Accessibility Guide for Siebel Business Applications > Using Accessibility Features >

Navigating Screens and Views Using Keyboard Shortcuts

Using the CTRL+SHFT+T keyboard shortcut, you can navigate to a Home Page screen, and after the page is displayed, press the TAB key to navigate forward, and press SHIFT+TAB to navigate backwards through the associated views.

The steps in the following procedure provide an example of the keyboard shortcuts required to navigate screens and views.

To navigate from one screen to another

  1. Press CTRL+SHIFT+T.
  2. Press the TAB key until the screen reader reads the target screen.

    For example, the screen reader identifies the Service screen.

  3. Press ENTER to display the Service Home Page.
  4. Navigate to My Service Request Link.
  5. Press ENTER.
  6. Press CTRL+ALT+T to navigate to the view tabs.
  7. Press the TAB key to navigate to the target view, for example, the Activities view.

To find out the number of records returned by a query

  • Press CTRL+SHIFT+3 to find out the number of records returned by a query.

To access the Record Count option

  1. Press CTRL+SHIFT+M.
  2. Press ALT+Down arrow to scroll to Record Count.

For more information about using queries and keyboard shortcuts, see Siebel Fundamentals.

To invoke the Browse functionality

  1. From the Add Attachment dialog, tab to the Browse button.
  2. Press the SPACEBAR to open the Choose File dialog.
  3. Tab to the Add or Cancel buttons, and press ENTER to continue.
Accessibility Guide for Siebel Business Applications Copyright © 2008, Oracle. All rights reserved.