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Oracle® Identity Manager Administrative and User Console Guide
Release 9.0.3

Part Number B32450-01
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7 To-Do List

A To-Do list is a list of tasks within a process. The processes for approving requests and their associated resources and making them available for provisioning consist of tasks.

Before resources in a request can be provisioned to target users, other users who are assigned as approvers for tasks must provide approval. If you have set Oracle Identity Manager to require approvals for self-registration, the approval tasks associated with user self-registration requests also appear and require action by an assigned approver in order to complete the registration process.

Only users who are task approvers for provisioning tasks, or administrators of the organizations to which the target users belong, can view tasks in a request.

If you are an approver for any tasks in a request, you can view all tasks in the request but only approve those assigned to you. You can also view pending requests for users who you manage.

You define a process using the Process Definition form of the Oracle Identity Manager Design Console. When defining the process, you specify a type of either Provisioning or Approval. By selecting the Provisioning type, the process becomes a provisioning process. Each resource is associated with one mandatory provisioning process. Tasks can then be assigned to users.

This rest of this chapter discusses the following topics:

Reviewing Pending Approvals

You use the Pending Approvals page to view and complete the tasks that are assigned to you and view requests that are assigned to users that you manage.

To review pending approvals:

  1. Click Pending Approvals under To-Do List.

    The Pending Approval page appears, with a list of all requests that contain one or more tasks for which you are an approver. By default, the page opens with pending request(s) that are Assigned to you.

  2. To view pending requests that are assigned to users that you manage, select the Assigned to user(s) you manage radio button.

    The page displays the appropriate pending requests.

    You can also query for specific requests by using the Search criteria drop-down menu. It includes:

    • Request ID

    • Requester

    • Assign To

    The Results table has a description of the search criteria. Enter the appropriate value in the corresponding field. To use the Request Type criterion, select the corresponding value from the Request Type box. The Results table displays the following fields:

    Field Description
    Request ID This is the request's unique, system-generated identification number.
    Request Type The Request Type can be:
    • Add/Revoke/Enable/Disable Resources for Users or Organizations

    • Enable/Disable/Delete/Create/Modify Entity

    Requester This is the user who created the request.
    Request Preview This is a summary of the request. The information being displayed includes the User ID or Organization and the resource.
    Assigned To This is the user assigned to approve this request.
    Status The status of the request.
    Approve/Deny Use this field to select the desired request to either approve or deny it.
    Reassign Use this field to select the desired request to be Reassigned to another user or user group.

  3. To approve a pending request, select the desired checkbox in the Approve/Deny column, then click Approve.

    The request ID is removed from the Results table.

    To deny a pending request, select the desired checkbox in the Approve/Deny column, then click Deny. The request ID is removed from the Results table.

  4. To reassign a pending request, select the desired checkbox in the Re-Assign column, then click Re-Assign.

    The Re-Assign Pending Approvals page appears.

  5. Select the checkbox for the user or group you want to re-assign this request to, then click Re-Assign.

    The Confirm page appears.

Managing Open Tasks

The Open Tasks option lists tasks that are defined for a provisioning process. The Open Tasks option displays all open provisioning tasks that are assigned to you or a person that you manage. Use the Open Tasks option to re-try a task if it has a status of rejection, re-assign a provisioning task to another user, or set a response for a provisioning task. This section describes the following tasks:

Viewing Open Tasks

You can view all open provisioning tasks that are assigned to you, or the users and the user groups that you manage.

To view the open tasks:

  1. In the left navigation pane, click To-Do List, then click Open Tasks.

    The Open Tasks page appears.

  2. Use the Filter By search criteria to sort the tasks by the following categories:

    • Task Name

    • Resource Name

    • Organization Name

    • User ID

    • Assign Before (enter date – yyyy-MM-dd)

    • Assign After (enter date – yyyy-MM-dd)

    Enter the appropriate value in the corresponding field. To use the Open Task Type and Object Type criteria, select the value from the corresponding box. Then click Go. The Results table displays the following information about the provisioning task:

    Field Description
    Task Name This is the name of the task that you have defined in the Process Definition form for this resource name(s).
    Task Status Current status of the resource task.
    Resource Name The name of the resource associated with this provisioning task.
    Organization Name The organization in which the task is associated.
    Target User The user for whom the provisioning process was initiated.
    Date Assigned The date that the provisioning task was assigned.
    Assigned To The user name of the user who the provisioning task is assigned to.
    Re-Try If this checkbox is activated, it indicates that the status of the provisioning task is Rejected. Use this checkbox to Re-Try the provisioning task.
    Re-Assign Use this checkbox to assign this provisioning task to another user or user group.
    Set Response Use this checkbox to set a response for this provisioning task.
    Complete Manually Use this checkbox to manually complete the provisioning task.

Reassigning an Open Task

You can assign an open task to another user.

To reassign an open task:

  1. Select the desired provisioning task name checkboxes, then click Re-Assign.

    The Re-Assign Open Tasks page appears

  2. Select a User ID or Group ID and then click Re-Assign.

    Only one user or group can be selected.

