Siebel Connector for Oracle Applications > Installing the Connector > Configuring the Connector >

Running Scripts

Next, run the install scripts to create database tables and load the SQL and PL/SQL scripts that you unpacked earlier onto the Oracle Applications Server. For this procedure, you must already have a SIEBEL user account with the required system privileges. The steps for creating this Oracle user ID are described in Creating the Oracle Database Login.

The Siebel Connector for Oracle Applications uses the APPS User ID to connect to the Oracle Applications database (to send and receive data); access rights on Connector objects are granted to APPS database users.

To run SQL and PL/SQL scripts

You run Oracle setup scripts to grant necessary privileges, create synonyms, create all Connector objects, and create alerts and triggers under appropriate database user accounts. All supplied Connector objects are to be created under the SIEBEL user. Necessary privileges on these objects are granted to the APPS user. All Siebel Connector for Oracle Applications alerts and triggers are created under the APPS user.

To set up Siebel Connector for Oracle Applications Objects
in Oracle Applications

  1. Log into the Oracle Applications database using Oracle SQL*Plus as the APPS user.
  2. Run the script siebelgeneral11isetup.sql at the prompt.
  3. At the prompt for the SIEBEL user, enter SIEBEL.
  4. At the password prompt, enter the password for this SIEBEL user.
  5. At the connectstring prompt, enter the connect string for your Oracle Applications database. It connects to the database as the SIEBEL user and runs the siebelgeneral11isetup2.sql script.
  6. At the prompt to log in again, log in as the super user APPS.
  7. At the password prompt, enter the password for the APPS user.
  8. At the connect string prompt, enter the connect string for your Oracle database. You are connected to the database as the APPS user and run the script siebelgeneral11isetup3.sql'.

The setup scripts for Oracle Applications are available under \eaiconn\ora\orascripts\oracle11i\.

Siebel Connector for Oracle Applications Copyright © 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved.