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Oracle® Identity Manager Tools Reference Guide
Release 9.0.3

Part Number B32457-01
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5 Applying Task Assignment Adapters

This chapter describes the process of applying task assignment adapters. It contains the following topics:


For a process task that needs to be completed manually, you can configure Oracle Identity Manager to automate the assignment of the task to either a specific user or to a user who belongs to a particular user group.

The Java code that enables Oracle Identity Manager to assign a process task to a user or group automatically is known as a task assignment adapter.

For efficiency purposes, a task assignment adapter can be used repeatedly for different process tasks. In addition, multiple task assignment adapters can be designated to be associated with a particular task. Therefore, Oracle Identity Manager selects the task assignment adapter for the process task. This occurs through task assignment rules.

Task assignment rules are criteria. These standards enable Oracle Identity Manager to select the task assignment adapter that is to be used to allocate the process task to the target user or group.


In other words, the task assignment rule allows Oracle Identity Manager to decide whether to assign a process task to a user or group. The task assignment adapter enables Oracle Identity Manager to determine which user or group will be the recipient of the process task.

Each task assignment adapter has a task assignment rule associated with it. In addition, every rule has a priority number, which indicates the order in which Oracle Identity Manager will trigger it.

For this example, Oracle Identity Manager will trigger the Associate Adapter with User rule first (because it has the highest priority). If the condition of this rule is TRUE, then it is successful. As a result, Oracle Identity Manager will associate the related task assignment adapter (the Assign Task to User adapter) with the Get Solaris UUID process task.

On the other hand, when the condition of a rule is FALSE, then the rule has failed. Oracle Identity Manager will then trigger the rule with the next highest priority. If this rule is successful, then Oracle Identity Manager will assign the designated adapter to the target process task.

So, in this example, if the Associate Adapter with User rule fails, then Oracle Identity Manager will trigger the Associate Adapter with Group rule. If this rule is successful, then Oracle Identity Manager will attach the related task assignment adapter (the Assign Task to Group adapter) to the Get Solaris UUID process task.

After assigning a rule to a task assignment adapter, if this type of adapter contains adapter variables, then you must map these variables to their proper locations. Otherwise, the adapter will not be functional.

Finally, when a task assignment adapter either becomes invalid, or is no longer necessary for Oracle Identity Manager to allocate the process task to a user or group, you must remove the adapter from the task.

The following sections demonstrate how to attach a task assignment adapter to a process task, and remove a task assignment adapter from a process task.

Attaching Task Assignment Adapters to Process Tasks

In the Chapter 3, "Creating Adapters", you learned how to create a task assignment adapter. You must attach it to a process task so that Oracle Identity Manager can automate the assignment of the task to a user or group.

To connect a task assignment adapter to a process task, access the Assignment tab (from the Process Definition form). From this tab, you can also map any adapter variables to their proper locations.

This procedure will show you how to attach a task assignment adapter to a process task.

To Attach a Task Assignment Adapter to a Process Task

  1. Open the Process Definition form, which is located in the Process Management folder.

    Within the Oracle Identity Manager workspace, the Process Definition form appears.

  2. Select the process, which contains a task to which you want to attach an adapter.

    The selected process, along with its tasks, appears in the Process Definition form.

  3. Double-click the row header of the task to which you want to attach a task assignment adapter.

    The Editing Task window appears, containing information about the task (for example, the Get Solaris UUID process task).

  4. Click the Assignment tab. The Assignment dialog box is displayed.

  5. From this tab, click Add.

    A blank row appears within the Assignment tab.

    The following table lists the relevant fields of the Assignment tab:

    Field Name Description
    Priority From this field, set the priority number for the associated task assignment rule.
    Rule From this Lookup field, select the rule that will determine if the associated adapter will be used to automate the assignment of the process task to a user or group.
    Target Type From this Lookup field, specify whether the task is to be assigned to an Oracle Identity Manager user or group.
    Adapter From this Lookup field, select the adapter that is to be associated with the designated task assignment rule.
    Adapter Status This field displays the mapping status of the adapter's variables.

    To learn more about the various mapping statuses for an adapter, refer to the "Attaching Process Task Adapters to Process Tasks".

  6. Double-click the Priority field. From this field, set the priority number for the associated task assignment rule.

  7. Double-click the Rule lookup field. From the Lookup dialog box that is displayed, select the rule that will determine if the associated adapter will be used to automate the assignment of the process task to a user or group.

  8. Double-click the Target Type lookup field. From the Lookup dialog box that is displayed, specify whether the task is to be assigned to an Oracle Identity Manager user or group.

  9. Double-click the Adapter lookup field. From the Lookup dialog box that is displayed, specify the task assignment adapter that is to be associated with the rule you selected in Step 7 of this procedure.

  10. From the toolbar that is displayed within the Assignment tab, click Save.

    The mapping status of the task assignment adapter variables is displayed within the Adapter Status field. Use the following table to decide which action to perform, based on the adapter's mapping status.

    Mapping Status Action
    Ready The adapter does not have any variables that need to be mapped. In other words, none of the adapter variables are return variables or have been designated as Resolve at Runtime. So, proceed to Step 14 of this procedure.
    Mapping Incomplete At least one of the adapter's variable needs to be mapped. So, proceed to Step 11 of this procedure.
    Adapter Unavailable After the adapter had been compiled successfully, it was modified. As a result, you must recompile the adapter.


