Siebel Healthcare Guide > Managing Households >

Setting the Household Privacy Option

United States law requires that financial institutions disclose their privacy policies regarding the sharing of non-public personal information with third parties, and fair credit reporting, that impacts the sharing of non-public personal information with affiliates. End users can specify a privacy level by making a selection from the Privacy Option field.

The Privacy Option field is for registering the privacy level requested by the household; it does not impact record visibility in any way.

To set the privacy option for a household

  1. Navigate to the Households screen > List view.
  2. To specify a privacy level, scroll down to the Privacy Option field and select one of the following:
    • Opt-In. Sharing of non-public personal information is allowed without restrictions.
    • Opt-Out - Affiliates. Sharing of non-public personal information with affiliates is not allowed.
    • Opt-Out - Third Party. Sharing of non-public personal information with third parties is not allowed.
    • Opt-Out - All Parties. Sharing of non-public personal information with any affiliate or third party is not allowed.
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