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Oracle® Identity Manager Audit Report Developer's Guide
Release 9.0.3

Part Number B32456-01
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3 Oracle Identity Manager Reporting

Oracle Identity Manager includes a custom reporting engine that enables you to run predefined reports against the Oracle Identity Manager transactional database or a secondary database if one is configured. You can add new reports without editing any Java code, and you can obtain reporting data by invoking a stored procedure.

See Also:

Oracle Identity Manager Administrative and User Console Guide for a complete list of operational and historical reports that are installed with Oracle Identity Manager

This chapter discusses the following topics:

Reporting Features

The following are Oracle Identity Manager reporting features:

The following sections explain data storage for reporting at the data, XML, and API layers in Oracle Identity Manager.

Data Layer

You can change the database schema and add stored procedures in the data layer.

The REP and RPG tables support reporting. The REP table contains the following:

  • A list of all reports in the system

  • The report name

  • The report code

  • The report type

  • The report description

  • The name of the stored procedure for the report

  • The name of the data source

  • The maximum report size

  • The number of filters to be displayed on the report page

  • XML metadata for each report

The RPG table is a link table between the REP and UGP table. This table stores information about group permissions for reports.

Each report is associated with a stored procedure. To run a report, you run the associated stored procedure with relevant arguments. You cannot run a report based on a database query.

Since there can be many reports in the system, the stored procedure follows rules to enable the report to be invoked generically. See "How To Create A New Report" for details.

Each stored procedure has a set of required generic parameters. These parameters provide standard information, for example, starting row, page size, filter columns, and so on. The stored procedure can also have any number of report-specific parameters. Each stored procedure returns two values: a result set representing a page of the entire report data, and a total count for the report data. The standard format for a stored procedure and the XML metadata enable you to add and run any report without changing any Java code.

XML Metadata

XML metadata for each report is stored in the REP table for the report. The metadata provides the following information for the report:

  • Layout information

  • Representation of all the input parameters and their association with the corresponding stored procedure parameters

  • Support for user-defined parameters (operational reports only)

  • Display information for each report input parameter, for example, a field label or field type (for example, TextField, LookupField, and so on)

  • Location of each column on the report display page

  • Display information for each report data column

  • Columns to be included in the filter drop downs

  • Clickable columns for interactive reports

For details on the metadata structure, see "How To Create A New Report".

API Layer

The API layer provides all back-end reporting functionality. The back end is not tied to the front end. You can create custom user interfaces using the reporting APIs.

How To Create A New Report

The following are tasks for creating a new report:

Writing the Stored Procedure

Each report is based on a single stored procedure. The following are rules for the stored procedure:

  • Use a stored procedure, not a user-defined function.

  • A stored procedure returns two values: the report data result set and the total number of rows in the report.

  • The report result set is paged.

    The result set that is returned when you run the stored procedure represents one page of the entire report data. The starting row and the size of the page is specified at the time of running the stored procedure.

  • The stored procedure handles filter parameters and user defined input parameters.

Each stored procedure uses generic parameters, and each can use parameters specific to the stored procedure. These parameter types are described in the following sections.

Generic Parameters

Generic parameters are common to all the stored procedures. You specify generic parameters in a required sequence before any specific parameters.

There are twelve generic parameters. All twelve generic parameters are required, even if their values are null. The following are the generic parameters in the order that you must specify them:

  1. Report Result Set (type=cursor, OUT): The result set that represents the report data.


    For SQL Server, the return type is Integer (int) and not cursor. In SQL Server, data is returned in the last query. There is no actual return parameter. This parameter type meets the requirements of the stored procedure query.
  2. User Key (type=int, IN): The key of the user who runs the report.

    This user key ensures that only records are returned for which the user has read permissions.

  3. Sort Columns (type=varchar, IN): A list of comma-delimited column names on which the report result set can be sorted.

    Reserved for future use.

  4. Sort Order (type=varchar, IN): The sort order (ascending or descending) for the report result set.

    Reserved for future use.

