Siebel Business Rules Administration Guide > Implementing Rules in Siebel Task-Based UI > Scenario for Using Rules to Provide Dynamic Navigation in a Siebel Task >

Deploying, Administering, and Testing the Task

This topic is a task in the development process that is listed in Scenario for Using Rules to Provide Dynamic Navigation in a Siebel Task.

You must deploy the Create a Lead task, then administer and test the task in the runtime environment.

To deploy the task

  1. In Siebel Tools, navigate to the Task object and select the Create a Lead task. Confirm that the status property of the Create a Lead task is In Progress.
  2. On the WF/Task Editor toolbar, click Publish (not Publish/Activate).
  3. In the Siebel dialog box, click No to choose to validate the task instead of publishing the task.
  4. In the Validate dialog box, click Start to generate errors and warnings. Correct errors and revalidate until all errors are resolved.
  5. With the Create a Lead task still selected, click Publish (not Publish/Activate) on the WF/Task Editor toolbar, then click Yes in the Siebel dialog box to publish the task.
  6. Choose Tools > Compile Projects, and compile the Rules Call Back project to the repository that is used by your sample database (typically
    <Siebel client root directory>\OBJECTS\<language>\siebel.srf.

You must activate the published Create a Lead task.

To activate the published task

  1. In the Siebel application in your runtime environment, navigate to the Administration - Business Process screen and click the Task Deployment link.
  2. In the Published Tasks list, query for the Create a Lead task.
  3. Click the Activate button.

Administering the Create a Lead task includes specifying the responsibilities that may run the task.

To administer the task

  1. In the Siebel application in your runtime environment, navigate to the Administration - Application screen. Click the Tasks link.
  2. In the Registered Tasks list, create a new record.
  3. From the Task Name picklist choose the Create a Lead task.
  4. With the Create a Lead record selected in the Registered Tasks list, navigate to the Responsibilities list and add all the responsibilities that can run the Create a Lead task.

    NOTE:  Be sure to include a responsibility that is included in your position in order for you to run the task.

  5. Navigate back to the Registered Tasks list and click the Clear Cache button.

Now you can test the Create a Lead task in the runtime environment.

To test the task in the runtime environment

  1. In the Siebel application in your runtime environment, navigate to the Opportunity screen and click the Opportunity List link.
  2. In the Opportunity List view, click the Toggle Tasks button in the Application toolbar.

    The Tasks pane displays and should include the Create a Lead task.

  3. Click the Create a Lead link.

    The first view in the task should display with the following components:

    • Areas to enter the name, sales stage, committed flag, close date, and revenue for a new opportunity. Note the red asterisks for required fields.
    • The message that addresses you and requests you to populate all the fields exposed on the view.
    • The playbar applet that provides navigation through the task.
  4. Enter 5000000 as the revenue and click Next.

    Because $5,000,000 qualifies as an Excellent opportunity, the task should branch to the Excellent Lead Info view.

  5. Click Previous, change the revenue to 500000, and click Next.

    Because $500,000 qualifies as a Very High opportunity, the task should branch to the Very High Lead Info view.

  6. Click Previous, change the revenue to 50000, and click Next.

    Because $50,000 qualifies as a Default opportunity, the task should branch to the Default Lead Info view.

  7. Enter data and continue to finish the task.
  8. Navigate to the Opportunity List view and confirm that a new opportunity record is created with the expected field values, including the task-generated value for the Quality field.

As another level of testing, you can step through the task in debug mode. To enable debug mode, you must set a parameter in the Siebel application's cfg file. For this example, the cfg file is located in the Mobile Web Client.

To run the task in the debug mode

  1. Log out of the Siebel application.
  2. In a text editor, open the cfg file for the Siebel application; for example \SIEBEL_ROOT\webclient\bin\enu\uagent.cfg for Siebel Call Center.
  3. In the [InfraUIFramework] section, set EnableRestrictedMenu = TRUE. If the parameter does not exist, then add it.
  4. Log back into the Siebel application and re-invoke the Create a Lead task.

    For each step in the task, the Task Properties window displays data for the step such as the following for the Call Rules Business Service step.

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