" param="username" />

If the bean property and request parameter have the same name (user), you can simply set the property as follows:

<jsp:setProperty name="pageBean" property="user" />

The following example results in iteration over the HTTP request parameters, matching bean property names with request parameter names and setting bean property values according to the corresponding request parameter values:

<jsp:setProperty name="pageBean" property="*" />

When you use the jsp:setProperty tag, string input can be used to specify the value of a non-string property through conversions that happen behind the scenes. See "Bean Property Conversions from String Values" for additional information.


Note the following for property="*":
  • To specify that iteration should continue if an error is encountered, set the setproperty_onerr_continue configuration parameter to true. This parameter is described in "Configuring the OC4J JSP Container". (Continuing was the default behavior in previous releases. As of the OC4J 9.0.4 implementation, however, the default behavior is to stop on errors.)

    The setproperty_onerr_continue parameter is deprecated in Oracle Containers for J2EE 10g (

  • The JSP specification does not stipulate the order in which properties are set. If order matters, and if you want to ensure that your JSP page is portable, you should use a separate jsp:setProperty statement for each property. Also, if you use separate jsp:setProperty statements, the JSP translator can generate the corresponding setXXX() methods directly. In this case, introspection occurs only during translation. There will be no need to introspect the bean during runtime, which is more costly.

jsp:getProperty tag

The jsp:getProperty tag reads a bean property value, converts it to a Java string, and places the string value into the implicit out object so that it can be displayed as output. The bean must have been previously specified in a jsp:useBean tag. For the string conversion, primitive types are converted directly and object types are converted using the toString() method specified in the java.lang.Object class.

The following example puts the value of the user property of the pageBean bean into the out object:

<jsp:getProperty name="pageBean" property="user" />

jsp:param tag

You can use jsp:params tags in conjunction with jsp:include, jsp:forward, and jsp:plugin tags (described below).

Used with jsp:forward and jsp:include tags, a jsp:param tag optionally provides name/value pairs for parameter values in the HTTP request object. New parameters and values specified with this action are added to the request object, with new values taking precedence over old.

The following example sets the request object parameter username to a value of Smith:

<jsp:param name="username" value="Smith" />

jsp:include tag

The jsp:include tag inserts additional static or dynamic resources into the page at request time as the page is displayed. Specify the resource with a relative URL (either page-relative or application-relative). For example:

<jsp:include page="/templates/userinfopage.jsp" flush="true" />

A "true" setting of the flush attribute results in the buffer being flushed to the browser when a jsp:include action is executed. The JSP specification and the OC4J Web container support either a "true" or "false" setting, with "false" being the default.

You can also have an action body with jsp:param tags, as shown in the following example:

<jsp:include page="/templates/userinfopage.jsp" flush="true" >
   <jsp:param name="username" value="Smith" />
   <jsp:param name="userempno" value="9876" />

Note that the following syntax would work as an alternative to the preceding example:

<jsp:include page="/templates/userinfopage.jsp?username=Smith&userempno=9876" flush="true" />


  • The jsp:include tag, known as a "dynamic include", is similar in nature to the include directive discussed earlier in this chapter, but takes effect at request time instead of translation time. See "Using Static Includes Versus Dynamic Includes" for a comparison between the two.

  • The jsp:include tag can be used only between pages in the same servlet context (application).

jsp:forward tag

The jsp:forward tag effectively terminates execution of the current page, discards its output, and dispatches a new page—either an HTML page, a JSP page or a servlet.

The JSP page must be buffered to use a jsp:forward tag; you cannot set buffer="none" in a page directive. The action will clear the buffer and not output contents to the browser.

As with jsp:include, you can also have an action body with jsp:param tags, as shown in the second of the following examples:

<jsp:forward page="/templates/userinfopage.jsp" />


<jsp:forward page="/templates/userinfopage.jsp" >
   <jsp:param name="username" value="Smith" />
   <jsp:param name="userempno" value="9876" />


  • The difference between the jsp:forward examples here and the jsp:include examples earlier is that the jsp:include examples insert userinfopage.jsp within the output of the current page; the jsp:forward examples stop executing the current page and display userinfopage.jsp instead.

  • The jsp:forward tag can be used only between pages in the same servlet context.

  • The jsp:forward tag results in the original request object being forwarded to the target page. As an alternative, if you do not want the request object forwarded, you can use the sendRedirect(String) method specified in the standard javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse interface. This sends a temporary redirect response to the client using the specified redirect-location URL. You can specify a relative URL; the servlet container will convert the relative URL to an absolute URL.

jsp:plugin tag

The jsp:plugin tag results in the execution of a specified applet or JavaBean in the client browser, preceded by a download of Java plugin software if necessary.