  5. Start Row (type=int, IN): The row number where the result set starts.

  6. Page Size (type=int, IN): The size of the result set, or the number of entries in a single page in a multi-page report.

  7. Do Count (type=int, IN): Can have values 0, 1, or 2.

    A value of 0 indicates that the result set is computed and returned, but the total number of rows in the entire report data is not computed. A value of 1 indicates that the result set and the total number of rows are computed. When the value is 2, only the total number of rows is computed and an empty result set is returned.

  8. Total Rows (type=int, OUT): This is an OUT parameter that returns the total number of rows when the value of the Do Count variable is either 1 or 2.

    Since the report data is paged, the value of the total number of rows is not the size of the returned result set. It is the size of the entire report.

    For example, suppose that a stored procedure returns a list of all users. There are 200 users in the system, the start row=1, and the page size=50. For this stored procedure, the size of the result set is 50, but the value of the total rows OUT parameter is 200.

  9. Filter Column Names (type=varchar, IN): This is a comma-delimited list of column names on which the report data can be filtered.

    A stored procedure has no way of knowing the alias to use for the listed columns. The stored procedure expects that the column names in this list are correctly qualified with the appropriate table aliases, if needed, for example:


  10. Filter Column Values (type=varchar, IN): This is a comma-separated list of column values that have a one-to-one correspondence with the column names listed in the previous parameter.

    If the previous parameter contains a comma-separated list with two column names, this parameter is a comma separated list of two values. You can use a wild card (%) character, for example, Jo%,Laptop.

  11. User-Defined Column Names (type=varchar, IN): This is a comma-separated list of column names that represent user-defined columns on system forms.

    These names must be appropriately aliased if needed, for example:


  12. User-Defined Column Values (type=varchar, IN): This is a comma-delimited list of column values for user defined fields.

    These values have a one-to-one correspondence with the column names listed in the previous parameter. You can use the wild card (%) character, for example:


Specific Parameters

Specific parameters are specific to each report. These parameters have a one-to-one correspondence with the report input parameters, except for the date range input parameter and user-defined parameters.

You must add specific parameters after the generic parameters. Each specific parameter represents one report input parameter on the Report Input page.

All specific parameters that are of the varchar2 type support the wild card (%) character.

Other Stored Procedure Notes

Each time an error is encountered, an exception is thrown. The exception contains an error code. The calling Java code receives the error as a SQLException with the error code embedded in it. The stored procedure checks the code for errors based on the following rules:

  • The value of Start Row cannot be 0 or null.

  • The value of Page Size cannot be 0 or null.

  • The value of User Key cannot be 0 or null.

  • The value of Do Count can only be 0, 1 or 2.

  • There is a one-to-one mapping between Filter Column Names and Filter Column Values.

  • There is a one-to-one mapping between User-Defined Column Names and User-Defined Column Values.

Even if there is no data to return for a report, an empty result set is returned.

Example of a Stored Procedure Signature

Example 3-1 shows the signature for the User Resource Access report stored procedure for Oracle Database:

Example 3-1 Signature of the User Resource Access Stored Procedure for Oracle Database

PROCEDURE XL_SP_UserResourceAccess (
    csrresultset_inout            IN OUT   sys_refcursor,
    intuserkey_in                 IN       NUMBER,
    strsortcolumn_in              IN       VARCHAR2,
    strsortorder_in               IN       VARCHAR2,
    intstartrow_in                IN       NUMBER,
    intpagesize_in                IN       NUMBER,
    intdocount_in                 IN       NUMBER,
    inttotalrows_out              OUT      NUMBER,
    strfiltercolumnlist_in        IN       VARCHAR2,
    strfiltercolumnvaluelist_in   IN       VARCHAR2,
    strudfcolumnlist_in           IN       VARCHAR2,
    strudfcolumnvaluelist_in      IN       VARCHAR2,
    struserlogin_in               IN       VARCHAR2,
    strfirstname_in               IN       VARCHAR2,
    strmiddlename_in              IN       VARCHAR2,
    strlastname_in                IN       VARCHAR2,
    struseremail_in               IN       VARCHAR2,
    strorgname_in                 IN       VARCHAR2,
    strusergroup_in               IN       VARCHAR2,
    strmgrfirstname_in            IN       VARCHAR2,
    strmgrlastname_in             IN       VARCHAR2,
    struserstatus_in              IN       VARCHAR2,
    struseremptype_in             IN       VARCHAR2

In Example 3-1, the first twelve parameters (upto strudfcolumnvaluelist_in) are generic parameters. The remaining parameters are specific parameters.

