Siebel Pharma Handheld Guide > Using Siebel Pharma Handheld > Managing Samples in Siebel Pharma Handheld Applications >

Adjusting a Samples Transaction in Siebel Pharma Handheld

You can adjust inventory counts of samples stock by making adjustments to past samples transactions directly in Siebel Pharma Handheld. Common reasons for adjusting past transactions include product loss or expiration, counting mistakes, or data entry errors. Users can add products or adjust quantities for any type of samples transaction (disbursement, transfer, order, and so on).

NOTE:  Users cannot add a product to your inventory that did not exist when the original transaction was created.

The inventory list view displays all the samples for the selected inventory period.

To add a product to a samples transaction

  1. Navigate to the Samples screen.

    The Samples History list appears.

  2. In the Inventory Periods list, select the period containing the transaction.
  3. In the Sample History list, select the transaction you would like to update.

    You can identify the transaction record in the Samples History list by the Transaction Date, Last Name, or Transaction # field values.

    NOTE:  To make it easier to find a transaction, sort the records in the Samples History list by the field you are using to identify the transaction. For example, if you know the Transaction #, sort the list by that field to locate the records you are looking for.

  4. In the Samples History list, tap Add, and then tap OK.
  5. In the new row, complete the necessary fields.

    When you add a record, the application adds a new line-item record for the transaction in the Samples History list and sets the line-item record's Item field Status to In Progress. With the exception of the Item Status value, the new record is a copy of the record selected in the previous step.

    Some of the fields are described in the following table.


    Item Status

    The application automatically changes this field value to Submitted when you submit the adjustment.

    For any row that shows an item status of Submitted, you can also see one or more rows with the identical sample name and transaction number but with an item status of In Progress or Adjusted.

    Valid values include:

    In Progress - Indicates that the adjustment record has not yet been submitted, so it can still be modified. However, the record's data is not reflected in the inventory count.

    Submitted - Indicates that the record has been submitted and therefore cannot be modified. Since it has been submitted, the record's data is reflected in the inventory count.

    Adjusted - Indicates that a previously submitted record has been superseded by a subsequent adjustment record. The record cannot be modified.

    Lot #

    The correct lot number for this sample. Select the Add button to update this field.


    Verify that the correct product name is selected. Select the Add button to update this field.

    Transaction #

    The transaction number or, in the case of samples disbursements, the reference number. The Transaction # value corresponds to the Ref # value displayed in the Contact Call Detail view.

    Transaction Type

    Displays the type of transfer. Valid values include Transfer Out and Transfer In.

To adjust a quantity in a samples transaction

  1. Navigate to the Samples screen.

    The Samples History screen appears.

  2. In the Inventory Periods list, select the period containing the transaction.

    The samples for the selected period are displayed in the list below.

  3. In the Samples History list, select the transaction you would like to update.

    You can identify the transaction record in the Samples History list by the Transaction Date, Last Name, or Transaction # field values.

  4. Tap Adjust Qty and then tap OK.

    The application copies the line-item record for the transaction in the Samples History list and sets the line-item record's Item Status field to In Progress.

  5. In the Samples History list, enter the correct quantity in the Quantity field.
  6. Tap Submit, and then tap OK.

The application adds the new item with an Item Status of Submitted and changes the original item record (whose quantity you adjusted) to an Item Status of Adjusted. The new quantity is reflected in the on-hand quantities in the Inventory Count view.

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