Specify configuration information, such as the applet to run and the code base, using jsp:plugin attributes. You can specify attribute nspluginurl="url" (for a Netscape browser) or iepluginurl="url" (for an Internet Explorer browser).

Use nested jsp:param tags between the jsp:params start-tag and end-tag to specify parameters to the applet or JavaBean. (Note that the jsp:params start-tag and end-tag are not included when using jsp:param in a jsp:include or jsp:forward action.)

Note the use of the jsp:fallback tag to delimit alternative text to execute if the plugin cannot run.

The following example shows the use of an applet plugin:

<jsp:plugin type=applet code="Sample.class" codebase="/html" >
      <jsp:param name="sample" value="samples/sample01" />
      <p>Unable to start the plugin.</p>

Many additional parameters—such as ARCHIVE, HEIGHT, NAME, TITLE, and WIDTH—are allowed in the jsp:plugin tag as well. Use of these parameters is according to the general HTML specification.

Bean Property Conversions from String Values

As noted earlier, when you use a JavaBean through a jsp:useBean tag in a JSP page, and then use a jsp:setProperty tag to set a bean property, string input can be used to specify the value of a non-string property through conversions that happen behind the scenes. There are two conversion scenarios, covered in the following sections:

Typical Property Conversions

For a bean property that does not have an associated property editor, Table 1-1 shows how conversion is accomplished when using a string value to set the property.

Table 1-1 Attribute Conversion Methods

Property Type Conversion

Boolean or boolean

According to valueOf(String) method of Boolean class

Byte or byte

According to valueOf(String) method of Byte class

Character or char

According to charAt(0) method of String class (inputting an index value of 0)

Double or double

According to valueOf(String) method of Double class

Integer or int

According to valueOf(String) method of Integer class

Float or float

According to valueOf(String) method of Float class

Long or long

According to valueOf(String) method of Long class

Short or short

According to valueOf(String) method of Short class


As if String constructor is called, using literal string input

The String instance is returned as an Object instance.

Conversions for Property Types with Property Editors

A bean property can have an associated property editor, which is a class that implements the java.beans.PropertyEditor interface. Such classes can provide support for GUIs used in editing properties. Generally speaking, there are standard property editors for standard Java types, and there can be user-defined property editors for user-defined types. In the OC4J JSP implementation, however, only user-defined property editors are searched for. Default property editors of the sun.beans.editors package are not taken into account.

For information about property editors and how to associate a property editor with a type, you can refer to the Sun Microsystems JavaBeans API Specification.

You can still use a string value to set a property that has an associated property editor, as specified in the JavaBeans specification. In this situation, the setAsText(String text) method specified in the PropertyEditor interface is used in converting from string input to a value of the appropriate type. If the setAsText() method throws an IllegalArgumentException, the conversion will fail.

Custom Tag Libraries

In addition to the standard JSP tags discussed above, the JSP specification lets vendors define their own tag libraries, and lets vendors implement a framework that allows customers to define their own tag libraries as well.

A tag library defines a collection of custom tags and can be thought of as a JSP sub-language. Developers can use tag libraries directly when manually coding a JSP page, but they might also be used automatically by Java development tools. A standard tag library must be portable between different Web container implementations.

Key concepts of standard JavaServer Pages support for JSP tag libraries include the following:

For information about these topics, see Chapter 7, "Working with Custom Tags".

For complete information about the tag libraries provided with OC4J, see the Oracle Containers for J2EE JSP Tag Libraries and Utilities Reference.

Simplified JSP Authoring with the Expression Language

The JSP expression language (EL) greatly simplifies JSP authoring by removing the need to use embedded Java scriptlets and expressions to access request parameters or application data stored in JavaBeans.

The EL was originally introduced as part of the JavaServer Pages Standard Tag Library (JSTL) version 1.0. With the JSP 2.0 release, the EL was made an integral part of the JSP specification, dramatically improving its data-access capabilities.

The JSP 2.0-compliant OC4J container understands EL expressions implemented in the following manner:

As an example, consider the following use of the JSTL c:if tag to pick out steel-making companies from a company list:

<c:if test="${company.industry == 'steel'}">

Overview of the Expression Language Syntax

This section summarizes the expression language syntax and documents how to enable EL evaluation in your OC4J JSP applications.

Note that although the EL has its own syntax, it is not a general purpose programming language; rather, it is a data access mechanism intended to simplify the lives of JSP authors.

JSP Expression Language Syntax

The expression language has its own syntax, partially based on JavaScript syntax. The following list offers a brief summary of key syntax features of the JSP expression language. This is followed by a few simple examples.

  • Invocation

    The expression language is invoked through ${expression} syntax. The most basic semantic is that invocation of a named variable ${foo} yields the same result as the method call PageContext.findAttribute(foo).

