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Oracle® Application Server Web Services Developer's Guide
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Part Number B28974-01
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4 Getting Started

The README.txt file that is included at the top level of the OC4J distribution provides instructions for setting up and running OC4J. This chapter serves as an addendum to the README. It provides information that is specific to setting up Oracle Application Server Web Services in your environment.

This chapter provides the following sections.

Supported Platforms

OracleAS Web Services is supported on the following platforms.

How to Install OC4J

Follow the instructions in the README.txt file for installing and running OC4J. The README.txt file can be found at the top-level of the OC4J distribution.

How to Set Up Your Environment for OracleAS Web Services

This section lists the software you must install and environment variables you must define to use OracleAS Web Services.

How to Set Up Ant for WebServicesAssembler

The WebServicesAssembler tool assists in assembling OracleAS Web Services. It enables you to generate the artifacts required to develop and deploy Web services, regardless of whether you are creating the service using the top down or bottom up approach. WebServicesAssembler commands can be called either from the command line or from Ant tasks.

This section describes how to set up your environment and build script files to call WebServicesAssembler commands from Ant tasks.You can use an Ant installation you have previously installed or use the Ant that is found in ORACLE_HOME/ant. The following sections describe how to set up Ant, depending on the version you have installed.


All of the Ant task examples in this book assume that you are using Ant version 1.6.5 or later. These versions let you use task namespaces. Hence, all of the Ant tags and subtags corresponding to WebServicesAssembler commands are prefixed with the oracle: namespace.

How to Set Up Ant 1.6.5 Distributed with Oracle Application Server

The following steps describe how to set up your environment and build files to use WebServicesAssembler with the Ant 1.6.5 installation found in ORACLE_HOME/ant. This is the version of Ant distributed with the Oracle Application Server.

  1. Enter ORACLE_HOME/ant/bin at the front of your PATH variable.

  2. Edit your build script (build.xml). Add the antlib:oracle namespace declaration for the imported Ant tasks. In the following example, bottomup is the name of your project.

    <project name="bottomup" default="all" basedir="." xmlns:oracle="antlib:oracle">
  3. Add the oracle: namespace as a prefix to all WebServicesAssembler tags. For example:

    <oracle:assemble ....>
            <oracle:port ... />
    <oracle:genProxy ..../>
  4. (Optional) Copy the files to the same directory as your build script.

    Although you can modify the properties file in the j2ee/utilities directory and reference it from your build scripts, it is better to maintain this file as a template.

  5. (Optional) Edit the file to reflect your installation environment.

  6. (Optional) Edit the build script (build.xml). Reference the file in the build script. For example:

    <property file=""/> 
  7. (Optional) If you will be using the junit Ant task for reports, set the ANT_OPTS system property to the Xalan TransformerFactoryImpl class.

    • If you are using the JDK 1.5, set the ANT_OPTS property for TransformerFactory to For example:

    • If you are using the JDK 1.4, set the ANT_OPTS property for TransformerFactory to org.apache.xalan.processor.TransformerFactoryImpl. For example:

      set ANT_OPTS=-Djavax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory=org.apache.xalan.processor.TransformerFactoryImpl 

How to Set Up Ant 1.6.5 Using a Previous Installation of Ant

The following steps describe how to set up your environment and build files to use WebServicesAssembler with a previous installation of Ant 1.6.5 (or later).

  1. Navigate to the directory ORACLE_HOME/j2ee/utilities and ensure that the following files are present:

    •—this file enables you to designate the key properties for the execution of the Oracle Ant tasks.

    • ant-oracle.xml—this file enables you to use Oracle Ant tasks.

  2. Copy the and ant-oracle.xml files to the same directory as your build script (build.xml).

    Although you can modify the files in the j2ee/utilities directory and reference them from your build scripts, it is better to maintain the source files as templates. Also, if you leave the ant-oracle.xml file in its original location, then the import reference must be hard coded to specify the full path to the file (for example, c:/oc4j/j2ee/utilities/ant-oracle.xml).

  3. Edit the file to reflect your installation environment.

  4. Edit the build script (build.xml).

    • Import the ant-oracle.xml file into the build script.

      <!-- Import for OC4J ant integration. -->
      <import file="ant-oracle.xml"/>
    • Add the antlib:oracle namespace reference for the imported Ant tasks. In the following example, bottomup is the name of your project.

      <project name="bottomup" default="all" basedir="." xmlns:oracle="antlib:oracle">
  5. Include the oracle namespace as a prefix to all WebServicesAssembler commands. For example:

    <oracle:deploy ..../>
    <oracle:genProxy ..../>
  6. (Optional) If you will be using the junit Ant task for reports, set the ANT_OPTS system property to the Xalan TransformerFactoryImpl class.

    • If you are using the JDK 1.5, set the ANT_OPTS property for TransformerFactory to For example:

    • If you are using the JDK 1.4, set the ANT_OPTS property for TransformerFactory to org.apache.xalan.processor.TransformerFactoryImpl. For example:

      set ANT_OPTS=-Djavax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory=org.apache.xalan.processor.TransformerFactoryImpl 

How to Set Up Ant 1.5.2 Using a Previous Installation of Ant

The following steps describe how to set up your environment and build files to use WebServicesAssembler with a previous installation of Ant 1.5.2.

  1. Ensure that your installations of Ant and the Java JDK are already included in the classpath environment variable.

  2. Add the path to wsa.jar to the CLASSPATH environment variable. The path will typically be:


    In this example, OC4J_Home is the directory where you installed OC4J.

  3. Add the following lines to any Ant build file that will invoke the Ant tasks.

    <taskdef resource="orawsa.tasks" />
    <typedef resource="orawsa.types" />

    These lines can appear anywhere in the build file before the first WebServicesAssembler task is called.

  4. (Optional) If you will be using the junit Ant task for reports, set the ANT_OPTS system property to the Xalan TransformerFactoryImpl class.

    • If you are using the JDK 1.5, set the ANT_OPTS property for TransformerFactory to For example:

    • If you are using the JDK 1.4, set the ANT_OPTS property for TransformerFactory to org.apache.xalan.processor.TransformerFactoryImpl. For example:

      set ANT_OPTS=-Djavax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory=org.apache.xalan.processor.TransformerFactoryImpl 

How to Set Up the "oracle:" Namespace Prefix for Ant Tasks

Ant version 1.6.5 and higher requires the oracle: prefix at the beginning of all Ant tags and subtags for WebServicesAssembler commands. This prefix informs the Ant interpreter that this is an Oracle Ant task.

The oracle: prefix corresponds to the prefix that is found in the project tag at the beginning of the Ant build.xml file.

<project name="myproject" default="all" basedir="." xmlns:oracle="antlib:oracle">

If you do not want to use oracle as a prefix, you can change it to any valid XML QName prefix. For example, if you want to use oracletags as a prefix, then you must change the value of the project tag.

<project name="myproject" default="all" basedir="." xmlns:oracletags="antlib:oracle">

If you make this change, then all Ant tags and subtags for WebServicesAssembler commands must start with oracletags:. For example:

<oracletags:assemble ...>

Database Requirements

You will need an installed running Oracle database (local or remote) if you will be performing any of the following tasks: