Siebel Advisor Administration Guide > Advanced Modeling for Advisor > Working with Subconfiguration in Advisor >

About Accessing Model Variables

Having stored your data in different places within the same user session, it is important to understand which variables are accessible at which points.

In Configuration Tables

When creating Configuration tables, you can use any Feature table within the pageset as well as any Feature tables in the CHILD and below. This is the way to enforce different rules on the same CHILD pageset depending on where it gets instantiated.

If you are using a CHILD variable as an input column in a Configuration table in the PARENT, be aware of the row matching algorithm. If the CHILD is not instantiated (which it is not upon initial load of the PARENT pageset), the value of the input column variable is null. If you do not account for this, you could have some trouble getting a valid match in your Configuration table. Using range values like (=*) or (!=3,4) matches even if the input column variable is null. If you want to make sure the CHILD is not instantiated, you could type the word "null" into the cell of the Configuration table to try to get a match.

In OL_CONDITIONS and Cell Functions

OL_CONDITIONS and Cell Functions provide access to any variable on any pageset. Be careful with this operation, because the order of execution in Siebel Tools can have significant impact on your cell functions. As with any operation in the pagesets, make sure that the variables you are setting and the variables you are calculating are getting performed in a clear, predictable order based on the engine's order of execution. A cell function in a CHILD pageset that references an output variable in the PARENT does not work. The cell function calculates before the output variable is set, causing the application to be out of sync.

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