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Oracle® Business Rules Language Reference
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Part Number B28964-01
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3 Using the Command-line Interface

This chapter describes the RL command-line that reads rulesets from and writes output from the functions println, watch, and, show to System.out.

This chapter covers the following topics:

3.1 Starting and Using the Command-Line Interface

The following invocation provides a simple command-line interface, with the prompt, RL>. Example without Java Beans:

java -jar RuleDir/lib/rl.jar -p "RL> "

Example with Java Beans:

java -classpath RuleDir/lib/rl.jar;BeanPath oracle.rules.rl.session.CommandLine -p "RL> "

Where RuleDir is the top level installation directory and BeanPath is the classpath component to any supplied Java Bean classes.

To exit the command-line interface, use the special action exit; at the command prompt. The exit; action cannot be in an included ruleset. Alternatively, to exit you can invoke the System.exit(int) method in any action.

The RL command-line interface accumulates input line by line, and interprets the input when the input stream includes either:


The if,else and try, catch, and finally actions require lookahead to determine where they end. In order to execute an if without an else clause, or a try without a finally clause at the RL command-line, you should add a semi-colon terminator.

This is not necessary if you execute RL using include, or using the RuleSession API.

Example 3-1 Sample RL Command-Line Input Processing

RL> int i = 1;
RL> if (i > 0) {println("i positive");}
// nothing happens - waiting for possible "else"
i positive

Input must be complete at the end of a line. For example, if an action ends in the middle of a line, then that action is not interpreted until some following action is complete at the end of a line.

Example 3-2 Sample Command-Line Input Processing - Waiting for End of Line

RL> println("delayed"
); println("hello"
); println("world");

Notes for using command-line input processing:

  1. The command-line segments its input into blocks and then feeds each block to the interpreter. If you never type a closing brace or semicolon, no error is raised because the command line waits for input before it does a full parse of the block

  2. The command-line interpreter, when used interactively or with the –i option, collapses the input, for line numbering purposes, into "small" rulesets ending at a newline. Errors are reported with numbers within the ruleset.

    For example, if the input consists of the following:

    int i = 0; i = 1; // this is a ruleset
    i = "i";  // this is another ruleset 

    For this example, command-line reports an error as follows:

    Oracle Business Rules RL: type check error
    ConversionException: cannot convert from type 'java.lang.String' to type 'int'
    at line 1 column 5 in main

    To avoid this behavior, you can explicitly enclose the input in a ruleset. For example,

    ruleset main {
         int i = 0; i = 1;
         i = "i";

    Now, the error is on line 3 or, you can include the input file using an include.

3.2 RL Command-Line Options

Table 3-1 RL Command-Line Options

Flag Description


Read rulesets from the file named by the next argument, instead of from the default,

For example,

-i myInput.rl

Note: the command-line segments its input into blocks and then feeds each block to the interpreter. If the file myInput.rl does not include a closing brace or semicolon at the end, then, no error is raised because the command line waits for additional input before it does a full parse of the block. Thus, there are cases where an incomplete input file supplied using the –i option could run and execute the valid part of the code from the file myInput.rl, and exit, while still waiting for command line input.


Executes the next argument as the first RL command, then start reading input. This option is useful to include a file of settings and functions for debugging.

For example,

-c "include file:debugSettings.rl;"

If you do not want to read from the input after executing the command, include "exit;" at the end of the command.

For example,

-c "include file:script.rl; exit;"


Sets the next argument as the prompt string.

For example,

-p "RL> "


Specifies where to write output from println, watch, and show to the file named by the next argument, instead of to System.out.

For example:

–o debug.log


Print version information.

3.3 RL Command-Line Built-in Commands

This section lists commands that are implemented by the RL command-line interface (these commands are not part of RL). Thus, these commands cannot appear in blocks or be included rulesets.

3.3.1 Clear Command

Discard the current RuleSession object and allocate a new one. The effect is that all rules, variables, classes, and functions are discarded.

Instead of using clear; to restart a command-line you can also type exit; and then reissue the Java command to start another command-line.

3.3.2 Exit Command

Exit the command-line interface. The command-line interface also exits when end-of-file is reached on its input.