Siebel Pharma Handheld Guide > Developing Siebel Handheld Applications > Configuring Find Enhancements >

Extracting Contact Find and Account Find Popup Applets

The following procedures describe how to extract the Contact Find and Account Find popup applets.

To extract Contact Find popup applets

  1. Navigate to Pharma Professional Call Form Applet - CE.
  2. In the applet controls, create a new record and set the following properties for the control:
    For this Field


    Last Name Popup

    Field Picklist

    Last Name Popup

    Detail Applet

    Contact Find Popup Applet



  3. Select the default value for all other properties.
  4. Add the new control to Edit Applet Web Template as a Web Template item.
  5. Set the item identifier to 1315 or any appropriate available number.

To extract Account Find popup applets

  1. Navigate to Pharma Account Call Form Applet - CE.
  2. In the applet controls, create a new record and set the following properties for the control:
    For this Field


    Account Popup

    Field Picklist

    Account Popup

    Detail Applet

    Account Find Popup Applet



  3. Select the default value for all other properties.
  4. Add the new control to Edit Applet Web Template as a Web Template item.
  5. Set the item identifier to 1316 or any appropriate available number.
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