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Match Key Generation with the Universal Connector

The SDQ Universal Connector uses one or multiple keys for each account, contact, or prospect record. The keys are calculated by reading data from specific fields in the record. The fields used depend on the business component configuration, but they can include account name, postal code, street address, or last name fields.

The value of the match keys depend on a business component-specific Dedup Token Expression parameter, as shown in Table 6.

You can customize the Dedup Token Expression but it must be consistent with the internal matching logic of the vendor, which is different for each vendor. For optimal results therefore, change the values only after consulting the relevant vendor.

The generation of multiple match keys enhances the span of search for potential duplicate records, and improves match results. However, you must remember that there is a performance impact from using multiple keys.

Keys are stored in the DEDUP_TOKEN fields of the following tables:

  • S_DQ_ORG_KEY (for Accounts)
  • S_DQ_CON_KEY (for Contacts)
  • S_DQ_PRSP_KEY (for Prospects)

You must activate the Dedup Token field in each business component in order to generate the correct match keys and store them in the DEDUP_TOKEN field. If the Dedup Token field is not defined, match key generation methods will not be called. You must add the user property for the Token Expression along with the Query Expression so that the correct match keys can be generated and stored in the DEDUP_TOKEN field.

NOTE:  In Siebel CRM 7.8.x, the column DEDUP_TOKEN is available in the following tables: S_CONTACT, S_ORG_EXT, S_PRSP_CONTACT.

In earlier versions of the SDQ product, keys for a Universal Connector implementation were stored outside of the Siebel application, in files on the file system.

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