Siebel Anywhere Administration Guide > Upgrade Planning and Preliminary Tasks > Determining Upgrade Requirements >

Identifying Software to Be Replaced or Added

Siebel Anywhere can upgrade or distribute many kinds of software. The nature of the software to be upgraded or distributed affects many parts of the process of using Siebel Anywhere:

  • Upgrades of existing software. For upgrades of existing software, you must determine the version numbers used by Siebel Anywhere for previous versions of the software being upgraded. You must also decide whether to allow any of those previous versions to remain in use, or whether to require that they be upgraded.
  • Distribution of new software. For distribution of new software, you may need to create one or more custom components. Depending on who will use the software, you may also need to create new configurations.

For language-dependent components, planning the upgrade also includes identifying every end-user language used in your Siebel implementation. For example, a CFG file associated with a specific language is a language-dependent component, such as Siebel Sales CFG_ENU for English, Siebel Sales CFG_DEU for German, or Siebel Sales CFG_JPN for Japanese. Be sure to use the correct end-user language pack (or upgrade component) for each language included in your Siebel Business Applications while creating upgrade kits. For more information regarding the use of different languages, see Example of Global Deployment with Siebel Anywhere.

The number and type of upgrade kits required for your upgrade depend on your subscribers and the components to be upgraded. For example, you may be preparing to upgrade to a new version of your custom Siebel configuration, requiring the distribution of a new SRF file to every Mobile and Developer Web Client user.

Your custom configuration may also need to apply database schema changes to your Siebel databases and to the local databases of Mobile Web Clients. Database schema changes are not distributed by a kit to Developer Web Clients. Creating a database schema kit applies the changes from the logical schema to the physical schema. These changes are visible to Developer Web Clients, without distribution through a kit, because they connect directly to the Siebel Server Database.

You must create an upgrade kit for each component to be upgraded. In the preceding example, you would need to create one upgrade kit for the Siebel Client Repository File and a second upgrade kit for the database schema extensions.

It is a good idea to compile a list of the upgrade kits you will need.

Siebel Anywhere Administration Guide Copyright © 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved.