Siebel Consumer Goods Guide > Sales Volume Planning > Performing Ongoing SVP Administration Tasks >

Importing or Copying SVP Data

You must import the data to use in the SVP process. You can import SVP source data into any of the standard product movement tables (baseline, target, consumption, and shipment) using Siebel Enterprise Integration Manager (EIM). Data imported into these tables is copied or staged to the appropriate catalog category tables for the same product movement types. The SVP module uses predefined interface tables for importing source data. For more information, see the Siebel Enterprise Integration Manager Administration Guide.

NOTE:  SVP source data is recorded at the lowest level of your account and product hierarchies. Therefore, when importing SVP source data, you must import this data at the lowest level of your hierarchies—for example, at the Ship To-SKU level.

You can also copy SVP data from existing products to populate records for similar new products. This data can then be used as the source records for your upcoming SVP actions. For more information about copying SVP data from existing products to populate records for similar new products, see Generating Baseline Basis Quantities for New Products.

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