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Oracle® WebCenter Framework Developer's Guide
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2 Planning Your WebCenter Application

This chapter helps you determine the type of WebCenter application to build and explains the major considerations for building it. Before you begin building your WebCenter application, you should review this chapter carefully to determine what options are available to you and what kinds of issues you must consider before you start building.

2.1 Introduction to WebCenter Applications

Oracle WebCenter Framework provides you with a set of features (for example, portlets, customization, and content integration) that simplify the process of building a WebCenter application with Oracle ADF and deploying it.

A WebCenter application is an application that employs some or all of the following elements:

After the WebCenter application has been built and tested, you must still deploy it for your end users. Once deployed and running, users will begin to access the WebCenter application and administrators to maintain it. The sections that follow provide an overview of the componentry of WebCenter applications.

2.1.1 About Customizable Pages

At its core, Oracle WebCenter Framework provides you with the functionality to extend your JSF pages with all of the following:

  • Customizable components to rearrange content within an area or to hide or show child components.

  • Portlets to display, personalize, and reuse dynamic content.

  • Content retrieved from content repositories by way of Java Content Repository (JCR) data controls.

By combining these elements, you provide your users with easy access to content and collaboration capabilities. Optionally, you can also enable customization of these various page elements to make the WebCenter application more flexible. Note that administrators can customize the page for the end user, but end users cannot personalize pages. End users can only personalize portlets, assuming the portlets implement personalization and the application implements user authentication.

See Also:

Chapter 4, "Populating Pages" for more information about extending pages with these capabilities.

2.1.2 About Customizable Components

Customizable components enable administrators to manipulate their view according to their requirements. For example, they may choose to hide a certain component altogether or move it up to the top of the page. By adding customizable components to a page, you make the page customizable.

Customizable components include content container components called ShowDetailFrame and layout components called PanelCustomizable. You can use these components to enable administrators to rearrange, hide, or display pieces of content, and to be able to define the behavior of content on a page.

Oracle WebCenter Framework provides two customizable components:

  • A ShowDetailFrame component that places a chrome around the components it contains, thereby enabling the administrator to minimize, maximize, or move that content.

  • A PanelCustomizable component that enables the administrator to hide or show the child components that it contains.

In a typical scenario, you might have several ShowDetailFrames that each contain another component (for example, Oracle ADF Faces tables and objectImage). You could then wrap a PanelCustomizable component around these ShowDetailFrames, thereby making them children of the PanelCustomizable. In this scenario, each ShowDetailFrame would have its own chrome for minimize, maximize, and move. Furthermore, all of the ShowDetailFrames would be surrounded by chrome that enables you to hide or show the child ShowDetailFrames. Note that the PanelCustomizable provides the ability to move the contents, without it, the ShowDetailFrame could only be minimized or maximized.

See Also:

Section 4.4, "Using Customizable Components" for more information.

2.1.3 About Portlets

Oracle WebCenter Framework supports WSRP 1.0, WSRP 2.0, JSR 168, and Oracle PDK-Java for portlets. Note that WSRP 2.0 features require some Oracle extensions in this initial release of Oracle WebCenter Framework. You should also be aware that all portlets run remotely from the application in the Oracle WebCenter Framework environment, meaning there are no local portlets. You must always deploy the producer and register it with the application before consuming its portlets.

You can use the portlets that Oracle or third parties provide you, or you can create your own portlets programmatically. The prebuilt portlets that the Oracle WebCenter Framework provides include the following:

  • The Rich Text portlet offers browser-based, rich text editing at run time.

  • Web Clipping is a browser-based, declarative tool that enables you to integrate any Web application with your WebCenter application.

  • OmniPortlet is a declarative portlet-building tool that enables you to build portlets against a variety of data sources, including XML files, character-separated value files (for example, spreadsheets), Web Services, databases, and Web pages.

Packaged applications will also often come with their own set of portlets that enable you to access particular data or functions of the application. Assuming that they were built with compatible technology (WSRP, JSR 168, or PDK-Java), you can include these portlets in your WebCenter application as well.

You can link portlets such that parameters are passed between portlets and Faces components, and between portlets and the page. In this fashion, you can create a context-sensitive application, where the data displayed by the portlets changes depending upon the page context.

See Also:

2.1.4 About Content (Through JCR Data Controls)

To browse and query content repositories from your WebCenter application, you must bind the data from the repository to your application. With JCR data controls in Oracle JDeveloper and Oracle ADF, you can connect to content repositories and display their content within a WebCenter application. This functionality is based upon JSR 227, which provides a standard way of binding data from different sources to a Java user interface.

For example, you could create a data control that selects content from Oracle Content Database (Oracle Content DB), Oracle Application Server Portal (OracleAS Portal), or a file system. Once the data control is created, you can drop it onto a JSP document as a table. If you must retrieve data from a content repository other than Oracle Content DB, OracleAS Portal, or the file system, then you can create your own JCR adapter. From the Content Repository Configuration page of the Create Data Control Wizard, you choose the content repository from which you want to retrieve data.

