Siebel Business Rules Administration Guide > Configuring and Activating Rule Modules >

Reconfiguring and Deactivating Rule Modules

When a rule module is deployed for the first time, its state is Inactive. While the rule module is in Inactive state, you can configure the rule module's business object and assert mode, add rule module relations to the module, and activate it.

When a rule module is activated, its state changes to Active. While the rule module is in Active state, you cannot reconfigure its properties.

As related to runtime, when an active rule module is invoked for the first time, it is loaded into the memory and cached for future use.

To allow the properties of an active rule module to be reconfigured or to permanently deactivate the rule module, the Rule Modules List applet menu provides two options:

  • Reconfigure Module
  • Deactivate Module

Using the Reconfigure Module Option

When you choose Menu > Reconfigure Module in the Rule Modules List applet, the state of an active rule module changes to Published. While in the Published state, you can modify the rule module's properties and add new relations to it.

When a rule module is being reconfigured or when it is in Published state, the cached version of the module continues to run, assuming the module has been invoked at least once while in Active state.

After the configuration is done and you redeploy the rule module, reactivate the rule module by selecting it in the Rule Modules applet and clicking the Activate button. At this time the existing version of the module from the runtime cache is excised. Any new invocation of the rule module causes the new configuration of the module to be reloaded.

The advantage of having the Published state is that the rule module can continue to run with the cached version, thus reducing its downtime.

Using the Deactivate Module Option

You can deactivate a rule module that is in Active state by choosing Menu > Deactivate Module in the Rule Modules List applet. When a rule module is deactivated, its state changes to Inactive, and the cached version of the rule module is immediately excised. The rule module is completely unavailable to be run.

You can reactivate a deactivated rule module by selecting the rule module in the Rule Modules applet and clicking the Activate button.

You use the Deactivate Module option to stop running a rule module immediately for purposes of reconfiguring and reactivating the rule module or to stop running the rule module permanently.

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