Accessibility Guide for Siebel Business Applications > Getting Started >

Finding More Information About Accessibility Features

The following sources provide additional information related to accessibility features.

Oracle Technology Network

Oracle Technology Network (OTN) provides access to the most-recent update of the Siebel Bookshelf. Additional information about how to use Siebel Business Applications accessibility features might also be available in Release Notes or Technical Notes on OracleMetaLink 3.

Siebel Bookshelf

The following documents on the Siebel Bookshelf provide additional useful information for implementing accessibility features:

  • Configuring Siebel Business Applications
  • Siebel Deployment Planning Guide
  • Developing and Deploying Siebel Business Applications
  • Siebel Fundamentals

    Siebel Fundamentals includes a list of basic keyboard shortcuts. These keyboard shortcuts are available for general use in either high-interactivity or standard-interactivity mode, and can be used with accessibility features in addition to those described in Accessing Keyboard Shortcuts.

  • Siebel Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows
  • Siebel System Administration Guide

NOTE:  The Siebel Bookshelf is available on Oracle Technology Network (OTN) and Oracle E-Delivery. It might also be installed locally on your intranet or on a network location.

System Requirements and Supported Platforms

Siebel System Requirements and Supported Platforms on Oracle Technology Network (OTN) describes the hardware and software requirements for Siebel Business Applications, Siebel Tools, Siebel Server, and ancillary and supported third-party software.

Technical Notes

Siebel Technical Notes on OracleMetaLink 3 include information about specific topics related to implementation, configuration and usage of Siebel Business Applications. Support staff continue to revise and expand this collection of notes to include new information.

Release Notes

Siebel Release Notes on OracleMetaLink 3 contain the most current information about known product anomalies and workarounds. It is important that you thoroughly review Siebel Release Notes on OracleMetaLink 3 before installing and using Siebel CRM to ensure a smooth installation and upgrade process.

Accessibility Guide for Siebel Business Applications Copyright © 2008, Oracle. All rights reserved.