    To learn more about the various mapping statuses for an adapter, refer to the "Attaching Process Task Adapters to Process Tasks".
  11. From this tab, click Map.

    The Adapter Variables window appears. It displays the following information:

    • The name of the task assignment adapter that is attached to the process task;

    • The status of the adapter; and

    • The mapping statuses, names, and descriptions of the adapter's variables.

  12. Set the mappings for each variable that appears in the Adapter Variables region of this window. To do so, double-click the row header of the variable you want to map (for example, UUID).

    The Edit Data Mapping for Variable dialog box is displayed.

    The following table lists the various fields of the Edit Data Mapping for Variable dialog box is displayed:

    Field Name Description
    Variable Name This field displays the name of the adapter variable for which you are setting a mapping (for example, UUID).
    Data Type This field shows the data type of the adapter variable (for example, String is the data type for the UUID variable).
    Map To This field contains the types of mappings that you can set for the adapter variable (for example, IT Resources).

    When you map the adapter variable to a location or a contact, Oracle Identity Manager enables the adjacent combo box. From this combo box, select the specific type of location or contact to which you are mapping the adapter variable.

    In addition, if you map the adapter variable to a custom process form, and this form contains child table(s), then Oracle Identity Manager enables the adjacent combo box. From this combo box, select the child table to which you are mapping the adapter variable.If you are not mapping the adapter variable to a location, contact, or child table of a custom process form, this combo box is disabled.

    Qualifier This field contains the qualifiers for the mapping you selected in the Map To combo box (for example, IT Asset).
    IT Asset Type This field enables you to select a specific IT Resource (for example, Solaris) when you map an adapter variable to an IT Resource, and this variable's data type is String.

    If you are not mapping the adapter variable to an IT Resource, or the variable's data type is not String, this field does not appear.

    IT Asset Property This field enables you to select a specific field that will receive the results of the mapping (for example, Unique ID), when you map an adapter variable to an IT Resource, and this variable's data type is String.

    If you are not mapping the adapter variable to an IT Resource, or if the variable's data type is not String, then this field does not appear.

    Important: The IT Asset Type and IT Asset Property fields are included within this window for backward compatibility. The preferred way is to create an adapter variable with a data type of IT Resource, in which case these fields will not appear.

    Literal Value When you map the adapter variable to a literal, use this field to specify the specific literal value.

    If you are not mapping the adapter variable to a literal, then this field does not appear.

    Old Value By selecting this check box, you map the adapter variable to the value that was originally in the selected Qualifier field before modification.

    Process task adapters associated with process tasks are conditionally triggered when some field on the process form is changed. If you click the Old Value checkbox, and the process task is marked Conditional, then the value that is passed to the adapter is the previous value of the field. This is useful in cases of fields that accept passwords.

    For example, if you want to disallow setting the password to the same value, you can use the old value for comparision.

    If you are not mapping the adapter variable to a field that belongs to a child table of a custom process form, this check box is disabled.

  13. Complete the Map To, Qualifier, IT Asset Type, IT Asset Property, Literal Value, and Old Value fields.


    For more information on which mappings to select, refer to the "Adapter Variable Mapping Information".
  14. From this window's toolbar, click Save. Then, click Close.

    The Edit Data Mapping for Variable window disappears. The Adapter Variables dialog box is active again.

    The contents in the Status field change from Mapping Incomplete to Ready. In addition, the mapping statuses for the adapter's variables change from No (N) to Yes (Y).

  15. Click Save. Then, click Close

    The Adapter Variable dialog box disappears, and the Assignment tab is active once again.

    The adapter that you assigned to the process task (for example, Assign Solaris Task) now has a status of Ready.

  16. From the toolbar that appears within the Assignment tab, click Save and Close

    The Assignment tab disappears, and the main screen is active once again. This signifies that the task assignment adapter is attached to the process task.


    Once you attach a task assignment adapter to a process task, a quick way to see the process and the task to which it is connected is by accessing the Usage Lookup tab of the Adapter Factory form.

Removing Task Assignment Adapters from Process Tasks

When a task assignment adapter either becomes invalid, or is no longer necessary for Oracle Identity Manager to allocate the process task to a user or group, you must remove the adapter from the task.

To Remove a Task Assignment Adapter from a Process Task

To detach a task assignment adapter from a process task, perform the following tasks:

  1. Open the Process Definition form.

    Within the Design Console Workspace, the Process Definition form appears.

  2. Select the process, which contains a task from which you want to remove an adapter (for example, the Solaris 8 process)

    The selected process, along with its tasks, appears in the Process Definition form.

  3. Double-click the row header of the process task from which you want to remove the adapter (for example, the Get Solaris UUID task).

    The Editing Task dialog box is displayed, containing information about the process task.

  4. Click the Assignment tab.

    The Assignment tab appears, displaying information about the adapter that is attached to the process task.

  5. Highlight the row, containing the adapter that you want to remove from the process task.

  6. Click Delete. The adapter no longer appears within the Assignment tab.

  7. Click Save. Then, click Close.

    The Assignment tab disappears, and the Main Screen is active once again. This signifies that the task assignment adapter is removed from the process task.