Siebel Consumer Goods Guide > Account Targeting >

Creating a Target List (End User)

The views in the Target Accounts screen allow end users to select profile information about which to query, such as visit frequency, last visit date, and order date. The results that they save consist of a set of accounts.

If end users are querying only on an account profile attribute, they can use the Account Information view. This view has been designed to return all accounts that meet the query condition, whether or not the accounts contain demographic or assessment information. Using a different view to query on account profile information returns accounts that meet the query conditions and the condition for which the view was designed. For example, querying from the Orders view returns only those accounts that contain orders and meet the query conditions. For information about performing queries, see Siebel Fundamentals.

NOTE:  Account Targeting is used on your local database. End user's target lists are not synchronized with the Siebel Server. Therefore, if end users receive a new database extract, they must re-create their target lists. However, if an end user is a remote user, the normal process of synchronizing a local database with the Siebel Server does not affect the end user's target lists.

This task is a step in Process of Account Targeting.

Refining a Query

End users who want to perform queries on fields across multiple forms in a single targeting view need to use the refine query feature. For example, an end user who wants to perform a query for all California accounts with a distribution code of A must enter the first query criteria (all California accounts) in the Account Attribute Selection form and then refine the query in the Demographics and Assessment form to include only those accounts with a distribution code of A.

To refine a query

  1. Navigate to the Target Accounts screen > Account Targeting List view.
  2. From the visibility filter, select the Targeting view on which you want to perform the query.
    • To perform a query on demographics and assessments, select Account Information.
    • To perform a query on orders, select Orders.
    • To perform a query on store conditions, select Store Conditions.
  3. In the Account Attribute Selection form, click Menu, and then select New Query.
  4. Enter the criteria in the fields for which you want to perform a query.
  5. In the next form, click Menu, and then select Refine Query.
  6. Enter the criteria in the fields for which you want to perform a query, click Menu, and then select Run Query.

    In the Target Accounts list, accounts that satisfy both sets of query criteria appear. To save the target list, see To save a target list.

To create a target list based on demographics and assessments

  1. Navigate to the Target Accounts screen.
  2. From the visibility filter, select Account Information.
  3. In the Demographics and Assessment form, click Menu, and then select New Query or select a predefined query from the Queries drop-down list.
  4. Specify the query criterion or refine a predefined query, if necessary.
  5. In the Demographics and Assessment list, click Menu, and then select Run Query.

    The results of the query are returned. To save the target list, see Saving a Target List (End User).

    NOTE:  The more fields in which an end user enters query criteria, the longer it can take to execute the query. Also, if an end user enters a query condition that is too general (such as all accounts with a Weekly ACV greater than 1), it can take a significant amount of time to save the query later, due to the number of records meeting the query criteria.

To create a target list based on orders

  1. Navigate to the Target Accounts screen.
  2. From the visibility filter, select Orders.
  3. In the Order form, click Menu and select New Query, or select a predefined query from the Favorites drop-down list.
  4. Specify the query criterion or refine a predefined query, if necessary.
  5. In the Order form, click Menu, and then select Run Query.

    The results of the query are returned. To save the target list, see Saving a Target List (End User).

To create a target list based on store conditions

  1. Navigate to the Target Accounts screen.
  2. From the visibility filter, select Store Conditions.
  3. In the Store Conditions form, click Menu, and select New Query or select a predefined query from the Queries drop-down list.
  4. Specify the query criterion or refine a predefined query, if necessary.
  5. In the Store Conditions form click Menu, and then select Run Query.

    The results of the query are returned. To save the target list, see Saving a Target List (End User).

    NOTE:  When an end user queries on a product and a store condition, only the last audit date of the product is queried for the specified condition. When an end user queries only on a store condition, all products with the store condition are returned.

Siebel Consumer Goods Guide Copyright © 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved.