Siebel Field Service Guide > Assets > Asset Dispatch Board >

Asset Dispatch Board Screen Interface

The Asset Dispatch Board has two sections:

  • Gantt chart (top)
  • Unscheduled Activities list (bottom)

To schedule activities, users drag-and-drop activities from the Unscheduled Activities list onto the Gantt chart. To unschedule activities, users drag the activity from the Gantt chart back to the Unscheduled Activities list.

Gantt Chart

The Gantt chart shows the scheduled and unscheduled time periods for the asset records. The chart is divided by a frames boundary into left and right frames.

The left frame lists assets and the related products and accounts. The right frame shows scheduled activities in different time periods. The right frame of the Gantt chart appears in a calendar format. Scheduled activities are shown with colors that represent its priority, status, and type. For more information, see Setting User Preferences for the Dispatch Board. The user preferences that are set for the Dispatch Board are also applied to the Asset Dispatch Board.

In the left frame, users can drill down on the Asset # field to quickly navigate to the Assets screen > List > Activities view. Drill down on the Product field to navigate to the Products screen > Internal Product List view. Drill down on the Account field to navigate to the All Accounts Across Organizations view.

User can also drill down on an activity's time bar in the right frame to navigate directly to the Activities screen > Activity List > Schedule view.

Unscheduled Activities List

The Unscheduled Activities list displays all activities that have a status of Unscheduled. Users can create new activities directly from this list. This list provides the same drag-and-drop features as the Dispatch Board Unscheduled Activities list. See Unscheduled Activities List for more information.

Users can drill down on the Type field to quickly navigate to the Activities screen > Activity List > Schedule view. Drill down on the Account field to navigate to the Accounts screen > Contacts view.

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