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Oracle® Identity Manager API Usage Guide
Release 9.0.3

Part Number B32449-01
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2 What's New

This chapter contains the following sections:

New APIs in Release

Table 2-1 lists the new application programming interfaces (APIs) that were added in Release

Table 2-1 New APIs in Release

Operation API Description


public boolean processAuditMessageOnline(int audJmsKey) throws tcAPIException

When the auditing and compliance module is installed and auditing is enabled, a NEW or MODIFY event is raised. Oracle Identity Manager server collects data related to the auditing event stores the data in a database table. This data is processed and a snapshot is asynchronously created by submitting a JMS message. If there is a problem with the processing of the JMS message, some of the collected audit data may not be processed. This API forces the audit process identified by the audJmsKey key.


public void processAuditMessageByIdentifierOnline(String auditor, String identifier) throws tcAPIException

Oracle Identity Manager includes various operations for auditing the creation or modification of different entities such as users or groups. This API initiates all audit processes for the specified auditor and type.


public void generateSnapshotForUserOnline(long usrKey) throws tcAPIException

When a user is modified, audit data is synchronously collected and processed. Snapshots are then asynchronously created. This API forces the synchronous generation of an audit snapshot for the user identified by the usrKey. A related API, generateSnapshot(), asynchronously forces the generation of an audit snapshot.


public String getSortValue() throws tcAPIException

Returns the value of the NLS_SORT database parameter for Oracle Database installations or null for other types of databases.

Modified APIs in Release

Table 2-2 lists the user operation APIs that were modified in Release

Table 2-2 Modified User Operation APIs in Release

API Changes

public tcResultSet getProxiedUser(long userKey)

This API returns information about the user for which a specified user is a proxy. Modified so information is returned only when the proxy start date is in the past. Prior implementations of this API retuned information for proxies before the start date.

public long createUser(Map phMapping) throws tcAPIException, tcDuplicateUserException, tcAttributeMissingException, tcInvalidAttributeException

Resolved an issue that throws tcDuplicateUserException when this API is called multiple times with identical data

Table 2-3 lists the organization operation APIs that were modified in Release

Table 2-3 Modified Organization Operation APIs in Release

API Changes

public tcResultSet getUnassignedAdministrators(long processDefKey)

Modified to remove duplicate entries from the returned result set.

Table 2-4 lists the attestation definition operation APIs that were modified in Release

Table 2-4 Modified Attestation Definition Operation APIs in Release

API Changes

public tcResultSet getUnassignedAdministrators(long processDefKey)

Modified to remove duplicate entries from the returned result set.

Table 2-5 lists the request operation APIs that were modified in Release

Table 2-5 Modified Request Operation APIs in Release

API Changes

public tcResultSet findRequests(long[] requests) throws tcAPIException

Optimized to improve performance.

public tcResultSet findRequests(Map phAttributeList) throws tcAPIException

Optimized to improve performance.

public tcResultSet getApprovalTasksAssignedToUser(long userKey, Map attributeList) throws tcUserNotFoundException, tcAPIException, tcAttributeNotFoundException

Optimized to improve performance by returning only a list of recent tasks as specified by the XL.OpenTasksPendingApprovalsDuration property.

public tcResultSet getApprovalTasksAssignedToManagedUser(long userKey, Map attributeList) throws tcUserNotFoundException, tcAPIException, tcAttributeNotFoundException

Optimized to improve performance by returning only a list of recent tasks as specified by the XL.OpenTasksPendingApprovalsDuration property.

public int getNumberOfApprovalTasksAssignedToUser(long userKey, String[] statuses) throws tcUserNotFoundException, tcAPIException

Optimized to improve performance by returning only a list of recent tasks as specified by the XL.OpenTasksPendingApprovalsDuration property.

Table 2-6 lists the provisioning operation APIs that were modified in Release

Table 2-6 Modified Provisioning Operation APIs in Release

API Changes

public tcResultSet getAssignedProvisioningTasks(long userKey, Map attributeList, String[] statuses) throws tcAPIException, tcUserNotFoundException, tcAttributeNotFoundException

Optimized to improve performance by returning only a count of recent tasks as specified by the XL.OpenTasksPendingApprovalsDuration property.

public int getNumberOfProvisioningTasksAssignedToUser(long userKey, String[] statuses) throws tcUserNotFoundException, tcAPIException

Optimized to improve performance by returning only a count of recent tasks as specified by the XL.OpenTasksPendingApprovalsDuration property.

public tcResultSet getProvisioningTasksAssignedToManagedUsers(long userKey, Map attributeList, String[] statuses) throws tcAPIException, tcUserNotFoundException, tcAttributeNotFoundException

Optimized to improve performance by returning only a count of recent tasks as specified by the XL.OpenTasksPendingApprovalsDuration property.

Table 2-7 lists the import operation APIs that were modified in Release

Table 2-7 Modified Import Operation APIs in Release

API Changes

public Collection getMissingDependencies(Collection selection, String type) throws DDMException, SQLException

Modified to return an empty collection when selection is null.

Table 2-8 lists the Thor.API.tcResultSet APIs that were modified in Release

Table 2-8 Modified Thor.API.tcResultSet Operation APIs in Release

Old API New API Changes

public void sort(String psColumnCode, Boolean pbAscending, Locale locale) throws tcColumnNotFoundException, tcAPIException

public void sort(String psColumnCode, Boolean pbAscending, Comparator comparator) throws tcColumnNotFoundException, tcAPIException

Modified to sort the result set according to the specified sort method instead of a the locale-specific sort method.