See Also:

Chapter 5, "Integrating Content" for more information about content integration.

2.1.5 About Skins

A skin in Oracle ADF Faces is a global style sheet that is set in one place for an entire application. Instead of having to style each component, or having to insert a style sheet on each page, you can create one skin for the entire application. Every component automatically uses the styles as described by the skin. Any changes to the skin are picked up at run time, no code change is required. Skins are based on the Cascading Style Sheet specification and use CSS 3.0 syntax.

See Also:

Chapter 9, "Defining and Applying Styles to Core Customizable Components" for more information about skins and how to use them.

2.1.6 About Security

The security model of a WebCenter application can encompass a wide variety of areas. You must consider the needs of your particular environment and choose which aspects of security you ought to apply to your application as follows:

  • You may want to require user login and control access to certain areas or functions based on user roles. You can define what actions are permissible, based upon roles, at a granular level (for example, pages, data iterators, attributes, and methods). You can also control whether a view component is visible to a user based upon permissions on other pages and components.

  • Your WebCenter application may need to negotiate the security systems of external applications or content repositories to fetch data or content.

  • You may want to configure secure identity propagation between the application and remote portlets.

See Also:

Chapter 10, "Securing Your WebCenter Application" for more information about options for securing your WebCenter application.

2.1.7 About Life Cycle

After you have created and tested your WebCenter application in the design time environment (Oracle JDeveloper), you must deploy it to your production system. Once deployed, you must then maintain the system. For example, you will want to monitor performance and availability, edit or refresh portlet producers, undeploy applications, and perhaps migrate customization data. Inevitably, you will also want to further enhance the application, stage it again, and then redeploy it to your production system. Using the life cycle tool and Grid Control Console, you can easily perform these tasks on your production WebCenter application.

2.2 Design Questions to Consider Before You Start

When you come to design your WebCenter application, you must consider the needs of your audience. In particular, it's important to think about what features and capabilities your WebCenter application end users, administrators, and developers most need. The following list of common questions can help you work through this planning process. Before you begin to actually build a WebCenter application, you should think carefully about the answers to all of the following questions:

2.3 Using the Service Request Demo

The example used in this guide is based on the Oracle ADF application shown in the Oracle Application Development Framework Developer's Guide, and shows you how to add portal and WebCenter Services capabilities to an existing Oracle ADF application. This section covers the following two topics:

2.3.1 Introduction to the Oracle ADF Service Request Demo

The Service Request demo (SRDemo) application is a sample customer relationship management application that lets customers of a household appliance servicing company attempt to resolve service issues over the web. The application, which consists of sixteen Web pages, manages the customer-generated service request through the following flow:

  1. A customer logs in and submits a service request.

  2. A manager logs in and assigns the request to a technician.

  3. The technician logs in and reviews their assigned requests, then provides a solution or solicits more information from the customer.

  4. The customer returns to the site and checks their service request and either closes the request or provides further information.

  5. While a request is open, managers can review an existing request for a technician and if necessary reassign it to another technician.

Additionally, technicians can identify products in their area of expertise. Managers then use this information to assign service requests.

After the user logs in, they see only the application functionality that fits their role as a customer, manager, or technician.

See the chapter titled Introduction to the Oracle ADF Service Request Demo in the Oracle Application Development Framework Developer's Guide,for more information about the demo.

About the Scenario

The SRDemo takes an existing Oracle ADF application for tracking customer service requests and adds portal capabilities to the application without altering the existing application. This service request application enables customers, technicians, and managers view information about service requests all from the same interface. The three roles are as follows:

  • Customer (a customer of the My Acme Corporation)

  • Technician (a technician who handles service requests for the My Acme Corporation)

  • Manager (a manager who administers the Web site and runs a team of technicians for the My Acme Corporation)


The customer logs in to the application and can view current announcements, his existing service requests, and details about these requests. He can also view information about the products he has purchased, as well as a list of his current contracts with the company providing the services. He can also submit feedback on existing service requests.


The technician logs in to the application and views the service requests assigned to him, and can update existing service requests.


The manager logs in to the application and, at run time, can update the announcements that the customer views. He can also modify the page at run time using content in the content repository. For example, if a new service is now available to customers, then the manager can add information about this new service at run time. The manager can also review the feedback the customer has returned and add his own notes. He can also view site statistics on a dashboard page, which shows the current service request volume, the most active customers, and so on, as well as customize this dashboard page. The manager also has access to general site administration from a single page, where he can change the look and feel by switching skins and customize the login.

2.3.2 Setting Up the Oracle ADF Service Request Demo

To view the SRDemo and perform some of the example tasks in this guide, you must download and install the starter files. To do so, perform the following steps:

  1. Download the file, located on this page:

  2. Extract the ZIP file to your c:\ drive, and follow the instructions in the Install.html file located at the top level of the directory.