  • Data structure access

    To access named properties within JavaBeans and within collections such as lists, maps, and arrays, the expression language supports the "." and "[]" operators.

    The "." construct allows access to properties whose names are standard Java identifiers. For example, employee.phones.cell is equivalent to employee.getPhones().getCell() in Java syntax.

    The "[]" construct is for more generalized access, such as for accessing arrays or lists. However, for valid Java identifiers it is equivalent to the "." construct. For example, the expressions employee.phoneNumbers and employee["phoneNumbers"] yield the same result.

  • Relational operators

    The expression language supports the relational operators == (or eq), != (or ne), < (or lt), > (or gt), <= (or le), >= (or ge).

  • Arithmetic operators

    The expression language supports the arithmetic operators +, -, *, / (or div), % (or mod, for remainder or modulo).

  • Logical operators

    The expression language supports the logical operators && (or and), || (or or), ! (or not), empty.

Basic Example

The following example shows a basic invocation of the expression language, including the relational "<=" (less than or equal to) operator.

<c:if test="${auto.price <= customer.priceLimit}">
   The <c:out value="${auto.makemodel}"/> is in your price range.

Accessing Collections Example

The following example shows use of the "." and "[]" constructs. Here, catalogue is a Map object containing the description of products, while preferences is a Map object containing a particular user's preferences.

<c:out value="${catalogue[productId]}"/>
   Delivery preference:
<c:out value="${user.preferences['delivery']}"/>

Expression Language Implicit Objects

The expression language provides the following implicit objects:

  • pageScope: Allows access to page-scope variables.

  • requestScope: Allows access to request-scope variables.

  • sessionScope: Allows access to session-scope variables.

  • applicationScope: Allows access to application-scope variables.

  • pageContext: Allows access to all properties of the page context of a JSP page.

  • param: A Java Map object containing request parameters typically accessed using the request.getParameter() method. The expression ${param["foo"]} or the equivalent ${} both return the first string value associated with the request parameter foo.

  • paramValues: Use paramValues["foo"], for example, to return an array of all string values associated with request parameter foo.

  • header: As with param, you can use this object to access the first string value associated with a request header.

  • headerValues: Similarly to using paramValues, you can use this to access all string values associated with a request header.

  • initParam: Allows access to context initialization parameters.

  • cookie: Allows access to cookies received in the request.

Additional Features of the Expression Language

The expression language also offers the following features:

  • It can provide default values where failure to evaluate an expression is considered to be recoverable.

  • Where application data might not exactly match the type expected by a tag attribute or expression language operator, there are rules to convert the type of the resulting value to the expected type.

Creating and Using Expression Language Functions

The expression language allows you to define static methods known as functions that can be invoked within EL expressions.

Creating or using a function is similar to creating or using a custom tag. In fact, the JSTL contains six custom tags that are actually expression language functions. See Chapter 7, "Working with Custom Tags" for details on custom tag implementation.

A function must be implemented as a public static method within a public Java class. The following example paraphrases the static method for the JSTL fn:length function available in the Jakarta Taglibs Standard library:

public static int length(Object obj)
throws JspTagException {

Classes containing function methods are grouped into tag libraries, similar to custom tags. Each function's signature and the mapping to the public class containing its corresponding method are added to the library's tag library descriptor (TLD) file. For example:

  Returns the number of items in a collection or the number of
  characters in a string.
  int length(java.lang.Object)

To use an EL function, a JSP must import the appropriate tag library using a taglib directive. Here the page imports the JSTL functions library which contains the Java class implementing the fn:length function:

<%@ taglib prefix="fn" uri="" %> 

Finally, the function can be invoked within an EL expression in the JSP. Here the scoped variable employees is a collection of Employee objects.

There are ${fn:length(employees)} employees listed in the database.

Disabling the Expression Language

It is possible to disable or deactivate the expression language to allow a pattern written in EL syntax to be passed through a JSP, without being evaluated as an EL expression. The EL can be disabled at either the Web application or individual JSP level. Tag files can also be instructed to ignore EL expressions.

Note that when EL is disabled, the pattern \$ will not be recognized as a quote, whereas it will be recognized as such if EL is enabled.

Disabling EL in All JSPs in a Web Application

To disable EL for all JSPs in an application, add the following <jsp-property-group> element to the application's web.xml Web application descriptor file.


Disabling EL in a JSP

To disable EL evaluation in a JSP page, set the isELIgnored attribute of the page directive to true in the JSP.

Disabling EL in a Tag File

To disable EL evaluation in a tag file, set the isELIgnored attribute of the tag directive to true in the tag file.

JSP Execution Model

This section provides a top-level look at how a JSP page is run, including on-demand translation (the first time a JSP page is run) and error processing.

