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Configuring Tree Applets for the Siebel Handheld Client

As an alternative to List applets, Tree applets with automatic drilldown behavior can be configured for Siebel Handheld applications in much the same way that you configure them for other Siebel applications.

A tree applet is a structured and hierarchical list of nodes of related business components. Tree applets are used to create explorer views where users can expand (by tapping the + button) and collapse (by tapping the - button) nodes in the tree applet and view individual records in particular folders. There are two types of nodes:

  • Folder nodes - have a folder bitmap next to them and represent hierarchies within the tree.
  • Record nodes - have a document bitmap next to them and represent one record in the node business component.

The hierarchy displayed in a tree applet represents master-detail relationships between records of different business components.

To configure a tree applet

  1. In Siebel Tools, define a tree applet with the following properties:
    Property Setting


    The name of a C++ class used to manage the applet. For explorer applets, Class must be set to CSSFrameTree. This is required in order for the tree applet functionality to work.

    Business Component

    The name of the business component whose data is to be displayed. The business component must be defined in the business object specified for any view that uses this applet.

  2. Define trees in the tree applet by specifying the following property for each tree:
    Property Setting


    The name of the tree object definition which is basically just a name, usually ending with tree, to which child object definitions in the form of tree nodes can be attached.

  3. Define tree nodes under the tree object definition. A tree node corresponds to one folder that the user sees in a tree applet. Important properties to define for each tree node object definition include the following:

    NOTE:  Trees and tree nodes are usually created and edited in the Applet Designer of Siebel Tools.

    Property Setting

    Display Name

    The name of the tree node object definition (folder name) as it will appear in the tree applet in Siebel applications. The display name appears to the immediate right of the folder symbol.


    The name of the applet that is opened in the right half of the view when the user opens the corresponding folder. Generally a list applet is specified. The applet must be based on a business component that is in the appropriate hierarchical position in the business object. If not specified, nothing opens in the right-hand side of the view, which is desirable in some situations.


    Specifies the tree node's hierarchical position relative to other tree nodes, and its sequence on its level. The top-level node has a value of 1 and all immediate child nodes of the top-level node have a value of 1.x, where x specifies the node's order relative to other nodes on the same level. In turn, all immediate child nodes of 1.x have a value of 1.x.x and so on.

    In general, the right most digit in a position specifies its order relative to others on the same level, and all other digits specify the position it attaches to.

    Business Component

    The business component that populates values in this tree node. This must be set to the same business component as is specified by the applet invoked by this tree node.

    Label Field

    The name of the field in the business component that the Siebel application uses to populate names in the record list that appears when the node is expanded by the user.

    Max Child Items

    An integer that sets a limit on the number of child items that appear under the tree node. An arrow appears to let the user scroll further, if there are many child items.

    Selected Bitmap Index

    An integer indicating which bitmap, in a multiple bitmap file, to display when a record is selected.

    This property should be set to the value 5, which corresponds to the folder symbol.

  4. Decide on an operation mode for your applet by setting one of the following user properties in Siebel Tools:
    • To display the applets in tabbed applet mode, set the view-level user property ViewType to Tabbed.

      For more information about this property, see ViewType User Property.

    • To display the applets in traditional two-applet mode, set the view-level user property ViewType to Traditional.
    • To suppress the second dynamic applet, so that only a single applet is displayed, set the view-level user property Disable Second Applet to TRUE.

      For modes that display two applets, you can also specify how much space you want the tree applet to occupy. For more information about this property, see Explorer Applet Size User Property.

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