Siebel Enterprise Integration Manager Administration Guide > EIM Configuration File > Defining EIM Configuration File Parameters >

Inheritance Rules for Configuration Parameters

Some configuration parameters can only be used in a process section of a configuration file, not in the header section. The parameters TYPE and ONLY BASE TABLES are two examples of parameters in this category. Parameters that can be used only in a process section only affect that section, and only the process for which they appear.

Most configuration parameters are used in both the header section and the process section of the configuration file—the parameters USE INDEX HINTS and COMMIT EACH PASS are two examples. These parameters follow the inheritance rules that are listed below, using USE INDEX HINTS as an example:

  • If you specify USE INDEX HINTS in a configuration file's header section—in [Siebel Interface Manager]—then it will be used for all processes in that configuration file.
  • If you specify USE INDEX HINTS in a shell process, then USE INDEX HINTS affects all of the shell's subprocesses when running that shell process.
  • If you specify USE INDEX HINTS in a shell process and in its subprocess, then the value from the subprocess will override the value from the shell process.
  • If you specify USE INDEX HINTS in any other type of EIM process (import, export, delete, or merge), then USE INDEX HINTS will be used only for that process and not for any other processes that might be listed in the configuration file.
  • If you specify USE INDEX HINTS in a configuration file's header section (in [Siebel Interface Manager]) and in the process section, the value from the process section will override the value from [Siebel Interface Manager].
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