JSP Execution Models

There are two distinct execution models for JSP pages:

  • In most implementations and situations, the Web container translates pages on demand before triggering their execution; that is, at the time they are requested by the user.

  • In some scenarios, however, the developer might want to translate the pages in advance and deploy them as working servlets. Command-line tools are available to translate the pages, load them, and publish them to make them available for execution. You can have the translation occur either on the client or in the server. When the user requests the JSP page, it is executed directly, with no translation necessary.

On-Demand Translation Model

It is typical to run JSP pages in an on-demand translation scenario. When a JSP page is requested from a Web server that incorporates the Web container, a front-end servlet is instantiated and invoked, assuming proper Web server configuration. This servlet can be thought of as the front-end of the Web container. In OC4J, it is oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspServlet.

JspServlet locates the JSP page, translates and compiles it if necessary (if the translated class does not exist or has an earlier timestamp than the JSP page source), and triggers its execution.

Note that the Web server must be properly configured to map the *.jsp file name extension (in a URL) to JspServlet.

Pretranslation Model

As an alternative to the typical on-demand scenario, developers might want to pretranslate their JSP pages before deploying them. This can offer the following advantages, for example:

  • It can save time for the users when they first request a JSP page, because translation at execution time is not necessary.

  • It is useful if you want to deploy binary files only, perhaps because the software is proprietary or you have security concerns and you do not want to expose the code.

Oracle supplies the ojspc command-line utility for pretranslating JSP pages. This utility has options that allow you to set an appropriate base directory for the output files, depending on how you want to deploy the application. The ojspc utility is documented in Chapter 4, "Precompiling JSP Pages with ojspc".

JSP Pages and On-Demand Translation

Presuming the typical on-demand translation scenario, a JSP page is usually executed as follows:

  1. The user requests the JSP page through a URL ending with a.jsp file name.

  2. Upon noting the .jsp file name extension in the URL, the servlet container of the Web server invokes the Web container.

  3. The Web container locates the JSP page and translates it if this is the first time it has been requested. Translation includes producing servlet code in a .java file and then compiling the .java file to produce a servlet .class file.

    The servlet class generated by the JSP translator extends a class (provided by the Web container) that implements the javax.servlet.jsp.HttpJspPage interface. The servlet class is referred to as the page implementation class. This document will refer to instances of page implementation classes as JSP page instances.

    Translating a JSP page into a servlet automatically incorporates standard servlet programming overhead into the generated servlet code, such as implementing the HttpJspPage interface and generating code for its service method.

  4. The Web container triggers instantiation and execution of the page implementation class.

The JSP page instance will then process the HTTP request, generate an HTTP response, and pass the response back to the client.


The preceding steps are loosely described for purposes of this discussion. As mentioned earlier, each vendor decides how to implement its Web container, but it will consist of a servlet or collection of servlets. For example, there might be a front-end servlet that locates the JSP page, a translation servlet that handles translation and compilation, and a wrapper servlet class that is extended by each page implementation class (because a translated page is not actually a pure servlet and cannot be run directly by the servlet container). A servlet container is required to run each of these components.

Requesting a JSP Page

A JSP page can be requested either directly through a URL or indirectly through another Web page or servlet.

Directly Requesting a JSP Page

As with a servlet or HTML page, the user can request a JSP page directly by URL. For example, suppose you have a HelloWorld JSP page that is located under a myapp directory, as follows, where myapp is mapped to the myapproot context path in the Web server:


You can request it with a URL such as the following:


The first time the user requests HelloWorld.jsp, the Web container triggers both translation and execution of the page. With subsequent requests, the Web container triggers page execution only; the translation step is no longer necessary.


General servlet and JSP invocation are discussed in the Oracle Containers for J2EE Servlet Developer's Guide.

Indirectly Requesting a JSP Page

JSP pages, like servlets, can also be executed indirectly—linked from a regular HTML page or referenced from another JSP page or from a servlet.

When invoking one JSP page from a JSP statement in another JSP page, the path can be either relative to the application root—known as context-relative or application-relative—or relative to the invoking page—known as page-relative. An application-relative path starts with "/"; a page-relative path does not.

Be aware that, typically, neither of these paths is the same path as used in a URL or HTML link. Continuing the example in the preceding section, the path in an HTML link is the same as in the direct URL request, as follows:

<a href="/myapp/dir/HelloWorld.jsp" /a>

The application-relative path in a JSP statement is:

<jsp:include page="/dir/HelloWorld.jsp" flush="true" />

The page-relative path to invoke HelloWorld.jsp from a JSP page in the same directory is:

<jsp:forward page="HelloWorld.jsp" />

("Standard JSP Action Tags" discusses the jsp:include and jsp:forward statements.)