Example 3-2 illustrates the SQL Server signature for the User Resource Access stored procedure:

Example 3-2 SQL Server Signature for the User Resource Access Stored Procedure

(@csrResultSet_inout                  INT OUTPUT,
@intUserKey_in                        INT,
@strSortColumn_in                     VARCHAR(4000),
@strSortOrder_in                      VARCHAR(4000),
@intStartRow_in                       INT,
@intPageSize_in                       INT,
@intDoCount_in                        INT,
@intTotalRows_inout                   INT OUTPUT,
@strFilterColumnList_in               VARCHAR(8000),
@strFilterColumnValueList_in          VARCHAR(8000),
@strudfcolumnlist_in                  VARCHAR(8000),
@strudfcolumnvaluelist_in             VARCHAR(8000),
@strUserLogin_in                      varchar(256),
@strFirstName_in                      varchar(80),
@strMiddleName_in                     varchar(80),
@strLastName_in                       varchar(80),
@strUserEmail_in                      varchar(256),
@strorgname_in                        varchar(256),
@strUserGroup_in                      varchar(30),
@strMgrFirstName_in                   varchar(80),
@strMgrLastName_in                    varchar(80),
@strUserStatus_in                     varchar(25),
@strUserEmptype_in                    varchar(255)

Creating the Report XML Metadata

After you create the stored procedure, you create the XML metadata for the report. All report-specific information goes into the metadata so that the report can be run and displayed correctly. The report metadata provides information such as attributes of the report-specific input parameters, the display properties of the report input parameters and the display properties of the report data, for example, report layout, display labels, and so on.

The root element of the metadata is report. This element provides the layout of the report. Three display layouts are supported: tabular layout, sectional layout, and sectional with report header.

The report element has two child elements: StoredProcedure and ReturnColumns.

The StoredProcedure Element

The StoredProcedure element provides information about the stored procedure-specific parameters and user defined fields. It consists of a single InputParameters element that contains multiple InputParameter elements.

Each specific stored procedure parameter corresponds to one input parameter on the Report Input page, except for the DateRange field, which is represented by two stored procedure parameters. Each input parameter is represented by one InputParameter element. The Report Input page can also contain user-defined fields from any system form. Each user-defined field on the Report Input page is also represented by one InputParameter element. The number of user-defined fields can change, but the number of stored procedure input parameters does not change each time. User-defined fields are represented by comma-delimited lists.

For example, suppose a report needs to support seven input parameters. Two parameters are user-defined fields, and five are specific parameters in the signature of the stored procedure (in addition to the twelve generic parameters). These are represented by five InputParameter tags. The two user-defined parameters are also represented by two InputParameter tags, but they do not have corresponding parameters in the stored procedure signature. Instead, they are passed as comma-delimited lists of column names and their values. Thus, there should be a total of seven InputParameter tags in the metadata.

If you want to support the DateRange input type, the Report Input page must be supported by two stored procedure parameters: one for the From date and the other for the To date.

The following are the attributes of the InputParameter element:

  • name (required:Yes): The name of the input parameter.

    In case of non-user-defined input parameters, this value can be anything. However, for clarity, it should match the name of the corresponding stored procedure input parameter. For user-defined input parameters, this name is the column name of the user-defined column, prefixed by the required table alias, if needed.

  • parameterType (required:Yes): The SQL data type of the corresponding stored procedure parameter.

    In case of user-defined input parameters, this value is varchar.

