Siebel Finance Guide > Managing Financial Accounts >

About Managing Financial Accounts

Siebel Finance provides financial institutions with a graphical interface that allows qualified employees to access financial account information. The Financial Accounts screen provides users with a way to view loan and deposit accounts, which includes the related contacts, balance history, investment holdings, and investment transaction details.

The Financial Accounts screen allows companies to service the needs of retail or institutional customers, in either a high-transaction environment, such as a consumer call center, or a higher touch environment, such as corporate banking. Call center agents can use the Financial Accounts screen to handle common service requests, such as inquiries about current account balances, past transactions, or investment holdings. Corporate bankers can use the Financial Accounts screen to answer detailed questions about complex corporate accounts and advise their clients. By monitoring their clients' financial accounts through this format, relationship managers are better equipped to recognize changes in their clients' portfolios and to identify new cross-selling opportunities.

Administrators use these procedures to create a financial account, add a new authorized user to a financial account, and associate holdings information with a contact's financial account.

End users use the Financial Accounts screen to:

  • Create and maintain financial accounts for multiple product types, which includes loans, direct deposits (checking and savings), market interest deposits (or money market accounts, MMA), time deposits (or Certificates of Deposit), and more. Financial Accounts tracks the unique set of information to describe and manage each of these account types.
  • Associate additional products and services affiliated with an account. (For example, a checking account may have lock box service, account reconciliation service, and online bank reporting.)
  • Create and maintain hierarchical account relationships, which includes relationships with accounts held by other clients.
  • Automatically generate service requests based on the type of account and associate those requests with the primary contact and financial account.
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