Siebel Healthcare Guide > Managing Call Reports >

Scenario for Managing Call Reports

This scenario features sample tasks performed by a sales representative at a healthcare company and his manager. The scenario outlined in this section is based on the business requirements of the healthcare industry. Your company may follow a different workflow according to its business requirements.

After returning to the office following a successful meeting with the client, a sales representative for the Large Group Division of a healthcare company loads Siebel Healthcare to complete his call report. The representative navigates to his calendar and marks the meeting as Done. He then navigates to the Call Reports screen and enters a new call report to document the meeting. In the Report Detail view, he types a brief log of the meeting and adds the names of contacts and employees who participated.

Upon completing his report, the sales representative turns to the action items that resulted from the meeting. First, he needs to send an email to a fellow employee to tell her about the meeting. He uses the Email Report button on the Call Report form to accomplish this task.

Next, he remembers that he promised to include the client on the invitation list for the upcoming Charity Ball, so he adds an action item on the Call Reports Action Items view tab. He does this by clicking Add Action Items on the Call Report form. After he enters his action item, along with several others, he assigns them to members of his team for follow-up.

The sales representative's boss is also a member of the client team. When she arrives in the office the next day and loads Siebel Healthcare, she reviews the new call reports on the Call Reports screen, reading about the meeting details and notes.

In this scenario, managers or Siebel administrators can use Siebel Healthcare to view graphical representations of their call reports, and perform volume analysis of their own calls, their team's calls, or all call reports.

The end users are sales representatives who create call reports to record their meetings and activities. They enter information to:

  • Create new call reports
  • Create call report distribution lists
  • Create call report action items
  • Attach related documents
  • Specify a call report as private
  • Review and add additional notes or comments
  • Email or print call reports
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