    A Confirmation page appears. This page displays the User ID (first name and last name) in the first sentence and the provisioning task as a bullet item.

  3. Click Confirm Re-assign Tasks, or click Cancel.

    The Open Tasks page appears.The provisioning task that you have re-assigned is no longer in the Results table.

Setting a Response to an Open Task

To set a response to an open task:

  1. Select one or more provisioning task name checkboxes, then click Set Response.

    The Specify Task Responses page appears.

  2. Select a response for the provisioning task, then click Set Responses.

    Otherwise, click Cancel.

    A Confirmation page displays the response for this provisioning task.

  3. Click Confirm Response for Tasks, Or click Cancel.

    The Open Tasks page appears. The provisioning task that you have set response for no longer appears in the Results table.

Managing Attestation Requests

Attestation is a mechanism by which reviewers are periodically notified of a report they must review that outlines the provisioned resources that certain users have. The reviewer can attest to the entitlements accuracy with an appropriate response. You can display all open attestation tasks that are assigned to you, and certify, reject, decline, or delegate attestation tasks.

The rest of this section discusses the following topics:

Viewing Attestation Requests

Attestation requests enable you to determine if user entitlements are valid. You can certify, reject, decline, or delegate requests for attestation.

To view attestation requests:

  1. In the left navigation pane, click To-Do List, then click Attestation.

    The Attestation Request Inbox page appears. This page contains a results table that provides the following information about your pending attestation process requests:

    Column Description
    Process Names The name of the process.
    Process Code The code for the process.
    Data Type The type of data being attested.
    Scope Indicates whether the attestation scope is by manager, group, organization, or resource.
    Delegated By Identifies the user who delegated the task to you. This field is blank if the task was assigned by the attestation process.
    Current Request Specifies the date and time on which the attestation task was created.

  2. In the results table on the Attestation Request Inbox page, click the link of the process name that you want to manage.

    The request page shows the entitlements that the user needs to attest to as a part of the task. The reviewer can also see the details (process form data) of the entitlement that they are attesting to. The results table contains the following columns:

    Column Description
    User Whose entitlement is being attested
    Resource The resource for which the entitlement is being attested. The data is a link with pop-up a page that displays the entitlement process form data as it is on the Attestation Date.
    Descriptive Data A description of the provisioned resource instance
    Last Attested Stores the date and time when this entitlement was last attested
    Comments Comments that you entered for the entitlement
    Actions Contains Certify, Reject, Decline, and Delegate buttons that you select to specify the action for the entitlement

  3. To display only records for which actions are not specified already, select the Hide records where action has already been specified option above the results table.

  4. To view additional rows in the results table, click Next >>.

Saving Attestation Actions

The following procedure describes how to save an attestation action.


Saving does not submit the attestations. To submit attestations, you must follow the procedures in "Submitting Attestations" .

To save an attestation action:

  1. Follow the procedures in "Viewing Attestation Requests" to select the attestation process that you want to save.

  2. On the Attestation Request page, select any actions you want to take for the listed entitlements and click Save.

    The Attestation Request >> Save Actions page appears and displays a table listing the entitlements in the current attestation request for which you have selected an action. Any entitlement for which you selected an action of Delegate also allows you to search for a reviewer in the Delegated Reviewer field.

  3. On the Attestation Request >> Save Actions page, enter any desired comments for the listed entitlements, or select a reviewer for any entitlements with a value of Delegate in the Reviewer Action column.

  4. The reviewer can provide values for the Default Comment and Default Delegated Reviewer columns.

    These values are used for all entitlements on a page when a specific value is not provided in the table.

  5. Click Save.

Updating Comments and Delegations

To update an attestation request:

  1. Follow the procedures in "Viewing Attestation Requests" to select the attestation process that you want to update.

  2. Follow the procedures in "Saving Attestation Actions" to enter comments or select delegated reviewers for any entitlements.

  3. Click Update Existing Comments & Delegation Information.

    The Attestation Request >> Update Comments and Delegates page appears and displays a table listing the entitlements in the current attestation request for which you have selected an action.

  4. In the Attestation Request >> Update Comments and Delegates page, select the check boxes next to the entitlements that you want to update, enter any new comments, and select a delegated reviewer.

  5. Click Save.

Submitting Attestations

The following procedure describes how to submit an attestation.


You can only submit an attestation if you have designated an action for each entitlement in the current attestation process request. If you have not, the Submit Attestation button is inactive.

To submit an attestation:

  1. Follow the procedures in "Viewing Attestation Requests" to select the attestation process that you want to submit.

  2. Follow the procedures in "Saving Attestation Actions" to enter comments or select delegated reviewers for any entitlements.

  3. On the Attestation Request page, click Submit Attestation.

    The Attestation Request Confirmation page appears.

  4. On the Attestation Request Confirmation page, click Submit.

  5. After the task is submitted, it is removed form the attestation inbox.