Siebel Consumer Goods Guide > Trade Promotions > Working with Promotions (End User) >

Finalizing a Promotion

Key Account Managers can finalize promotions if they are using phasing functionality. After the shipment period for a promotion and after applicable payments have been associated with the promotion, you can finalize the phasing result for the promotion. In general, you finalize the phasing result after the shipment period, not before or during the shipment period.

When you finalize the phasing result for a promotion, promoted categories and promoted products are phased if they were not previously phased. Also, promoted categories and promoted products are recalculated if data that affects the phasing result has changed since the last phasing. After you finalize the phasing result, no one can recalculate that result even if the data that affects it changes.

To finalize the phasing result for all the categories and products in a promotion, you change the Status field for the promotion to Finalized. If you later decide to update the phasing result with data that changes after finalization, you can change the promotion Status field to Re-opened, and then recalculate the phasing result.

Regardless of the value in the Phasing Enable field for a promotion, if you change the promotion's Status field to Finalized or Re-opened, the Status field for all categories and products in the promotion automatically changes to Finalized or Re-opened. If the Phasing Enable field is selected and you change the promotion's Status field to Finalized, you cannot add to or delete from the promotion any categories, products, deals, or payments. The Phase and Recalculate buttons are disabled, and the following promotion buttons are disabled: Revise, Products, Baseline, Spread, Shipment, and Aggregate.

To finalize a promotion

  1. Navigate to the Promotions screen > Promotions List view.

    The Promotion List view appears.

  2. Select the promotion that you want to finalize.
  3. Change the Status field to Finalized.
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