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Oracle® Identity Manager Installation Guide for JBoss
Release 9.0.3

Part Number B32460-01
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6 Installing Oracle Identity Manager Server on UNIX or Linux

This chapter explains how to install Oracle Identity Manager on UNIX and Linux. Refer to the Oracle Identity Manager Release Notes for more information on the supported UNIX and Linux platforms. You must install the Oracle Identity Manager server on systems running the application server. Oracle Identity Manager components such as the Remote Manager can be installed on separate systems. Each component has its own installer.

This chapter contains the following topics:


The default logging package included by the base RedHat Linux installation causes installation problems and exceptions for Oracle Identity Manager. Before installing Oracle Identity Manager on RedHat Linux, delete the commons-logging-1.0.2 library from the base operating system installation. The commons-logging-1.0.2 library is typically installed with any standard RedHat installation. Also, be sure to delete the symbolic links in the /usr/share/java/ directory. Deleting these symbolic links will force Oracle Identity Manager to use its own internal logger jar files during installation.

Installing the Database Schema

As part of the installation, the Oracle Identity Manager installer loads a schema into your database. You only install the database schema once. It is installed the first time you run the Oracle Identity Manager installer. Each subsequent time you run the installer to deploy other Oracle Identity Manager components you enter information about the database connection to configure the component for the same schema. Contact your database administrator (DBA) for details on the particulars of your database.


During the schema installation, a corresponding log file is created under the <XL_HOME>/logs/ directory.

Installing Documentation

The Oracle Identity Manager documentation is installed automatically under the <XL_HOME> directory. No special input is required. A full documentation set is installed with each Oracle Identity Manager component

Installing the Oracle Identity Manager Server on UNIX or Linux

This section describes pre-installation considerations and the installation program.

Before installation Oracle Identity Manager, do the following:

Oracle Identity Manager for UNIX and Linux is installed through a console mode installer, which supports the following two input methods:

The installer contains logical sections (panels).

The following procedure describes the installation process.


During the installation process, an unused log file named log.conf is created in the <XL_HOME>/xellerate/config/ directory. You can safely ignore this file.


Do not install Oracle Identity Manager on top of an existing Oracle Identity Manager installation. Use a different Oracle Identity Manager home directory. If you want to reuse the same directory name for the Oracle Identity Manager home directory, back up your previous Oracle Identity Manager home by renaming the original directory.All Oracle Identity Manager components must be installed in different home directories. For example, you cannot install the Remote Manager in the same directory where the Oracle Identity Manager server is installed.

To install Oracle Identity Manager server on UNIX or Linux:

  1. If you are using SQL Server as your database, before installing the Oracle Identity Manager server be sure the following three files are in the <JBOSS_HOME>/server/default/lib/ directory and add the driver location to the system CLASSPATH environment variable:

    • mssqlserver.jar

    • msbase.jar

    • msutil.jar

  2. Insert the Oracle Identity Manager Installation CD into your CD-ROM drive.

  3. From the console, change directory (cd) to the installServer directory on the installation CD and run the file using the following command:


    The installer starts in console mode.


    If you are not installing Oracle Identity Manager from distributed media (CD), you must set the execute bit of all shell scripts under in the installServer directory. To set the execute bit for all shell scripts recursively, cd to the installServer directory and run the following command:

    # chmod -R u+x *.sh

  4. Choose a language by entering a number from the list of languages.

    Enter 0 to apply the language selection. The Welcome Message panel appears.

  5. Enter 1 on the Welcome Message panel to display the next panel.

    The Admin User Information panel appears.

  6. Enter a password you want to use for the Oracle Identity Manager Administrator, confirm the password by entering it again, and then enter 1 to move to the next panel.

    The OIM Application Options panel appears.

  7. Enter 1 on the OIM Application Options panel to display the next panel.

    The Select the Oracle Identity Manager application to install panel appears.

  8. Select the application to install:

    • Enter 1 for Oracle Identity Manager.

    • Enter 2 for the Oracle Identity Manager with Audit and Compliance Module.

    Enter 0 when you are finished to the next panel. The Target directory panel appears.

  9. On the Target directory panel, complete one of the sub-steps that follow:

    • Enter the path to the directory where you want to install Oracle Identity Manager. For example, enter /opt/oracle/.

    • Enter 1, to move to the next panel.

    If the directory does not exist, you are asked to create it. Enter y, for yes.

    The Database Server Selection panel appears.


    To install against an existing database, verify that the version of Oracle Identity Manager you are installing is certified with your existing database version. Refer to the Oracle Identity Manager Release Notes to confirm the certified configurations.

    When Oracle Identity Manager is installed against an existing database, a warning message will appear indicating the database schema already exists and instructing you to copy the .xldatabasekey file from the existing Oracle Identity Manager installation to the new to the new <XL_HOME>/xellerate/config directory after you complete the installation process.

    Create the new <XL_HOME>/xellerate/config directory if it does not already exist.

  10. On the Database Server Selection panel, specify the type of database you are using.

    • Enter 1 for Oracle.

    • Enter 2 for SQL Server.

    • Enter 0 when you are finished.

    • Enter 1 to move to the next panel.

  11. Enter your database information:

    1. Enter the database host name or IP address.

    2. Enter the port number (or accept the default).

    3. Enter the SID for the database name.

    4. Enter the database user name for the account that Oracle Identity Manager uses to connect to the database.

    5. Enter the password for the database account that Oracle Identity Manager uses to connect to the database.

    6. Enter 1 to move to the next panel.

    The Authentication Information panel appears.

  12. Select the authentication mode for the Oracle Identity Manager web application.

    • Enter 1 for Oracle Identity Manager Default Authentication.

    • Enter 2 for SSO Authentication.

    • Enter 0 when you are finished.

    • If you select SSO authentication, you must provide the header variable used in the Single Sign-On system when prompted.

    • Enter 1 to move to the next panel.

    The Application Server Selection panel appears.

  13. Specify your application server type.

    • Enter 4 for JBoss.

    • Enter 0 when you are finished.

    • Enter 1 to move to the next panel.

    The Cluster Information panel appears.

  14. Provide the following information regarding deploying in a cluster:

    • Enter 1 for Yes (clustered) and enter the unique partition name at the prompt.

    • Enter 2 for No (non-clustered).

    • Enter 0 when you are finished.

    • Enter 1 to move to the next section.

    The Application Server Information panel appears.


    If you are deploying in a clustered environment, select Yes and see Chapter 9, "Deploying in a Clustered JBoss Configuration" for more information.
  15. In the Application Server Information panel:

    • Provide the location where the application server is installed

    • Provide the location where the JDK is installed

    • Enter 1 to move to the next section.

  16. When you receive a message about backing up the application server installation, enter 1 to move to the next section. The Summary panel appears.

  17. On the Summary panel, enter 1 to begin installation.

  18. After the installation is finished, the Completed panel appears. Enter 3 finish and exit.

After installing the Oracle Identity Manager server, perform the steps in Chapter 7, "Post-Install Configuration for Oracle Identity Manager Server and JBoss" to continue the installation process.

Removing the Oracle Identity Manager Server Installation

To remove the Oracle Identity Manager server installation:

  1. Stop the Oracle Identity Manager server if it is running and stop all Oracle Identity Manager processes.

  2. Delete the <XL_HOME> directory where you installed the Oracle Identity Manager server.