Siebel Healthcare Guide > Business Services for Siebel Financial Services > Requirements Manager >

Creating Record Group Templates

The Record Group Template is used to define a template that works in a specific business object/component. The Record Group Template is used to aggregate other record group template and record templates. A record group template is based on the business component relationship defined in the business object layer. You can use the record group template to recursively execute interrelated business components, and generate data in a particular business component.

A record group template can include other related record group templates and related record templates. When the business service executes a record group template, it automatically, recursively executes any other related record template or related record group template defined.

Creating a Record Group Template involves the following steps:

  1. Creating Record Group Templates
  2. Creating Related Record Group Templates
  3. Creating Related Record Templates

For an example of setting up a record group template, see Example of Using Requirements Manager for Record Group Templates.

To create a record group template

  1. Navigate to the Administration - Record Template screen > Record Group Template view.
  2. In the Record Group Template list, create a new record and complete the fields.

    Some fields are described in the following table.


    Template Name

    Name for the record group template.

    Display Name

    The display name of the template as seen in the UI.

    Business Object

    The business object for the template.

    Business Component

    The business component on the selected business object.

  3. In the Related Record Template list, create a new record and complete the fields.

    You can use the Related Record Template list to specify a child of the record group template. Upon execution, the business service inserts a record in the business component on which the record template is defined, for the corresponding parent record.


    Template Name

    Name of the child template record.

    Exclusion Rules

    A valid Siebel query language expression. If this conditional expression evaluates to True, then the related record template is excluded.

    Repeat Expression

    A field indicating the number of times the record template should be executed within the context of the parent record group template. By default this is set to 1.

    Business Component

    Read-only field. Identifies the business component on which the exclusion rules are evaluated.

  4. In the Related Record Group Template list, create a new record, and complete the fields.

    You can use the Related Record Group Template list to specify the child record group template. Upon execution, the business service executes the business component on which this record group template is defined, within the context of the corresponding parent record group template.


    Template Name

    Name of the related record group template.

    Exclusion Rules

    A valid Siebel query language expression. If this conditional expression evaluates to True, then the related record template is excluded.

    Business Component

    Read-only field. Identifies the business component on which the exclusion rules are evaluated.

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