  • order (required:Yes): The order of the report-specific input parameters.

    The ordering starts from 1. You must list the regular input parameters, and the user-defined input parameters later.

  • fieldType (required:Yes): The type of the display field on the Report Input page.

    The supported input types are: TextField, Date, DateRange, LookupField, and Combobox.

  • fieldLabel (required: Yes): The property value of the field label for this field.

    The property value is a value from the message resources property file ( in this case) which represents the actual label.

  • allowedValues (required: No, unless fieldType is Combobox): Lookup codes associated with a combo box.

    The combo box input type supports only static values.

  • required (required: No, default: false): If set to true, the user needs to provide a value for this field for the report to run.

  • udf (required: No, default:false): For a a user defined field that is represented by the InputParameter element, this attribute must be present and have a value of true. Operational reports only.

If the attribute fieldType has a value of LookupField, there needs to be a child element under the InputParameter element called ValidValues. The reporting functionality supports three types of lookups: Lookup by code, lookup by method, and lookup by column. The following are the supported attributes of the ValidValues element:

  • lookupCode (required: No): Must be present only if the lookup is by code.

    If it is, the value of this attribute is the lookup code.

  • lookupColumn (required: No): Must be present only if the lookup is by column.

    If it is, the value of this attribute is the column code of the lookup column.

  • lookupMethod (required: No): Must be present only if the lookup is by class or method.

    If it is, the value of this attribute is the name of method that provides the lookup values.

  • operationClass (required: No): Must be present only if the lookupMethod attribute is present.

    The value of this attribute is the fully qualified name of the class that contains the lookup method.

  • displayColumns (required: No): Must be present only if the lookupMethod attribute is present.

    It is a comma-delimited list of column codes which represent columns that is displayed in the lookup.

  • selectionColumn (required: No): Must be present only if the lookupMethod or lookupColumn attributes are present.

    It represents the column code of the column, the value of which is saved in the database.

Examples of InputParameter tags

  • Regular TextField input parameter:

    <InputParameter name="strfirstname_in" parameterType="varchar2" order="2" fieldType="TextField" fieldLabel="report.userResourceAccess.label.firstName" required="false" />
  • User-Defined input parameter:

    <InputParameter name="USR.USR_UDF_SSN" parameterType="varchar2" order="11" fieldType="TextField" fieldLabel="report.userResourceAccess.label.SSN" required="false" udf="true" />
  • Input parameter of type Combobox:

    <InputParameter name="struserstatus_in" parameterType="varchar2" order="10" fieldType="Combobox" allowedValues="Lookup.WebClient.Users.Status" fieldLabel="report.userResourceAccess.label.userStatus" required="false" />
  • Input parameter of type LookupField with lookupCode:

    <InputParameter name="struseremptype_in" parameterType="varchar2" order="11" fieldType="LookupField" fieldLabel="report.userResourceAccess.label.employeeType" required="false" >  <ValidValues lookupCode="Lookup.Users.Role"/> </InputParameter>
  • Input parameter of type LookupField with lookupColumn

    <InputParameter name="struseremail_in" parameterType="varchar2" order="5" fieldType="LookupField" fieldLabel="report.userResourceAccess.label.userEmail" required="false" >         <ValidValues lookupColumn="Users.Xellerate Type" selectionColumn="Lookup Definition.Lookup Code Information.Decode" /></InputParameter>
  • Input parameter of type LookupField with lookupMethod

    <InputParameter name="struserlogin_in" parameterType="varchar2" order="1" fieldType="LookupField" fieldLabel="report.userResourceAccess.label.userLogin" required="false" >         <ValidValues lookupMethod="findUsersFiltered"  
       displayColumns="Users.User ID,Users.Last Name,Users.First Name"
       selectionColumn="Users.User ID"/> </InputParameter>

If the attribute fieldType has a value of DateRange, you must include the two child element InputStartDate and InputEndDate. Each element must have the following attributes:

  • name (required: Yes): The name of the parameter.

    This should match the name of the stored procedure parameter that represents this date parameter.

