Siebel Anywhere Administration Guide > Retrieving, Installing, and Testing Upgrade Kits > Retrieving and Installing Upgrade Kits >

Retrieving Required Upgrade Kits

Both Mobile and Developer Web Clients perform a version check during login to a Siebel application. Mobile Web Clients also perform a version check during synchronization.

If the version check detects that an upgrade is required, a dialog appears asking the user whether to upgrade or not. If the user chooses Yes, the upgrade kit will be downloaded. The following procedures for both the Mobile and Developer Web Clients illustrate this point.

Upgrade kits are not automatically retrieved upon version check. A prompt appears, asking if the user would like to retrieve the upgrade kit. The kit is downloaded only if the user clicks yes to download the kit.

The version check verifies the components used by the client configuration; multiple required components can be displayed in the dialog box.

NOTE:  Beginning with Siebel version 7.5, synchronizing a Mobile Web Client automatically includes copying version information for Siebel Anywhere from the server to the local database. This allows each Mobile Web Client to detect new required and optional upgrades for the client's configuration without waiting for individual database transactions concerning versions to be synchronized.

If the user answers Yes, every required upgrade kit for the components used by the client configuration is automatically retrieved and the Upgrade Wizard is launched.

If the user answers No, the Developer Web Client starts in read-only mode against the server database, and the Mobile Web Client starts in read-only mode against the local database.

If the user answers No, the user's session continues in read-only mode against either the local or server database, until the upgrade has been completed. A prompt notifies the user of this status.

While operating in read-only mode, both Developer and Mobile Web Client users can view screens, views and data as usual, but they cannot make changes. Mobile Web Client users can synchronize, but can only download files; they cannot send, receive, or apply database changes. Read-only mode prevents users from corrupting data with an outdated or invalid Siebel application configuration.

Both Developer and Mobile Web Client users exit read-only mode when the Siebel application is restarted following a successful upgrade. At that point, a Mobile Web Client user can perform a full synchronization, sending to the Siebel Server any local database changes that predate the upgrade.

Retrieving Required Upgrade Kits for Mobile Web Clients

If a user starts the Mobile Web Client in read-only mode, the user is prompted to upgrade at each synchronization session.

The version check for Mobile Web Clients occurs during synchronization. If the version check detects the need for an upgrade, the user receives a prompt indicating a possible upgrade. The remote user logs in again to synchronize the server and local database.

To retrieve required upgrade kits for Mobile Web Clients

  1. Invoke the Mobile Web Client.
  2. From the application-level menu, select File > Synchronize > Database.

    A dialog box appears indicating there is a required upgrade available.

  3. From the dialog box, click Yes and follow the prompts to invoke the Upgrade Wizard.

    The Upgrade Wizard will shut down the Siebel client, install the upgrade kit, and automatically restart the client unless there is an error while installing the kit.

  4. Log in, and from the application-level menu, select Navigate > Site Map > User Preferences > Component Upgrades.
  5. Verify that the Status and Current Version columns contain the updated information.

Retrieving Required Upgrade Kits for Developer Web Clients

Retrieving Developer Web Clients is similar to that of Mobile Web Clients, except version checking only occurs during login.

To retrieve required upgrade kits for Developer Web Clients

  1. Invoke a Developer Web Client.

    Logging on will trigger a version check and will prompt for retrieval of a required upgrade kit. If you choose not to upgrade at this time, you can only operate in read-only mode.

  2. Click Yes.

    The Siebel client will download the appropriate upgrade kits.

    After the retrieval is complete, it will invoke the Siebel Upgrade Wizard before exiting.

    After the client exits, the Siebel Upgrade Wizard takes over and applies the upgrade kits and automatically restarts the client when it is done.

  3. Log in, and from the application-level menu, select Navigate > Site Map > User Preferences > Component Upgrades.
  4. In the Component Upgrades list, verify that Status is Version OK.
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