Siebel Pharma Handheld Guide > Siebel Handheld Application Administration >

Configuring Component Level Settings for Siebel Handheld Applications

You administer server components for your handheld device from the Administration - Mobile screen > Server Component view. The component displayed is based on the application selected in the Application Administration view. The Server Component Administration screen is used for overriding application settings at the component level on a specific server. The data entered here is used by the synchronization engine when the user synchronizes with the Siebel Server.

NOTE:  You can use this method for Direct Server Synchronization but not Companion Synchronization.

The Server Component screen contains a list of server components associated with the application that was selected in the Application Administration screen. For each server component, the Settings view details the associated settings.

The Name field value needs to be the exact component name, such as SalesceObjMgr_enu, of the synchronization server component for the Handheld application.

Server component settings are used primarily for functionality required for individual server components. For example, thread throttling is dependent on components running on a particular server and is best set at the Siebel Handheld Application Server component level. Examples of settings that might be made at the component level are MaxTotalThreadLoads, TranProcThreadLoad, DBExtractThreadLoad, and so on. Generally, settings made at the application level are shared by all server components.

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