  • parameterType (required: Yes): The SQL type of the stored procedure parameter that represents this date parameter.

  • order (required: Yes): The order of the stored procedure parameter

  • defaultValue (required: No, default: 01/01/1900 and 12/31/2049): The default value to provide if the user does not enter a date in the start or end date fields.

  • format (required: No, default: reports.generic.message.internalDateFormat): The format of the default date.

ReturnColumns tag

The ReturnColumns tag represents the list of all the columns that are being returned by the result set. This tag contains multiple ReturnColumn tags, each of which represents one column in the returned result set. The attributes of the ReturnColumn tag provides information that is useful for displaying the report data.

The following are the attributes of the ReturnColumns tag:

  • name (required: Yes): This name represents the column code of the result set column that is represented by this particular tag.

    If the column code is not available, it can be the alias or the column name.

  • label: (required: Yes): This provides the property value of the column header/label for this column.

    The property value is a value from the message resources property file ( in this case), which represents the actual label.

  • position (required: Yes): This attribute can have three values: Table, Sectional Header, or Report Header.

    This attribute specifies the location of each column. Each column can reside in the table (for any layout), the section header (for Sectional Layout and Sectional with Report Header Layout), or the report header (in case of Sectional with Report Header layout).

  • filterColumn (required: No, default: false): This attribute specifies whether the column is a filter column.

    If the value is true, then the column name is included in the filter drop down lists at the top of the Report Display page.

  • filterColumnName (required: No, unless filterColumn is present): This attribute represents the actual name of the column prefixed by the table alias, if needed.

  • filterType (required: No, unless filterColumn is false): The type of the filter display field on the Report result page. The only supported input type is Combobox.

  • filterLookupKey (required: No, unless filterColumn is false): Represents a lookup code associated with a combo box that is shown for a filter display field on the Report result page.

  • clickable (required: No, default: false): This attribute specifies whether the column value is a link.

    This attribute provides support for action-ability of reports.

You can configure interactive reports in the report module. In an interactive report, you define column values to be links that take the user to a page in or outside of the Adminitrative and User Console when he or she clicks the column value. To configure the links, you add information to the metadata so that the user is taken to the appropriate page. The links can have dynamic or static locations. Clicking on a link opens a new browser window that shares the same browser session but is otherwise self-sufficient.

To configure the links, set the clickable attribute to true, and configure the ReturnColumn element and its two child elements Link and RequestParameters, as follows:

  • Link element: Configure the single attribute href for this element.

    This attribute specifies the base URL of the destination page. An absolute URL begins with http, for example, The destination page for an absolute URL is outside the Adminitrative and User Console. A relative URL, for example,, leads to a destination page in the Adminitrative and User Console.

  • RequestParameters element: Configure multiple RequestParameter elements for this element.

    Each RequestParameter element represents one request parameter that must be submitted for the destination page to display properly. The name attribute specifies the name of the request parameter. If the request parameter is static, that is, it does not depend on any other value in the result set, you configure its value using the value attribute. If the value of the request parameter is dynamic, that is, it depends on another column of the result set, for example, the Resource Key, you specify the value using the column attribute. The column attribute contains the column code for the column whose value is to be returned.

Creating an REP Entry and Providing Access to the Report

Once the report metadata is complete, update the REP and RPG tables to make the report available.

Creating a New Entry in the REP Table

The REP table contains a list of all the reports in the system. Defining a new report requires creating a new row in the REP table representing this report. Apart from the common columns, for example, Create Date, Created By, Row Version, and so on, you need to specify the columns that are populated. The values in the parentheses are examples for User Resource Access report.

  • REP_NAME: This column contains the name of the report that is displayed to the user.

    This name is unique in the REP table. (User Resource Access)

  • REP_CODE: A unique code for the report. (UserResourceAccess)

  • REP_DESCRIPTION: A description for the report that is displayed to the user. (Resource access rights for selected users).

