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Part Number B28962-01
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8 The owa_text Package

The owa_text package contains subprograms used by owa_pattern for manipulating strings. They are externalized so you can use them directly.

8.1 Summary

owa_text.add2multi procedure - adds text to an existing multi_line type.

owa_text.multi_line data type - data type for holding large amounts of text.

owa_text.new_row_list - creates a new row_list.

owa_text.print_multi procedure - prints out the contents of a multi_list.

owa_text.print_row_list procedure - prints out the contents of a row_list.

owa_text.row_list data type - data type for holding data to be processed.

owa_text.stream2multi procedure - converts a varchar2 to a multi_line type.

owa_text.vc_arr data type - data type for holding large amounts of text.

8.2 owa_text.add2multi procedure

This procedure adds content to an existing owa_text.multi_line data type.

Table 8-1 describes the properties of the owa_text.add2multi procedure.

Table 8-1 owa_text.add2multi procedure

Properties Definitions


   stream         in       varchar2
   mline          in out   multi_line
   continue       in       boolean   DEFAULT TRUE);


stream - the text to add.

mline - the owa_text.multi_line data type. The output of this parameter contains stream.

continue - if TRUE, the procedure appends stream within the previous final row (assuming it is less than 32K). If FALSE, the procedure places stream in a new row.



8.3 owa_text.multi_line data type

This data type is a PL/SQL record that holds large amounts of text. The rows field, of type owa_text.vc_arr data type, contains the text data in the record.

Table 8-2 describes the properties of the owa_text.multi_line data type.

Table 8-2 owa_text.multi_line data type

Properties Definitions


type multi_line is record (
   rows           vc_arr,
   num_rows       integer,
   partial_row    boolean);


Not applicable.

8.4 owa_text.new_row_list

This function or procedure creates a new owa_text.row_list data type. The function version uses no parameters and returns a new empty row_list. The procedure version creates the row_list data type as an output parameter.

Table 8-3 describes the properties of the owa_text.new_row_list.

Table 8-3 owa_text.new_row_list

Properties Definitions


/* procedure */
owa_text.new_row_list(rlist out row_list);
/* function */
owa_text.new_row_list return row_list;


rlist - this is an output parameter containing the new row_list data type.


The function version returns the new row_list data type.

8.5 owa_text.print_multi procedure

This procedure uses htp.print, htp.prn to print the "rows" field of the owa_text.multi_line data type.

Table 8-4 describes the properties of the owa_text.print_multi procedure.

Table 8-4 owa_text.print_multi procedure

Properties Definitions


owa_text.print_multi(mline in multi_line);


mline - the multi_line data type to print.


The contents of the multi_line.

8.6 owa_text.print_row_list procedure

This procedure uses htp.print, htp.prn to print the "rows" field of the owa_text.row_list data type.

Table 8-5 describes the properties of the owa_text.print_row_list procedure.

Table 8-5 owa_text.print_row_list procedure

Properties Definitions


owa_text.print_row_list(rlist in row_list);


rlist - the row_list data type to print.


The contents of the row_list.

8.7 owa_text.row_list data type

This is the data type for holding data to be processed.

Table 8-6 describes the properties of the owa_text.row_list data type.

Table 8-6 owa_text.row_list data type

Properties Definitions


type row_list is record (
   rows           int_arr,
   num_rows       integer);
int_arr is defined as:
type int_arr is table of integer index by binary_integer;


Not applicable.

8.8 owa_text.stream2multi procedure

This procedure converts a string to a multi_line data type.

Table 8-7 describes the properties of the owa_text.stream2multi procedure.

Table 8-7 owa_text.stream2multi procedure

Properties Definitions



   stream         in       varchar2

   mline          out      multi_line);


stream - the string to convert.

mline - the stream in owa_text.multi_line data type format.



8.9 owa_text.vc_arr data type

This is a component of the owa_text.multi_line data type.

Table 8-8 describes the properties of the owa_text.vc_arr data type.

Table 8-8 owa_text.vc_arr data type

Properties Definitions


type vc_arr is table of varchar2(32767) index by binary_integer;


Not applicable.