  • REP_SP_NAME: The name of the stored procedure that provides the data for the report. (XL_SP_UserResourceAccess)

  • REP_XML_META: This column is a clob that contains the entire metadata for the report defined in the previous section.

  • REP_TYPE: The type of the report. This can have two values: Operational or Historical. (Operational)

  • REP_DATASOURCE: The name of the data source against which the report is run.

    This can have two values: Default or Reporting. Usually, the Operational reports are run against the Default database while the Historical reports are run against the reporting database. (Default)

  • REP_MAX_REPORT_SIZE: This represents the maximum number of records a report can return.

    Different reports will return different amount of data for each record. In order to keep the response time for a report acceptable, a maximum number of records that a report can return is enforced for each report. (5000)

  • REP_FILTER_COUNT: The number of filter drop downs on the Report Display page for this report (3).

The following is an example of the insert statement that populates the REP table with the User Resource Access report data for an Oracle Database:

                 REP_UPDATEBY, REP_ROWVER) VALUES (rep_seq.nextval, 'UserResourceAccess', 'Operational', 'User Resource Access','Resource access rights for selected users', 'Default', 'XL_SP_UserResourceAccess', 5000, 3, 1, SYSDATE, <System Administrator User Key>,  SYSDATE, <System Administrator User Key>, HEXTORAW('0000000000000000'));

The following is the example of the INSERT statement that populates the REP table with the User Resource Access report data in SQL Server:

VALUES ('UserResourceAccess', 'Operational', 'User Resource Access',       'Resource access rights for selected users', 'Default', 'XL_SP_UserResourceAccess',       5000, 3, 1, GETDATE(), <System Administrator User Key>, GETDATE(), <System Administrator User Key>, 0x0);

Loading XML Metadata

After you create an entry in the REP table for the report, you must load the XML metadata for the report into the REP table's REP_XML_META column. See "Creating the Report XML Metadata" for information on creating the metadata.

Providing a User Group with Access to a Report

The following procedure describes providing access to a report.

See also:

Oracle Identity Manager Administrative and User Console Guide

To provide access to the new report to a particular user group:

  1. Search for the user group using the Manage User application.

  2. Navigate to the detail page for the user group.

  3. Click Allowed Reports link in the additional details drop down.

    The Reports page under Group Detail appears.

  4. Click the Assign Reports button.

    The Assign Reports page appears in the Reports section under Group Detail. The report you have just created is listed on this page.

  5. To provide access to the report, assign it to at least one group.

Modifying Property Files for Translating Label Names, Report Names, and Report Descriptions

This section describes how to modify property files for translating label names, report names, and report descriptions. It contains the following topics:

Adding Properties for Translating Label Names

After you write the XML metadata, you must introduce the new field label properties in the metadata file in the properties files. You add the properties to the files that correspond to the locales that you need to support. The languages that are supported in Release 9.0.3 and their associated property files are as follows:

  • English (

  • French (

  • German (

  • Chinese, Simplified (

  • Chinese, Traditional (

  • Italian (

  • Japanese (xlWebAdmin_ja.properites)

  • Korean (

  • Portuegese, Brazilian (

  • Spanish (

When Oracle Identity Manager encounters an unsupported locale, it refers to the file. You add to these files the properties included as fieldLabel attributes of InputParameter tags and label attributes of ReturnColumn tags. Instead of providing the actual name of the input field labels or return column labels, you specify the property name, which is then looked up from the respective properties file. This makes it simpler for internationalization.

The following examples illustrate how to set the fieldLabel attributes of the InputParameter and ReturnColumn tags.

Example 1

<InputParameter name="struserlogin_in" parameterType="varchar2" order="1"
fieldType="TextField" fieldLabel="report.userResourceAccess.label.userLogin"
required="false" />

This InputParameter tag is from UserResourceAccess.xml metadata file for the User Resource Access report. The fieldLabel attribute of this tag has the value of report.UserResourceAccess.label.userLogin. The corresponding entry for this property in the file is:


Example 2

<ReturnColumn name="Users.First Name" label="report.userResourceAccess.label.firstName"
 position="SectionHeader" filterColumn="true"
 filterColumnName="usr.usr_first_name" />

This ReturnColumn tag is from UserResourceAccess.xml metadata file for the User Resource Access report. The label attribute of this tag has the value of report.userResourceAccess.label.firstName. The corresponding entry for this property in the file is:

report.userResourceAccess.label.firstName=First Name


If the actual label names change (as a result of bug fixes, for example), the property names need not be changed.

You perform the following steps to edit the file:

  1. Extract the xlWebApp.war file in the % XL_HOME%/webapp directory to a temporary directory.

  2. Open in a text editor the file in the temporary directory where you extracted the xlWebApp.war file.

  3. Add the appropriate properties as fieldLabel attributes of InputParameter tags and label attributes of ReturnColumn tags.

  4. Recreate the xlWebApp.war file and copy it to the % XL_HOME%/webapp directory.

Adding Properties for Translating Report Names and Descriptions

After you create an entry in the REP table, you must add translation properties for the report name and description to the properties files. This procedure is necessary to localize the English entries in the database and must be performed even if you only need to provide support for the English locale.

To add properties for translating report names and descriptions:

  1. Extract the xlWebApp.war file in the % XL_HOME%/webapp directory to a temporary directory.

  2. Open in a text editor the file from the temporary directory where you extracted the xlWebApp.war file.

  3. Locate in the file the global.resultSet.Reports.Report~Name property, which identifies the names of all reports in the system. Each report assigned to the property is separated by a pipe character (|). Append a pipe character and the name of the new report to the property value. Ensure that there are no spaces between the pipe character and the report name, and that there are no trailing spaces following the report name.

  4. Locate in the file the global.resultSet.Reports.Report~Description property, which contains descriptions of all reports in the system. Each report assigned to the property is separated by a pipe character (|). Append a pipe character and the description of the new report to the property value. Ensure that there are no spaces between the pipe character and the description, and that there are no trailing spaces following the description.

  5. Open in a text editor the properties file representing the locale for which you want to translate report names and descriptions.

  6. Add a global.resultSet.Reports.Report~Name.ReportName property, which identifies the report name and its localized value. The ReportName portion of the property name represents the name of the report. Spaces in the property name are represented by tildes (~). You assign a localized value to the property. For example, you add the following property to the file to represent a report named Group Information:

    global.resultSet.Reports.Report~Name.Group~Information=Group Information
  7. Add a global.resultSet.Reports.Report~Description.Report~Description property, which contains a report description along with and its localized value. The Report~Description portion of the property name represents the default report descriptions. Spaces in the report description are represented by tildes (~). You assign a localized value to the property. For example, you add the following property to the file for a description of the Group Information:

    global.resultSet.Reports.Report~Description.Description~of~the~Group~Information~report=Description of the Group Information report
  8. Add global.ReportName.Lookup.Report-Name and global.ReportDesc.Lookup.Report-Description lookup properties for each new report. The Report-Name and Report-Description portions of each property name represent the default report name and description, respectively. Spaces in the report description are represented by hyphens (-). You assign localized values to each property. For example, you add the following properties to the file for the Group Information report:

    global.ReportName.Lookup.Group-Information=Group Information
    global.ReportDesc.Lookup.Description~of~the~Group~Information~report=Description of the Group Information report
  9. Recreate the xlWebApp.war file and copy it to the % XL_HOME%/webapp directory.

Working with Third-Party Reporting Tools

Third-party reporting tools can run reports against Oracle Identity Manager by using the provided stored procedures. You do not need to understand the data model or write queries for predefined reports. You can use any reporting tool for custom stored procedures and custom reports.

Information about the snapshot and changes are stored in XML form in the UPA table. A third-party XML reporting tool can generate reports from this table. If XML is not a desired format, the reporting tool can use the reporting tables related to the user profile audit feature to retrieve data: UPA_USR, UPA_FIELDS, UPA_GRP_MEMBERSHIP, and UPA_RESOURCE.